This document specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transport and storage of metal sheets with strong crimping and extrusion compound forming (hereinafter referred to as "fine blanking and extrusion").
This document applies to the steel fine blanking extrusion parts produced by the strong crimping fine blanking and extrusion compound forming method.
2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this document through the normative references in the text. Among them, note the date of the reference documents, only the date of the corresponding version applicable to this document; not note the date of the reference documents, the latest version (including all the revision of the list) applicable to this document.
GB/T 223 (all parts) Methods of chemical analysis of iron and steel and alloys
GB/T 224 Determination of the depth of decarburisation of steel
GB/T 226 Method for the acid etching of steel for low-frequency organisation and defects
GB/T 228.1 Metallic Materials Tensile Testing Part 1: Test Method at Room Temperature
GB/T 230.1 Metallic Materials Rockwell Hardness Test Part 1: Test Method
GB/T 231.1 Metallic Materials Brinell Hardness Test Part 1: Test Method
GB/T699 High Quality Carbon Structural Steel
GB/T 1031 Geometrical Specifications for Crystallization (GPS) Surface Texture Profile Method Surface Roughness Parameters and Their Values
GB/T1591 Low Alloy High Strength Structural Steel
GB/T2828.1 Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes Part 1: Sampling Plan for Lot by Lot Inspection Indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL)
GB/T2829 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Periodic Inspection by Attributes (applicable to the inspection of process stability)
GB/T 2975 Steel and Steel Products - Sampling Location and Sample Preparation for Mechanical Properties Test
GB/T4336 Carbon Steel and Medium Low Alloy Steel Determination of Multi element Content Spark Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometry (Conventional Method)
GB/T 5216 Structural Steel with Guaranteed Hardenability
GB/T 6394 Determination of Average Grain Size of Metals
GB/T 8541 Forging Terminology
GB/T10561 Determination of the Content of Non metallic Inclusions in Steels -- Micrographic Examination by Standard Rating Chart
GB/T13298 Test Method for Microstructure of Metals
GB/T 13299 Evaluation Method for Microstructure of Steel
GB/T 13320 Metallographic Structure Rating Chart and Evaluation Method for Steel Die Forgings
GB/T 30573 General Technical Conditions for Precision Blanking Parts
JB/T 5074-2007 Nodulite Rating of Low and Medium Carbon Steel
JB/T 9175.2 Precision Blanking Parts Part 2: Quality
JB/T 9180.1 Steel Cold Extruded Parts Part 1: Tolerances
3 Terms and definitions
The terms defined in GB/T 8541 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
edge straightness
The maximum distance between the concave side edges of a steel plate or strip and the line connecting the two end points of the length within the measured length.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Raw materials
4.1.1 Chemical composition
The chemical composition of the material should comply with the provisions of GB/T 699, GB/T 1591, GB/T 3077 or GB/T 5216.
4.1.2 Mechanical properties
The mechanical properties of the material shall conform to the provisions of GB/T 699, GB/T 1591, GB/T 3077 or GB/T 5216, or be determined by mutual agreement between supply and demand.
4.1.3 Dimensions
Material dimensional accuracy requirements include:
a) thickness requirements; steel plate and strip thickness allowable deviation should be determined by the height tolerance of hot extrusion forming, thickness tolerance should not be greater than the height tolerance of extrusion forming 2/3;
b) edge straightness requirements should be in line with the provisions of Table 1.
4.2 Fine blanking extrusions 4.2.1 Size
The dimensional requirements for fine blanking extrusions include:
a) fine punching size tolerance and shear surface roughness requirements should meet the requirements of GB/T 30573, extrusion tolerance should be consistent with JB/T9180.1
The provisions of
b) fine blanking shear surface verticality tolerance and non-shear surface flatness tolerance should meet the requirements of GB/T 30573, extrusion shear surface verticality tolerance should be no greater than the fine blanking shear surface tolerance.
The tolerance of the verticality of the extruded shear surface shall not be greater than the tolerance of the verticality of the fine blanking shear surface;
c) when d/D>1 (d for extrusion die diameter, D for extrusion die diameter) for extrusion, extrusion shrinkage hole diameter I and depth size
h shall meet the requirements of the demand side.
