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Position: Chinese Standard in English/GB/T 15432-1995
GB/T 15432-1995   Ambient air -Determination of total suspended particulates -Gravimetric method (English Version)
Standard No.: GB/T 15432-1995 Status:superseded
Language:English File Format:PDF
Word Count: 2000 words Price(USD):40.00 remind me the price change
Implemented on:1995-8-1 Delivery: immediately
Standard No.: GB/T 15432-1995
English Name: Ambient air -Determination of total suspended particulates -Gravimetric method
Chinese Name: 环境空气 总悬浮颗粒物的测定 重量法
Chinese Classification: Z15    Analysis methods for toxic substances in atmosphere
Professional Classification: GB    National Standard
ICS Classification: 13.040.20 13.040.20    Ambient atmospheres 13.040.20
Issued by: AQSIQ; MEP
Issued on: 1995-1-4
Implemented on: 1995-8-1
Status: superseded
Superseded by:GB/T 15432-1995/XG1-2018 Ambient air--Determination of total suspended particulates--Gravimetric method, including Amendment 1
HJ 1263-2022 Ambient air―Determination of total suspended particle ―Gravimetric method
Superseded on:2018-9-1
Language: English
File Format: PDF
Word Count: 2000 words
Price(USD): 40.00
Delivery: via email in 1 business day
GB/T 15432-1995 is referred in:
* GB 3095-2012 Ambient air quality standard
* GB 25467-2010 Emission Standard of Pollutants for Copper, Nickel, Cobalt Industry
* GB 25467-2010/XG1-2013 Emission standard of pollutants for copper,nickel,cobalt industry
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* GB 20426-2006 Emission Standard for Pollutants from Coal Industry
* GB 28666-2012 Emission standard of pollutants for ferroalloy smelt industry
* GB 3095-2012 Ambient air quality standard
* GB 3095-2012 Ambient air quality standard
* GB 25467-2010/XG1-2013 Emission standard of pollutants for copper,nickel,cobalt industry
* GB 3095-2012 Ambient air quality standard
* GB 3095-2012 Ambient air quality standard
* GB 25467-2010/XG1-2013 Emission standard of pollutants for copper,nickel,cobalt industry
* GB 25467-2010 Emission Standard of Pollutants for Copper, Nickel, Cobalt Industry
* GB 25467-2010 Emission Standard of Pollutants for Copper, Nickel, Cobalt Industry
* GB 16171-2012 Emission standard of pollutants for coking chemical industry
* GB 4915-2004 Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Cement Industry
* GB 3095-1996 Ambient air quality standard
* GB 28664-2012 Emission standard of air pollutants for steel smelt industry
* GB 31572-2015 Emission standard of pollutants for synthetic resin industry
* GB 31571-2015 Emission standard of pollutants for petroleum chemistry industry
* GB 31570-2015 Emission standard of pollutants for petroleum refining industry
* DB11 /1227-2015 Emission standard of air pollutants for painting process of automobile manufacturing industry
* DB11/ 1228-2015 Emission standard of air pollutants for vehicle maintenance and repair industry
* DB11/ 1202-2015 Emission standard air pollutants for wooden furniture manufacturing industry
*GB/T 35609-2017 Green product assessment—Waterproof matreials and sealants
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