is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the contents of English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 9711-2011 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries — Steel Pipe for Pipeline Transportation Systems. In addition to a number of editorial changes, the following technical deviations have been made with respect to the GB/T 9711-2011 (the previous edition):
— In Clause 2, 2.1 "Units of Measurement", addition of the purchaser shall specify the International System (SI) or US Customary (USC) system of measurements. For a specific order item, or the same inspection document or in the same required marking sequence, only one system of units shall be used.
— Clause 3:
1) Series professional standards for nondestructive testing of steel pipe (SY/T 6423) and disabled ISO standards for nondestructive testing are deleted; and addition of ISO 10893 and other series standards for nondestructive testing of steel pipe;
2) GB/T 228 and other national standards are deleted, which are replaced corresponding ISO and ASTM standards;
3) Addition of API TR 5T1 Standard on Imperfection Terminology and other normative references.
— Clause 4: Addition of API TR 5T1 Standard on Imperfection Terminology as a foundation terminology standard; addition of Mother Coil and a dozen or more terms.
— Clause 5: Addition of abbreviated terms of COW, GMAW, MT, PT, SAW, SMAW and UT for welding and nondestructive testing.
— Clause 6: Addition of in steel grade L625Q/X90Q and L690Q/X100Q suitable for seamless pipe in Table 1 "Pipe Grades, Steel Grades and Acceptable Delivery Conditions"; and addition of relevant provisions in corresponding standard text of mechanical properties.
— Clause 7: Information to be supplied by the purchaser:
Addition in 7.2, b):
1) Product analysis method (see;
2) Alternate method for diameter measurement for D ≥ 508 mm (20.000 in) (see;
3) Steel pipe weld seam type of jointers (see A.1.1);
4) Alternate IQI type (see E.4.3.1).
Addition in 7.2, c):
1) Alternative fraction jointers of 12 m and 24 m comprising two or three pieces;
2) Multiple grade marking;
3) NDT of electric welding (EW) seam welds after hydrotest;
4) Specific expanding mode of cold-expanded pipes (hydrostatic or mechanical);
5) Application of Annex G to PSL 2 pipe with resistance to ductile fracture propagation and of steel grade not less than L485/X70, where purchaser should specify the specific requirements for grain size, banded structure and impurity of raw material.
Deletion in 7.2, c):
1) Ultrasonic inspection of strip and plate for laminations or mechanical damage of pipe for sour service;
2) Delivery and non-destructive inspection of helical seam-welded pipe containing strip-plate end welds for sour service;
3) Agreement requirements of hardness test and hardness deviation of steel pipes for sour service and offshore service.
— Addition in Clause 8 Manufacturing:
1) Application of Annex G to PSL 2 pipe with resistance to ductile fracture propagation and of strength grade not less than L485/X70, where purchaser should specify the specific requirements for grain size, banded structure and impurity of raw material (includes acceptance limit and acceptance method);
2) Processes requiring validation for non expanded and expanded SAW and COW steel pipe;
3) The requirements of supplying steel and rolling mill(s) shall have a documented quality management system (8.3.1);
4) Open hearth process only in combination with a ladle refining process;
5) Addition of steel grade ">L690/X100 to L830/X120" in "PSL 2 pipe grade" column of Acceptable Processes of Manufacture and Product Specification Levels;
6) For starting materials used for pipe manufacturing, critical variables of the coil/plate rolling practice (e.g. reheating, rolling and cooling temperatures, times and tolerances) shall be defined, and the control requirements of permissible ranges are added.
— In Clause 9 Acceptance Criteria:
1) The maximum tensile strength of three steel grades L245/B, L290/X42 and L320/X46 are modified (reduced) to 655MPa;
2) When there are abnormal fracture occurs in the DWT test, it is recommended that the fracture shall be evaluated according to Annex M;
3) Tolerances for partial diameter and out-of-roundness and the internal taper of steel pipe are modified;
— In Clause 10 Inspection:
1) Modification of inspection frequency for partial tests of PSL 1 and PSL 2 steel pipes;
2) Modification of the gap position of CVN sample;
3) Addition of diameter measuring devices of micrometer, ovality gauge or coordinate measuring machine;
4) Addition of the requirements of weighing of pipe jointers.
— Clause 11 Marking: Addition of marking of pipe to multiple grades, thread identification and certification, and steel pipe processor markings.
— Clause 14 Pipe Loading: Addition of recommended practices for pipes transported on trucks may refer to API RP 5LT.
— Deletion of Annex L (Informative) Steel Designations.
— Deletion of Annex M (Informative) Correspondence of Terminology between GB/T 9711 and Its Source Documents
— Addition of Annex L (Informative) Comparison Table between Relevant International Standards and National Standards of China
— Addition of Annex M (Informative) Recommended Practice for Abnormal Fracture Evaluation of DWT Test.
This standard has been redrafted and modified adoption of International Standard ISO 3183:2012 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries — Steel Pipe for Pipeline Transportation Systems.
There are standard structure changes between this standard and the International Standard ISO 3183:2012:
— For the purpose of adapt to the actual requirements of China, partial deletion, reduction and addition had been made on the structure of annexes.
a) Deletion of the Foreword, Annexes M, N, O and P of the ISO Standard, which are irrelevant to the manufacturing, inspection and application of steel pipe in China;
b) Addition of new Annex L (Informative) Comparison Table between Relevant International Standards and National Standards of China, new Annex M (Informative) Recommended Practice for Abnormal Fracture Evaluation of DWT Test and new Annex N (Informative) Technical Deviations and Their Justifications between This Standard and ISO 3183:2012.
There are technical deviations between this standard and the International Standard ISO 3183:2012. A complete list of technical deviations, together with their justifications, is given in Annex N.
For the purposes of this standard, the following editorial changes have also been made:
— Deletion of the second paragraph of 2.1 Units of Measurement "For data expressed in SI units, a comma is used as the decimal separator and a space is used as the thousands separator. For data expressed in USC units, a dot (on the line) is used as the decimal separator and a space is used as the thousands separator.", which is irrelevant to the subject content of this standard; and the comma "," in the digital of ISO 3183 original text is replaced decimal point.