4.2.2 Appearance
5 Test methods
5.1 Chemical composition analysis, steel and its alloys should be in accordance with GB/T 223 (all parts) and GB/T 4336 provisions of the implementation.
5.2 The microstructure inspection and assessment of metals should be carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 4335, GB/T 6394, GB/T 13298, GB/T 13299, GB/T 13320, JB/T 5074-2007.
5.3 Metal internal defects inspection should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 226, GB/T 10561.
5.4 Tensile test should be carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 228.1, GB/T 2975.
5.5 Hardness test should be carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 230.1, GB/T 231.1.
5.6 Decarburization layer test should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 224.
5.7 Shear surface roughness test should be carried out in accordance with GB/T 1031, JB/T 9175.2.
5.8 fine punching extrusion of the shrinkage, tab filling and other defects can be determined using the contour meter.
5.9 The appearance of raw materials can be detected by visual inspection. Fine blanking extrusion cracks, tears, hair pulling and scar inspection can be measured by visual inspection, light reflection, machine vision identification or in accordance with the supply and demand for the common identification of the standard sample for comparison and other methods.
5.10 size, size tolerance, tolerance of shape, shear surface integrity level, shear surface allowable tear level and so on using general or special inspection tools or measuring instruments to determine.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 The supplier shall reinspect the material according to the items and frequency required by the demand side; if the demand side does not require, the inspection can be carried out according to the table as needed.
6.2 Fine blanking extrusions shall be inspected and accepted by the quality inspection department of the supplier according to the fine blanking extrusions diagram and technical documents. The product quality certificate shall be attached before leaving the factory.
6.3 The inspection of the fine blanking extrusion is divided into:
a) general inspection: dimensional tolerances, shear surface integrity rate grade, shear surface allowable tear grade, shear surface verticality, collapse angle, burr, non-shear surface flatness and non-shear surface quality, etc.;
b) Supplementary inspection: shear surface roughness and metallographic organization, etc.
Fine blanking extrusions should be confirmed by the supply and demand consultation, such as the use of sampling, according to the provisions of GB/T 2828.1, GB/T 2829.
6.4 The inspection of finished fine blanking extrusions shall be carried out by the quality inspection department of the supplier according to the fine blanking extrusions diagram, the order contract, this document and the provisions of JB/T 9175.2.
6.5 Fine-blanking extrusion acceptance of finished products shall be accepted by the demand side according to the supplier's quality certificate, fine-blanking extrusion diagram, order contract, this document and JB/T 9175.2, according to the contract or according to GB/T 2828.1, GB/T 2829 for random inspection and acceptance.
6.6 Fine blanking extrusion inspection group, sampling and the determination of the test results should be confirmed by both the supply and demand sides in the order consultation.
6.7 After completing the inspection, the product inspection report should be given in time, mainly including dimensions, materials, appearance of the three aspects, the report should also have the name of the supplier and demander, part number, part name, user mark, supply status, order number and inspection date, etc.
7 signs, packaging, transport and storage
7.1 Fine-blanking extrusions are generally not marked, need to be marked in the fine-blanking extrusions should be indicated in the diagram.
7.2 Each batch of fine blanking extrusion should be shipped with a quality certificate. Its main content includes:
a) the name of the supplier and demander;
b) order contract number, fine blanking extrusion name and fine blanking extrusion part number
c) the number of fine blanking extrusions;
d) Material grade
e) test results;
f) Production batch number;
g) seal of the quality inspection department, signature of the inspector and date.
7.3 The packaging, transport and storage requirements of the fine blanked extrusions shall be confirmed by mutual agreement between supply and demand and shall be stipulated in the order contract.
1 Scope 2 Normative reference documents 3 Terms and definitions 4 Technical requirements 5 Test methods 6 Inspection rules 7 signs, packaging, transport and storage Bibliography
1 Scope
This document specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transport and storage of metal sheets with strong crimping and extrusion compound forming (hereinafter referred to as "fine blanking and extrusion").
