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Position: Chinese Standard in English/GB 20651.1-2006
GB 20651.1-2006   Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Safety - Part 1: Compression ignition engines (English Version)
Standard No.: GB 20651.1-2006 Status:superseded
Language:English File Format:PDF
Word Count: 7000 words Price(USD):170.00 remind me the price change
Implemented on:2007-3-1 Delivery: immediately
Standard No.: GB 20651.1-2006
English Name: Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Safety - Part 1: Compression ignition engines
Chinese Name: 往复式内燃机 安全 第1部分:压燃式发动机
Chinese Classification: J90    Piston type internal combustion engine and other power equipment in general
Professional Classification: GB    National Standard
Issued by: AQSIQ; SAC
Issued on: 2006-11-1
Implemented on: 2007-3-1
Status: superseded
Superseded by:GB/T 20651.1-2018 Reciprocating internal combustion engines—Safety—Part 1:Compression ignition engines
Superseded on:2019-7-1
Superseding:JB 8890-1999 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Safety requirement
Language: English
File Format: PDF
Word Count: 7000 words
Price(USD): 170.00
Delivery: via email in 1 business day
Referred in GB 20651.1-2006:
* GB/T 1859-2000 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Measurement of emitted airborne noise - Engineering method and survey method
* GB/T 1883.1-2005 Reciprocating internal combustion engines- Vocabulary- Part1 : Terms for engine design and operation
* GB/T 1883.2-2005 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Vocabulary - Part2 : Terms for engine maintenance
* GB/T 4025-2003
* GB 4556-2001 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Fire protection
* GB/T 4672-2003 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Hand-operated control devices - Satandard direction of motion
* GB/T 4942.1-2001 Classification of degrees of protection provided by enclosures of rotating electrical machines(IP code)
* GB/T 6072.1-2000
* GB/T 6809.1-2003
* GB/T 6809.2-2006 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Vocabulary of components and systems - Part 3: Valves, camshaft drive and actuating mechanisms
* GB/T 6809.3-1989
* GB/T 6809.4-1989
* GB/T 6809.8-2000
* GB/T 8190.1-1999
* GB/T 8190.2-1999
* GB/T 8190.4-1999
* GB/T 8190.5-2005
* GB/T 8190.7-2003 Reciprocating internal combustion engines—Exhaust emission measurement—Part 7:Engine family determination
* GB/T 8190.8-2003 Reciprocating internal combustoin engines—Exhaust emission measurement—Part 8:Engine group determination
* GB/T 8196-2003 Safety of machinery—Guards—General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards
* GB/T 8420-2000 Earth-moving machinery -Human physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator space envelope
* GB 12265.1-1997
* GB 12265.2-2000
* GB/T 15706.1-1995 Safety of machinery-Basic concept, general principles for design-Part 1: Basic terminology, methodology
* GB/T 15706.2-1995 Safety of machinery-Basic concepts, general principles for design Part 2: Technical principles and specifications
* GB/T 17300-1998
* GB/T 17804-2003
* GB/T 18153-2000 Safety of machinery--Temperatures of touchable surfaces--Ergonomics data to establish temperature limit values for hot surfaces
* GB/T 18209.1-2000
* GB/T 18209.2-2000
* GB/T 18380.2-2001
* GB/T 18717.2-2002 Ergonomic design for the safety of machinery--Part 2:Principles for determining the dimensions required for openings for access of parts of the body into machinery
* GB/T 19216.21-2003 Tests for electric cables under fire conditions - Circuit integrity - Part 21: Procedures and requirements - Cable of rated voltage up to and including 0.6/1.0 kV
* GB/T 20064.1-2006 Reciprocating internal combustion engines—Handle starting equipment - Part 1: Safety requirements and tests
* GB/T 20064.2-2006 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Handle starting equipment - Part 2: Method of testing the angle of disengagement
GB 20651.1-2006 is referred in:
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