— Deletion of normative references ISO 5173 Destructive Tests on Welds in Metallic Materials — Bend Tests and EN 10168 Steel Products — Inspection Documents — List of Information and Description, which are not mentioned in the text of this standard.
— Deletion of blank Annex N and Annex O, which are only a series number but no specific contents.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This standard was proposed and prepared by SAC/TC 355 (National Technical Committee 355 on Petroleum and Natural Gas of Standardization Administration of China).
The previous editions of this standard are as follows:
— GB 9711-1988, GB/T 9711-2011;
— GB/T 9711.1-1996;
— GB/T 9711.2-1999;
— GB/T 9711.3-2005.
This standard is the result of harmonizing the requirements of the following standards:
— ISO 3183:2012; third edition (published 1 November 2012).
— API Spec 5L; 45th edition (published December 2012; implemented 1 July 2013).
This standard has maintained the concept of two basic levels of standard technical requirements for line pipe expressed as two product specification levels (PSL 1 and PSL 2). Level PSL 1 provides a standard quality level for line pipe. Level PSL 2 has additional mandatory requirements for chemical composition, notch toughness and strength properties and additional non-destructive testing (NDT). Requirements that apply only to PSL 1 or only to PSL 2 are so designated. Requirements that are not designated to a specific PSL designation apply to both PSL 1 and PSL 2 pipe.
This standard also recognized that the petroleum and natural gas industry often specifies additional requirements for particular applications. In order to accommodate such needs, optional additional requirements for special applications are available, as follows:
— PSL 2 pipe ordered with a qualified manufacturing procedure (Annex B);
— PSL 2 pipe ordered with resistance to ductile fracture propagation in gas pipelines (Annex G);
— PSL 2 pipe ordered for sour service (Annex H);
— pipe ordered as “Through the Flowline” (TFL) pipe (Annex I);
— PSL 2 pipe ordered for offshore service (Annex J);
The requirements of the annex(es) apply only when specified on the purchase order. When pipe is ordered for dual or multiple applications, the requirements of more than one annex for special applications can be invoked. In such instances, if a technical conflict arises due to applying the requirements of more than one annex for special applications, the most stringent requirement applicable to the intended service applies.
This standard does not provide guidance on when it is necessary to specify the above supplementary requirements. Instead, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to specify, based upon the intended use and design requirements, which, if any, of the supplementary requirements apply for a particular purchase order.
This standard is the result of a continuing process of harmonizing documents of different heritage. It has been necessary to give consideration to traditional symbols (denoting mechanical or physical properties or their values, dimensions or test parameters) and the format of equations that have been widely used and which (in their traditional format) maintain strong links with other widely used standards and specifications, and with the original scientific work that led to their derivation. Accordingly, some symbols and equations (most specifically those in 9.2 and Table F.1) have been retained in their traditional form to avoid causing confusion in this post-harmonization stage. Where changes have been made, care has been taken to ensure that the new symbol replacing the traditional one has been fully and clearly defined.
Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries — Steel Pipe for Pipeline Transportation Systems
1 Scope
This standard specifies requirements for the manufacture of two product specification levels (PSL 1 and PSL 2) of seamless and welded steel pipes for use in pipeline transportation systems in the petroleum and natural gas industries.
This standard is applicable to the manufacturing, inspection, marking, coating, recording and loading of seamless pipe and welded pipe for pipeline transportation systems of petroleum and natural gas industries.
This standard is not applicable to cast pipe.
2 Conformance
2.1 Manufacturing
In this standard, data are expressed in both International System (SI) units and United States Customary (USC) units. For a specific order item, only one system of units shall be used, without combining data expressed in the other system. Data values expressed in SI and USC units shall not be combined on the same inspection document or in the same required pipe marking sequence.
Where product is tested and verified against requirements using one measurement system (USC or SI), and an inspection document is issued, with data reported in the alternate measurement system units, a statement shall appear on the inspection document indicating that the data presented was converted from the measurement system used for the original inspection.
The purchaser shall specify whether data, drawings, and maintenance dimensions of pipes shall be in the International System (SI) or US Customary (USC) system of measurements. Use of an SI data sheet indicates that the SI measurements shall be used. Use of a USC data sheet indicates that the USC system of measurements shall be used.
2.2 Rounding
Unless otherwise stated in this standard, to determine conformance with the specified requirements, observed or calculated values shall be rounded to the nearest unit in the last right-hand place of figures used in expressing the limiting value, in accordance with ISO 80000-1:2009, Annex B, Rule A.
Note: For the purposes of this provision, the rounding method of ASTM E29-08 [1] is equivalent to ISO 80000-1:2009, Annex B, Rule A.
2.3 Compliance to This Standard
A documented quality system shall be applied to assist compliance with the requirements of this standard.
Note: Documentation of a quality system does not require certification by a third party certification body. Only the creation or adoption of a written quality system is necessary to meet the requirement of this standard. ISO defers to the expertise of responsible quality management personnel to create or adopt the system which best reflects the need of each company. There are many existing quality management systems to which personnel can refer for guidance in the development of an appropriate quality system, including ISO/TS 29001[2] and API Q1[3], which contain provisions specific to the oil and gas industry, or ISO 9001[4], which contains general requirements for quality management systems that are auditable. This list is not exhaustive and is provided for information only.
A contract may specify that the manufacturer shall be responsible for complying with all of the applicable requirements of this standard. It shall be permissible for the purchaser to make any investigation necessary in order to be assured of compliance by the manufacturer and to reject any material that does not comply.