This document applies to the steel fine blanking extrusion parts produced by the strong crimping fine blanking and extrusion compound forming method.
2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this document through the normative references in the text. Among them, note the date of the reference documents, only the date of the corresponding version applicable to this document; not note the date of the reference documents, the latest version (including all the revision of the list) applicable to this document.
GB/T 223 (all parts) Methods of chemical analysis of iron and steel and alloys
GB/T 224 Determination of the depth of decarburisation of steel
GB/T 226 Method for the acid etching of steel for low-frequency organisation and defects
GB/T 228.1 Metallic Materials Tensile Testing Part 1: Test Method at Room Temperature
GB/T 230.1 Metallic Materials Rockwell Hardness Test Part 1: Test Method
GB/T 231.1 Metallic Materials Brinell Hardness Test Part 1: Test Method
GB/T699 High Quality Carbon Structural Steel
GB/T 1031 Geometrical Specifications for Crystallization (GPS) Surface Texture Profile Method Surface Roughness Parameters and Their Values
GB/T1591 Low Alloy High Strength Structural Steel
GB/T2828.1 Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes Part 1: Sampling Plan for Lot by Lot Inspection Indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL)
GB/T2829 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Periodic Inspection by Attributes (applicable to the inspection of process stability)
GB/T 2975 Steel and Steel Products - Sampling Location and Sample Preparation for Mechanical Properties Test
GB/T 3077 Alloy Structural Steel
GB/T4335 Cold Rolled Low Carbon Steel Sheet Determination of Ferrite Grain Size
GB/T4336 Carbon Steel and Medium Low Alloy Steel Determination of Multi element Content Spark Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometry (Conventional Method)
GB/T 5216 Structural Steel with Guaranteed Hardenability
GB/T 6394 Determination of Average Grain Size of Metals
GB/T 8541 Forging Terminology
GB/T10561 Determination of the Content of Non metallic Inclusions in Steels -- Micrographic Examination by Standard Rating Chart
GB/T13298 Test Method for Microstructure of Metals
GB/T 13299 Evaluation Method for Microstructure of Steel
GB/T 13320 Metallographic Structure Rating Chart and Evaluation Method for Steel Die Forgings
GB/T 30573 General Technical Conditions for Precision Blanking Parts
JB/T 5074-2007 Nodulite Rating of Low and Medium Carbon Steel
JB/T 9175.2 Precision Blanking Parts Part 2: Quality
JB/T 9180.1 Steel Cold Extruded Parts Part 1: Tolerances
3 Terms and definitions
The terms defined in GB/T 8541 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
edge straightness
The maximum distance between the concave side edges of a steel plate or strip and the line connecting the two end points of the length within the measured length.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Raw materials
4.1.1 Chemical composition
The chemical composition of the material should comply with the provisions of GB/T 699, GB/T 1591, GB/T 3077 or GB/T 5216.
4.1.2 Mechanical properties
The mechanical properties of the material shall conform to the provisions of GB/T 699, GB/T 1591, GB/T 3077 or GB/T 5216, or be determined by mutual agreement between supply and demand.
4.1.3 Dimensions
Material dimensional accuracy requirements include:
a) thickness requirements; steel plate and strip thickness allowable deviation should be determined by the height tolerance of hot extrusion forming, thickness tolerance should not be greater than the height tolerance of extrusion forming 2/3;
b) edge straightness requirements should be in line with the provisions of Table 1.
4.2 Fine blanking extrusions 4.2.1 Size
The dimensional requirements for fine blanking extrusions include:
a) fine punching size tolerance and shear surface roughness requirements should meet the requirements of GB/T 30573, extrusion tolerance should be consistent with JB/T9180.1
The provisions of
b) fine blanking shear surface verticality tolerance and non-shear surface flatness tolerance should meet the requirements of GB/T 30573, extrusion shear surface verticality tolerance should be no greater than the fine blanking shear surface tolerance.