3 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 8650-2015 Evaluation of Pipeline and Pressure Vessel Steels for Resistance to Hydrogen-induced Cracking (NACE TM0284:2011, MOD)
GB/T 8923.1-2011 Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of Paints and Related Products — Visual Assessment of Surface Cleanliness — Part 1: Rust Grades and Related Products — Uncoated Steel Substrates and of Steel Substrates after Overrall Removal of Previous Coatings (ISO 8501-1:2007, IDT)
GB/T 18253-2000 Steel and Steel Products — Types of Inspection Documents (eqv ISO 10474:1991)
GB/T 19348.1-2014 Non-destructive Testing —Industrial Radiographic Films — Part 1: Classification of Film Systems for Industrial Radiography (ISO 11699-1:2008, MOD)
GB/T 23901.1-2009 Non-destructive Testing — Image Quality of Radiographs — Part 1: Image Quality Indicators (Wire Type) — Determination of Image Quality Value (ISO 19232-1:2004 IDT)
SY/T 6423.2-2013 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 2: Automated Ultrasonic Testing of the Weld Seam of Welded Steel Tubes for the Detection of Longitudinal and/or Transverse Imperfections (ISO 10893-11:2011, IDT)
SY/T 6423.3-2013 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 3: Automated Ultrasonic Testing for the Detection of Laminar Imperfections in Strip/Plate Used for Manufacture of Welded Steel Tubes (ISO 10893-9:2011, IDT)
SY/T 6423.4-2013 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 4: Automated Ultrasonic Testing of Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for the Detection of Laminar Imperfections (ISO 10893-8:2011, IDT)
SY/T 6423.5-2014 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 5: Digital Radiographic Testing of the Weld Seam of Welded Steel Tubes for the Detection of Imperfections (ISO 10893-7:2011 IDT)
SY/T 6423.6-2014 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 6: Automated Full Peripheral Flux Leakage Testing of Seamless and Welded (Except Submerged Arc-welded) Ferromagnetic Steel Tubes for the Detection of Longitudinal and/or Transverse Imperfections (ISO 10893-3:2011, IDT)
ISO 148-1 Metallic Materials — Charpy Pendulum Ompact Test — Part 1: Test Method
ISO 404 Steel and Steel Products — General Technical Delivery Requirements
ISO 2566-1 Steel — Conversion of Elongation Values — Part 1: Carbon and Low Alloy Steels
ISO 4885 Ferrous Products — Heat Treatments — Vocabulary
ISO 6506 (all parts) Metallic Materials — Brinell Hardness Test
ISO 6507 (all parts) Metallic Materials — Vickers Hardness Test
ISO 6508 (all parts) Metallic Materials — Rockwell Hardness Test
ISO 6892-1 Metallic Materials — Tensile Testing — Part 1: Method of Test at Room Temperature
ISO 6929 Steel Products — Vocabulary
ISO 7438 Metallic Materials — Bencl Test
ISO 7539-2 Corrosion of Metals and Alloys — Stress Corrosion Testing — Part 2: Preparation and Use of Bentbeam Specimens
ISO 8491 Metallic Materials — Tube (in Full Section) — Bend Test
ISO 8492 Metallic Materials — Tube — Flattening Test
ISO 9712 Non-destructive Testing — Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel
ISO/TR 9769 Steel and Iron — Review of Available Methods of Analysis
ISO 10893-2:2011 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 2: Automated Eddy Current Testing of Seamless and Welded (Except Submerged Arc-welded) Steel Tubes for the Detection of Imperfections
ISO 10893-4 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 4: Liquid Penetrant Inspection of Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for the Detection of Surface Imperfections
ISO 10893-5 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 5: Magnetic Particle Inspection of Seamless and Welded Ferromagnetic Steel Tubes for the Detection of Surface Imperfections
ISO 10893-6 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 6: Radiographic Testing of the Weld Seam of Welded Steel Tubes for the Detection of Imperfections
ISO 10893-10:2011 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 10: Automated Full Peripheral Ultrasonic Testing of Seamless and Welded (Except Submerged Arc-welded) Steel Tubes for the Detection of Longitudinal and/or Transverse Imperfections
ISO 10893-12 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 12: Automated Full Peripheral Ultrasonic Thickness Testing of Seamless and Welded (Except Submerged Arc-welded) Steel Tubes
ISO 11484 Steel Products — Employer’s Qualification System for Non-destructive Testing (NDT) Personnel
ISO 12135 Metallic Materials — United Method of Test for the Determination of Quasistatic Fracture Toughness
ISO 13678 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries — Evaluation and Testing of Thread Compounds for Use with Casing, Tubing, Line Pipe and Drill Stem Elements
ISO 14284 Steel and Iron — Sampling and Preparation of Samples for the Determination of Chemical Composition
ISO 80000-1:2009 Quantities and Units — Part 1: General
API Spec 5B Specification for Threading, Gauging, and Thread Inspection of Casing, Tubing, and Line Pipe Threads
API RP5A3 Recommended Practice on Thread Compounds for Casing, Tubing, Line Pipe, and Drill Stem Elements
API RP5L3 Recommended Practice for Conductiong Drop — Weight Tear Tests on Line Pipe
API TR 5T1 Standard on Imperfection Terminology
ASNT SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A — Non-Destructive Testing
ASTM A370 Standard Test Methods and Deinitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products
ASTM A435 Standard Specification for Straight — Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Plates
ASTM A578/A578M Sumdard Specification for Straight — Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Rolled Steel Plates for Special Applications
ASTM A751 Standard Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products
ASTM A941 Standard Terminology Relating to Steel, Stainless Steel, Related Alloys, and Ferroalloys
ASTM A956 Standard Test Method for Leeb Hardness Testing of Steel Products
ASTM A1038 Standard Test Method for Portable Hardness Testing by the Ultrasonic Contact Impedance Method
ASTM E18 Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Materials
ASTM E94 Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination
ASTM E110 Standard Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materials by Portable Hardness Testers
ASTM E114 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Pulse — Echo Straight — Beam Contact Testing
ASTM E164 Standard Practice for Contact Ultrasonic Testing of Weldments
ASTM E165 Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Examination for General Industry
ASTM E213 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Metal Pipe and Tubing
ASTM E273 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of the Weld Zone of Welded Pipe and Tubing
ASTM E309 Standard Practice for Eddy — Current Examination of Sled Tubular Products Using Magnetic Saturation
ASTM E384 Standard Test Method for Knoop and Vickers Hardness of Materials
ASTM E570 Standard Practice for Flux Leakage Examination of Ferromagnetic Steel Tubular Products
ASTM E587 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Angle — Beam Contact Testing
ASTM E709 Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing
ASTM E747 Standard Practice for Design, Manufacture and Material Grouping Classification of Wire Image Quality Indicators (IQI) Used for Radiology
ASTM E1290 Standard Test Method for Crack-Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) Facture Toughness Measurement
ASTM E1806 Standard Practice for Sampling Steel andiron for Determination of Chemical Composition
ASTM E1815-08 Standard Test Method for Classification of Film Systems for Industrial Radiography
ASTM E2033 Standard Practice for Computed Radiology (Photostimulable Luminescence Method)
ASTM E2698 Standard Practice for Radiological Examination Using Digital Detector Arrays
ASTM G39 Standard Practice for Preparation and Use of Bent — Beam Stress — Corrosion Test Specimens
BS 7448-1 Fracture Mechanics Toughness Tests — Method for Determination of Klc, Critical CTOD and Critical J Balues of Metallic Materials
EN 10204: 2004 Metallic Products — Types of Inspection Documents)
NACK TM0177: 2005 Laboratory Testing of Metals for Resistance to Sulide Stress Cracking and Stress Corrosion Cracking in H2S Environments
Note: As part of above foreign standards had been converted to national standards and professional standards of China, for the purpose of application and referrence, Annex L gives a list of corresponding relationship between these foreign standards and Chinese standards (include standard number, issuing title of resign, edition and application degree). For the Chinese standards foreign standards are identical with foreign standards, such foreign standards quoted in the text may be replaced by Chinese standards.
4 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply, as well as those given in ISO 6929 or ASTM A941 for steel products, ISO 4885 or ASTM A941 for heat treatment, API TR 5T1 for imperfection terminology, ISO 404, GB/T 18253-2000 or ASTM A370, whichever is applicable, for the types of sampling procedures, inspection and inspection documents,
as agreed
required to be as agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser, and specified in the purchase order
Note: Associated, for example, with items covered by 7.2 a).
delivery condition without any special rolling and/or heat-treatment
coil/plate end weld
weld that joins coil or plate ends together
cold-expanded pipe
pipe that, while at ambient mill temperature, has received a permanent increase in outside diameter or circumference throughout its length, by internal hydrostatic pressure in closed dies or by an internal expanding mechanical device
cold-sized pipe
pipe that, after forming (including sizing on electric welding) and while at ambient mill temperature, has received a permanent increase in outside diameter or circumference for all or part of its length, or a permanent decrease in outside diameter or circumference for all or part of its length
cold finishing
cold-working operation (normally cold drawing) with a permanent strain greater than 1.5%
Note: The amount of permanent strain generally differentiates it from cold expansion and cold sizing.
cold forming
process in which a strip or plate is formed into a pipe without heating
continuous welding (CW)
process of forming a seam by heating the strip in a furnace and mechanically pressing the formed edges together, wherein successive coils of strip had been joined together to provide a continuous flow of strip for the welding mill
combination welded pipe (COW pipe)
tubular product having one or two longitudinal seams or one helical seam, produced by a combination of gas metal-arc and submerged-arc welding wherein the gas-metal arc weld bead is not completely removed by the submerged-arc welding passes
Foreword IV Introduction IX 1 Scope 2 Conformance 2.1 Manufacturing 2.2 Rounding 2.3 Compliance to This Standard 3 Normative References 4 Terms and Definitions 5 Symbols and Abbreviated Terms 5.1 Symbols 5.2 Abbreviated Terms 6 Pipe Grade, Steel Grade and Delivery Condition 6.1 Pipe Grade and Steel Grade 6.2 Delivery Condition 7 Information to be Supplied by the Purchaser 7.1 General Information 7.2 Additional Information 8 Manufacturing 8.1 Process of Manufacture 8.2 Processes Requiring Validation 8.3 Starting Material 8.4 Tack Welds 8.5 Weld Seams in COW Pipe 8.7 Weld Seams in Double-seam Pipe 8.8 Treatment of Weld Seams in EW and LW Pipes 8.8.1 PSL 1 EW pipe 8.8.2 LW pipe and PSL 2 HFW pipe 8.9 Cold Sizing and Cold Expansion 8.10 Coil/plate End Welds 8.11 Jointers 8.12 Heat Treatment 8.13 Traceability 9 Acceptance Criteria 9.1 General 9.2 Chemical Composition 9.3 Tensile Properties 9.4 Hydrostatic Test 9.5 Bend Test 9.6 Flattening Test 9.7 Guided-bend Test 9.8 CVN Impact Test for PSL 2 Pipe 9.8.1 General 9.8.2 Pipe body tests 9.8.3 Pipe weld and HAZ tests 9.9 DWT Test for PSL 2 Welded Pipe 9.10 Surface Conditions, Imperfections and Defects 9.10.1 General 9.10.2 Undercuts 9.10.3 Arc burns 9.10.4 Laminations 9.10.5 Geometric deviations 9.10.6 Hard spots 9.10.7 Other surface imperfections 9.11 Dimensions, Mass and Tolerances 9.11.1 Dimensions 9.11.2 Mass per unit length 9.11.3 Tolerances for diameter, wall thickness, length and straightness 9.12 Finish of Pipe Ends 9.12.1 General 9.12.2 Threaded ends (PSL 