The tolerance of the verticality of the extruded shear surface shall not be greater than the tolerance of the verticality of the fine blanking shear surface;
c) when d/D>1 (d for extrusion die diameter, D for extrusion die diameter) for extrusion, extrusion shrinkage hole diameter I and depth size
h shall meet the requirements of the demand side.
4.2.2 Appearance
5 Test methods
5.1 Chemical composition analysis, steel and its alloys should be in accordance with GB/T 223 (all parts) and GB/T 4336 provisions of the implementation.
5.2 The microstructure inspection and assessment of metals should be carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 4335, GB/T 6394, GB/T 13298, GB/T 13299, GB/T 13320, JB/T 5074-2007.
5.3 Metal internal defects inspection should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 226, GB/T 10561.
5.4 Tensile test should be carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 228.1, GB/T 2975.
5.5 Hardness test should be carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 230.1, GB/T 231.1.
5.6 Decarburization layer test should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 224.
5.7 Shear surface roughness test should be carried out in accordance with GB/T 1031, JB/T 9175.2.
5.8 fine punching extrusion of the shrinkage, tab filling and other defects can be determined using the contour meter.
5.9 The appearance of raw materials can be detected by visual inspection. Fine blanking extrusion cracks, tears, hair pulling and scar inspection can be measured by visual inspection, light reflection, machine vision identification or in accordance with the supply and demand for the common identification of the standard sample for comparison and other methods.
5.10 size, size tolerance, tolerance of shape, shear surface integrity level, shear surface allowable tear level and so on using general or special inspection tools or measuring instruments to determine.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 The supplier shall reinspect the material according to the items and frequency required by the demand side; if the demand side does not require, the inspection can be carried out according to the table as needed.
6.2 Fine blanking extrusions shall be inspected and accepted by the quality inspection department of the supplier according to the fine blanking extrusions diagram and technical documents. The product quality certificate shall be attached before leaving the factory.
6.3 The inspection of the fine blanking extrusion is divided into:
a) general inspection: dimensional tolerances, shear surface integrity rate grade, shear surface allowable tear grade, shear surface verticality, collapse angle, burr, non-shear surface flatness and non-shear surface quality, etc.;
b) Supplementary inspection: shear surface roughness and metallographic organization, etc.
Fine blanking extrusions should be confirmed by the supply and demand consultation, such as the use of sampling, according to the provisions of GB/T 2828.1, GB/T 2829.
6.4 The inspection of finished fine blanking extrusions shall be carried out by the quality inspection department of the supplier according to the fine blanking extrusions diagram, the order contract, this document and the provisions of JB/T 9175.2.
6.5 Fine-blanking extrusion acceptance of finished products shall be accepted by the demand side according to the supplier's quality certificate, fine-blanking extrusion diagram, order contract, this document and JB/T 9175.2, according to the contract or according to GB/T 2828.1, GB/T 2829 for random inspection and acceptance.
6.6 Fine blanking extrusion inspection group, sampling and the determination of the test results should be confirmed by both the supply and demand sides in the order consultation.
6.7 After completing the inspection, the product inspection report should be given in time, mainly including dimensions, materials, appearance of the three aspects, the report should also have the name of the supplier and demander, part number, part name, user mark, supply status, order number and inspection date, etc.
7 signs, packaging, transport and storage
7.1 Fine-blanking extrusions are generally not marked, need to be marked in the fine-blanking extrusions should be indicated in the diagram.
7.2 Each batch of fine blanking extrusion should be shipped with a quality certificate. Its main content includes:
a) the name of the supplier and demander;
b) order contract number, fine blanking extrusion name and fine blanking extrusion part number
c) the number of fine blanking extrusions;
d) Material grade
e) test results;
f) Production batch number;
g) seal of the quality inspection department, signature of the inspector and date.
7.3 The packaging, transport and storage requirements of the fine blanked extrusions shall be confirmed by mutual agreement between supply and demand and shall be stipulated in the order contract.
Contents of GB/T 41857-2022
1 Scope
2 Normative reference documents
3 Terms and definitions
4 Technical requirements
5 Test methods
6 Inspection rules
7 signs, packaging, transport and storage