1 only) 9.12.3 Belled ends (PSL 1 only) 9.12.4 Ends prepared for special couplings (PSL 1 only) 9.12.5 Plain ends 9.13 Tolerances for the Weld Seam 9.13.1 Radial offset of strip/plate edges 9.13.2 Height of the flash or weld bead/reinforcement 9.13.3 Misalignment of the weld beads of SAW and COW pipes 9.14 Tolerances for Mass 9.15 Weldability of PSL 2 Pipe 10 Inspection 10.1 Types of Inspection and Inspection Documents 10.1.1 General 10.1.2 Inspection documents for PSL 1 pipe 10.1.3 Inspection documents for PSL 2 pipe 10.2 Specific Inspection 10.2.1 Inspection frequency 10.2.2 Samples and test pieces for product analysis 10.2.3 Samples and test pieces for mechanical tests 10.2.4 Test methods 10.2.5 Macrographic and metallographic tests 10.2.6 Hydrostatic test 10.2.7 Visual inspection 10.2.8 Dimensional testing 10.2.9 Weighing 10.2.10 Non-destructive inspection 10.2.11 Reprocessing 10.2.12 Retesting 11 Marking 11.1 General 11.2 Pipe Markings 11.3 Coupling Markings 11.4 Marking of Pipe to Multiple Grades 11.5 Thread Identification and Certification 11.6 Pipe Processor Markings 12 Coatings and Thread Protectors 12.1 Coatings and Linings 12.2 Thread Protectors 13 Retention of Records 14 Pipe Loading Annex A (Normative) Specification for Welded Jointers Annex B (Normative) Manufacturing Procedure Qualification for PSL 2 Pipe Annex C (Normative) Treatment of Surface Imperfections and Defects Annex D (Normative) Repair Welding Procedure Annex E (Normative) Non-destructive Inspection for Other Than Sour Service or Offshore Service Annex F (Normative) Requirements for Couplings (PSL 1 Only) Annex G (Normative) PSL 2 Pipe with Resistance to Ductile Fracture Propagation Annex H (Normative) PSL 2 Pipe Ordered for Sour Service Annex I (Normative) Pipe Prdered As “Through the Flowline” (TFL) Pipe Annex J (normative) PSL 2 pipe ordered for offshore service Annex K (normative) Non-destructive Inspection for Pipe Ordered for Sour Service and/or Offshore Service Annex L (Informative) Comparison Table between Relevant International Standards and Chinese Standards Annex M (Informative) Recommended Practice for Abnormal Fracture Evaluation of DWT Test Annex N (Informative) Technical Deviations and Their Justifications between ISO 3183:2012 and This Standard Bibliography is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the contents of English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 9711-2011 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries — Steel Pipe for Pipeline Transportation Systems. In addition to a number of editorial changes, the following technical deviations have been made with respect to the GB/T 9711-2011 (the previous edition):
— In Clause 2, 2.1 "Units of Measurement", addition of the purchaser shall specify the International System (SI) or US Customary (USC) system of measurements. For a specific order item, or the same inspection document or in the same required marking sequence, only one system of units shall be used.
— Clause 3:
1) Series professional standards for nondestructive testing of steel pipe (SY/T 6423) and disabled ISO standards for nondestructive testing are deleted; and addition of ISO 10893 and other series standards for nondestructive testing of steel pipe;
2) GB/T 228 and other national standards are deleted, which are replaced corresponding ISO and ASTM standards;
3) Addition of API TR 5T1 Standard on Imperfection Terminology and other normative references.
— Clause 4: Addition of API TR 5T1 Standard on Imperfection Terminology as a foundation terminology standard; addition of Mother Coil and a dozen or more terms.
— Clause 5: Addition of abbreviated terms of COW, GMAW, MT, PT, SAW, SMAW and UT for welding and nondestructive testing.
— Clause 6: Addition of in steel grade L625Q/X90Q and L690Q/X100Q suitable for seamless pipe in Table 1 "Pipe Grades, Steel Grades and Acceptable Delivery Conditions"; and addition of relevant provisions in corresponding standard text of mechanical properties.
— Clause 7: Information to be supplied by the purchaser:
Addition in 7.2, b):
1) Product analysis method (see;
2) Alternate method for diameter measurement for D ≥ 508 mm (20.000 in) (see;
3) Steel pipe weld seam type of jointers (see A.1.1);
4) Alternate IQI type (see E.4.3.1).
Addition in 7.2, c):
1) Alternative fraction jointers of 12 m and 24 m comprising two or three pieces;
2) Multiple grade marking;
3) NDT of electric welding (EW) seam welds after hydrotest;
4) Specific expanding mode of cold-expanded pipes (hydrostatic or mechanical);
5) Application of Annex G to PSL 2 pipe with resistance to ductile fracture propagation and of steel grade not less than L485/X70, where purchaser should specify the specific requirements for grain size, banded structure and impurity of raw material.
Deletion in 7.2, c):
1) Ultrasonic inspection of strip and plate for laminations or mechanical damage of pipe for sour service;
2) Delivery and non-destructive inspection of helical seam-welded pipe containing strip-plate end welds for sour service;
3) Agreement requirements of hardness test and hardness deviation of steel pipes for sour service and offshore service.
— Addition in Clause 8 Manufacturing:
1) Application of Annex G to PSL 2 pipe with resistance to ductile fracture propagation and of strength grade not less than L485/X70, where purchaser should specify the specific requirements for grain size, banded structure and impurity of raw material (includes acceptance limit and acceptance method);
2) Processes requiring validation for non expanded and expanded SAW and COW steel pipe;
3) The requirements of supplying steel and rolling mill(s) shall have a documented quality management system (8.3.1);
4) Open hearth process only in combination with a ladle refining process;
5) Addition of steel grade ">L690/X100 to L830/X120" in "PSL 2 pipe grade" column of Acceptable Processes of Manufacture and Product Specification Levels;
6) For starting materials used for pipe manufacturing, critical variables of the coil/plate rolling practice (e.g. reheating, rolling and cooling temperatures, times and tolerances) shall be defined, and the control requirements of permissible ranges are added.
— In Clause 9 Acceptance Criteria:
1) The maximum tensile strength of three steel grades L245/B, L290/X42 and L320/X46 are modified (reduced) to 655MPa;
2) When there are abnormal fracture occurs in the DWT test, it is recommended that the fracture shall be evaluated according to Annex M;
3) Tolerances for partial diameter and out-of-roundness and the internal taper of steel pipe are modified;
— In Clause 10 Inspection:
1) Modification of inspection frequency for partial tests of PSL 1 and PSL 2 steel pipes;
2) Modification of the gap position of CVN sample;
3) Addition of diameter measuring devices of micrometer, ovality gauge or coordinate measuring machine;
4) Addition of the requirements of weighing of pipe jointers.
— Clause 11 Marking: Addition of marking of pipe to multiple grades, thread identification and certification, and steel pipe processor markings.
— Clause 14 Pipe Loading: Addition of recommended practices for pipes transported on trucks may refer to API RP 5LT.
— Deletion of Annex L (Informative) Steel Designations.
— Deletion of Annex M (Informative) Correspondence of Terminology between GB/T 9711 and Its Source Documents
— Addition of Annex L (Informative) Comparison Table between Relevant International Standards and National Standards of China
— Addition of Annex M (Informative) Recommended Practice for Abnormal Fracture Evaluation of DWT Test.
This standard has been redrafted and modified adoption of International Standard ISO 3183:2012 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries — Steel Pipe for Pipeline Transportation Systems.
There are standard structure changes between this standard and the International Standard ISO 3183:2012:
— For the purpose of adapt to the actual requirements of China, partial deletion, reduction and addition had been made on the structure of annexes.
a) Deletion of the Foreword, Annexes M, N, O and P of the ISO Standard, which are irrelevant to the manufacturing, inspection and application of steel pipe in China;
b) Addition of new Annex L (Informative) Comparison Table between Relevant International Standards and National Standards of China, new Annex M (Informative) Recommended Practice for Abnormal Fracture Evaluation of DWT Test and new Annex N (Informative) Technical Deviations and Their Justifications between This Standard and ISO 3183:2012.
There are technical deviations between this standard and the International Standard ISO 3183:2012. A complete list of technical deviations, together with their justifications, is given in Annex N.
For the purposes of this standard, the following editorial changes have also been made:
— Deletion of the second paragraph of 2.1 Units of Measurement "For data expressed in SI units, a comma is used as the decimal separator and a space is used as the thousands separator. For data expressed in USC units, a dot (on the line) is used as the decimal separator and a space is used as the thousands separator.", which is irrelevant to the subject content of this standard; and the comma "," in the digital of ISO 3183 original text is replaced decimal point.
— Deletion of normative references ISO 5173 Destructive Tests on Welds in Metallic Materials — Bend Tests and EN 10168 Steel Products — Inspection Documents — List of Information and Description, which are not mentioned in the text of this standard.
— Deletion of blank Annex N and Annex O, which are only a series number but no specific contents.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This standard was proposed and prepared by SAC/TC 355 (National Technical Committee 355 on Petroleum and Natural Gas of Standardization Administration of China).
The previous editions of this standard are as follows:
— GB 9711-1988, GB/T 9711-2011;
— GB/T 9711.1-1996;
— GB/T 9711.2-1999;
— GB/T 9711.3-2005.
This standard is the result of harmonizing the requirements of the following standards:
— ISO 3183:2012; third edition (published 1 November 2012).
— API Spec 5L; 45th edition (published December 2012; implemented 1 July 2013).
This standard has maintained the concept of two basic levels of standard technical requirements for line pipe expressed as two product specification levels (PSL 1 and PSL 2). Level PSL 1 provides a standard quality level for line pipe. Level PSL 2 has additional mandatory requirements for chemical composition, notch toughness and strength properties and additional non-destructive testing (NDT). Requirements that apply only to PSL 1 or only to PSL 2 are so designated. Requirements that are not designated to a specific PSL designation apply to both PSL 1 and PSL 2 pipe.
This standard also recognized that the petroleum and natural gas industry often specifies additional requirements for particular applications. In order to accommodate such needs, optional additional requirements for special applications are available, as follows:
— PSL 2 pipe ordered with a qualified manufacturing procedure (Annex B);
— PSL 2 pipe ordered with resistance to ductile fracture propagation in gas pipelines (Annex G);
— PSL 2 pipe ordered for sour service (Annex H);
— pipe ordered as “Through the Flowline” (TFL) pipe (Annex I);
— PSL 2 pipe ordered for offshore service (Annex J);
The requirements of the annex(es) apply only when specified on the purchase order. When pipe is ordered for dual or multiple applications, the requirements of more than one annex for special applications can be invoked. In such instances, if a technical conflict arises due to applying the requirements of more than one annex for special applications, the most stringent requirement applicable to the intended service applies.
This standard does not provide guidance on when it is necessary to specify the above supplementary requirements. Instead, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to specify, based upon the intended use and design requirements, which, if any, of the supplementary requirements apply for a particular purchase order.
This standard is the result of a continuing process of harmonizing documents of different heritage. It has been necessary to give consideration to traditional symbols (denoting mechanical or physical properties or their values, dimensions or test parameters) and the format of equations that have been widely used and which (in their traditional format) maintain strong links with other widely used standards and specifications, and with the original scientific work that led to their derivation. Accordingly, some symbols and equations (most specifically those in 9.2 and Table F.1) have been retained in their traditional form to avoid causing confusion in this post-harmonization stage. Where changes have been made, care has been taken to ensure that the new symbol replacing the traditional one has been fully and clearly defined.
Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries — Steel Pipe for Pipeline Transportation Systems
1 Scope
This standard specifies requirements for the manufacture of two product specification levels (PSL 1 and PSL 2) of seamless and welded steel pipes for use in pipeline transportation systems in the petroleum and natural gas industries.
This standard is applicable to the manufacturing, inspection, marking, coating, recording and loading of seamless pipe and welded pipe for pipeline transportation systems of petroleum and natural gas industries.
This standard is not applicable to cast pipe.
2 Conformance
2.1 Manufacturing
In this standard, data are expressed in both International System (SI) units and United States Customary (USC) units. For a specific order item, only one system of units shall be used, without combining data expressed in the other system. Data values expressed in SI and USC units shall not be combined on the same inspection document or in the same required pipe marking sequence.
Where product is tested and verified against requirements using one measurement system (USC or SI), and an inspection document is issued, with data reported in the alternate measurement system units, a statement shall appear on the inspection document indicating that the data presented was converted from the measurement system used for the original inspection.
The purchaser shall specify whether data, drawings, and maintenance dimensions of pipes shall be in the International System (SI) or US Customary (USC) system of measurements. Use of an SI data sheet indicates that the SI measurements shall be used. Use of a USC data sheet indicates that the USC system of measurements shall be used.
2.2 Rounding
Unless otherwise stated in this standard, to determine conformance with the specified requirements, observed or calculated values shall be rounded to the nearest unit in the last right-hand place of figures used in expressing the limiting value, in accordance with ISO 80000-1:2009, Annex B, Rule A.
Note: For the purposes of this provision, the rounding method of ASTM E29-08 [1] is equivalent to ISO 80000-1:2009, Annex B, Rule A.
2.3 Compliance to This Standard
A documented quality system shall be applied to assist compliance with the requirements of this standard.
Note: Documentation of a quality system does not require certification by a third party certification body. Only the creation or adoption of a written quality system is necessary to meet the requirement of this standard. ISO defers to the expertise of responsible quality management personnel to create or adopt the system which best reflects the need of each company. There are many existing quality management systems to which personnel can refer for guidance in the development of an appropriate quality system, including ISO/TS 29001[2] and API Q1[3], which contain provisions specific to the oil and gas industry, or ISO 9001[4], which contains general requirements for quality management systems that are auditable. This list is not exhaustive and is provided for information only.
A contract may specify that the manufacturer shall be responsible for complying with all of the applicable requirements of this standard. It shall be permissible for the purchaser to make any investigation necessary in order to be assured of compliance by the manufacturer and to reject any material that does not comply.
3 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 8650-2015 Evaluation of Pipeline and Pressure Vessel Steels for Resistance to Hydrogen-induced Cracking (NACE TM0284:2011, MOD)
GB/T 8923.1-2011 Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of Paints and Related Products — Visual Assessment of Surface Cleanliness — Part 1: Rust Grades and Related Products — Uncoated Steel Substrates and of Steel Substrates after Overrall Removal of Previous Coatings (ISO 8501-1:2007, IDT)
GB/T 18253-2000 Steel and Steel Products — Types of Inspection Documents (eqv ISO 10474:1991)
GB/T 19348.1-2014 Non-destructive Testing —Industrial Radiographic Films — Part 1: Classification of Film Systems for Industrial Radiography (ISO 11699-1:2008, MOD)
GB/T 23901.1-2009 Non-destructive Testing — Image Quality of Radiographs — Part 1: Image Quality Indicators (Wire Type) — Determination of Image Quality Value (ISO 19232-1:2004 IDT)
SY/T 6423.2-2013 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 2: Automated Ultrasonic Testing of the Weld Seam of Welded Steel Tubes for the Detection of Longitudinal and/or Transverse Imperfections (ISO 10893-11:2011, IDT)
SY/T 6423.3-2013 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 3: Automated Ultrasonic Testing for the Detection of Laminar Imperfections in Strip/Plate Used for Manufacture of Welded Steel Tubes (ISO 10893-9:2011, IDT)
SY/T 6423.4-2013 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 4: Automated Ultrasonic Testing of Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for the Detection of Laminar Imperfections (ISO 10893-8:2011, IDT)
SY/T 6423.5-2014 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 5: Digital Radiographic Testing of the Weld Seam of Welded Steel Tubes for the Detection of Imperfections (ISO 10893-7:2011 IDT)
SY/T 6423.6-2014 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 6: Automated Full Peripheral Flux Leakage Testing of Seamless and Welded (Except Submerged Arc-welded) Ferromagnetic Steel Tubes for the Detection of Longitudinal and/or Transverse Imperfections (ISO 10893-3:2011, IDT)
ISO 148-1 Metallic Materials — Charpy Pendulum Ompact Test — Part 1: Test Method
ISO 404 Steel and Steel Products — General Technical Delivery Requirements
ISO 2566-1 Steel — Conversion of Elongation Values — Part 1: Carbon and Low Alloy Steels
ISO 4885 Ferrous Products — Heat Treatments — Vocabulary
ISO 6506 (all parts) Metallic Materials — Brinell Hardness Test
ISO 6507 (all parts) Metallic Materials — Vickers Hardness Test
ISO 6508 (all parts) Metallic Materials — Rockwell Hardness Test
ISO 6892-1 Metallic Materials — Tensile Testing — Part 1: Method of Test at Room Temperature
ISO 6929 Steel Products — Vocabulary
ISO 7438 Metallic Materials — Bencl Test
ISO 7539-2 Corrosion of Metals and Alloys — Stress Corrosion Testing — Part 2: Preparation and Use of Bentbeam Specimens
ISO 8491 Metallic Materials — Tube (in Full Section) — Bend Test
ISO 8492 Metallic Materials — Tube — Flattening Test
ISO 9712 Non-destructive Testing — Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel
ISO/TR 9769 Steel and Iron — Review of Available Methods of Analysis
ISO 10893-2:2011 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 2: Automated Eddy Current Testing of Seamless and Welded (Except Submerged Arc-welded) Steel Tubes for the Detection of Imperfections
ISO 10893-4 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 4: Liquid Penetrant Inspection of Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for the Detection of Surface Imperfections
ISO 10893-5 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 5: Magnetic Particle Inspection of Seamless and Welded Ferromagnetic Steel Tubes for the Detection of Surface Imperfections
ISO 10893-6 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 6: Radiographic Testing of the Weld Seam of Welded Steel Tubes for the Detection of Imperfections
ISO 10893-10:2011 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 10: Automated Full Peripheral Ultrasonic Testing of Seamless and Welded (Except Submerged Arc-welded) Steel Tubes for the Detection of Longitudinal and/or Transverse Imperfections
ISO 10893-12 Non-destructive Testing of Steel Tubes — Part 12: Automated Full Peripheral Ultrasonic Thickness Testing of Seamless and Welded (Except Submerged Arc-welded) Steel Tubes
ISO 11484 Steel Products — Employer’s Qualification System for Non-destructive Testing (NDT) Personnel
ISO 12135 Metallic Materials — United Method of Test for the Determination of Quasistatic Fracture Toughness
ISO 13678 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries — Evaluation and Testing of Thread Compounds for Use with Casing, Tubing, Line Pipe and Drill Stem Elements
ISO 14284 Steel and Iron — Sampling and Preparation of Samples for the Determination of Chemical Composition
ISO 80000-1:2009 Quantities and Units — Part 1: General
API Spec 5B Specification for Threading, Gauging, and Thread Inspection of Casing, Tubing, and Line Pipe Threads
API RP5A3 Recommended Practice on Thread Compounds for Casing, Tubing, Line Pipe, and Drill Stem Elements
API RP5L3 Recommended Practice for Conductiong Drop — Weight Tear Tests on Line Pipe
API TR 5T1 Standard on Imperfection Terminology
ASNT SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A — Non-Destructive Testing
ASTM A370 Standard Test Methods and Deinitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products
ASTM A435 Standard Specification for Straight — Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Plates
ASTM A578/A578M Sumdard Specification for Straight — Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Rolled Steel Plates for Special Applications
ASTM A751 Standard Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products
ASTM A941 Standard Terminology Relating to Steel, Stainless Steel, Related Alloys, and Ferroalloys
ASTM A956 Standard Test Method for Leeb Hardness Testing of Steel Products
ASTM A1038 Standard Test Method for Portable Hardness Testing by the Ultrasonic Contact Impedance Method
ASTM E18 Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Materials
ASTM E94 Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination
ASTM E110 Standard Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materials by Portable Hardness Testers
ASTM E114 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Pulse — Echo Straight — Beam Contact Testing
ASTM E164 Standard Practice for Contact Ultrasonic Testing of Weldments
ASTM E165 Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Examination for General Industry
ASTM E213 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Metal Pipe and Tubing
ASTM E273 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of the Weld Zone of Welded Pipe and Tubing
ASTM E309 Standard Practice for Eddy — Current Examination of Sled Tubular Products Using Magnetic Saturation
ASTM E384 Standard Test Method for Knoop and Vickers Hardness of Materials
ASTM E570 Standard Practice for Flux Leakage Examination of Ferromagnetic Steel Tubular Products
ASTM E587 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Angle — Beam Contact Testing
ASTM E709 Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing
ASTM E747 Standard Practice for Design, Manufacture and Material Grouping Classification of Wire Image Quality Indicators (IQI) Used for Radiology
ASTM E1290 Standard Test Method for Crack-Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) Facture Toughness Measurement
ASTM E1806 Standard Practice for Sampling Steel andiron for Determination of Chemical Composition
ASTM E1815-08 Standard Test Method for Classification of Film Systems for Industrial Radiography
ASTM E2033 Standard Practice for Computed Radiology (Photostimulable Luminescence Method)
ASTM E2698 Standard Practice for Radiological Examination Using Digital Detector Arrays
ASTM G39 Standard Practice for Preparation and Use of Bent — Beam Stress — Corrosion Test Specimens
BS 7448-1 Fracture Mechanics Toughness Tests — Method for Determination of Klc, Critical CTOD and Critical J Balues of Metallic Materials
EN 10204: 2004 Metallic Products — Types of Inspection Documents)
NACK TM0177: 2005 Laboratory Testing of Metals for Resistance to Sulide Stress Cracking and Stress Corrosion Cracking in H2S Environments
Note: As part of above foreign standards had been converted to national standards and professional standards of China, for the purpose of application and referrence, Annex L gives a list of corresponding relationship between these foreign standards and Chinese standards (include standard number, issuing title of resign, edition and application degree). For the Chinese standards foreign standards are identical with foreign standards, such foreign standards quoted in the text may be replaced by Chinese standards.
4 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply, as well as those given in ISO 6929 or ASTM A941 for steel products, ISO 4885 or ASTM A941 for heat treatment, API TR 5T1 for imperfection terminology, ISO 404, GB/T 18253-2000 or ASTM A370, whichever is applicable, for the types of sampling procedures, inspection and inspection documents,
as agreed
required to be as agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser, and specified in the purchase order
Note: Associated, for example, with items covered by 7.2 a).
delivery condition without any special rolling and/or heat-treatment
coil/plate end weld
weld that joins coil or plate ends together
cold-expanded pipe
pipe that, while at ambient mill temperature, has received a permanent increase in outside diameter or circumference throughout its length, by internal hydrostatic pressure in closed dies or by an internal expanding mechanical device
cold-sized pipe
pipe that, after forming (including sizing on electric welding) and while at ambient mill temperature, has received a permanent increase in outside diameter or circumference for all or part of its length, or a permanent decrease in outside diameter or circumference for all or part of its length
cold finishing
cold-working operation (normally cold drawing) with a permanent strain greater than 1.5%
Note: The amount of permanent strain generally differentiates it from cold expansion and cold sizing.
cold forming
process in which a strip or plate is formed into a pipe without heating
continuous welding (CW)
process of forming a seam by heating the strip in a furnace and mechanically pressing the formed edges together, wherein successive coils of strip had been joined together to provide a continuous flow of strip for the welding mill
combination welded pipe (COW pipe)
tubular product having one or two longitudinal seams or one helical seam, produced by a combination of gas metal-arc and submerged-arc welding wherein the gas-metal arc weld bead is not completely removed by the submerged-arc welding passes
Contents of GB/T 9711-2017
Foreword IV
Introduction IX
1 Scope
2 Conformance
2.1 Manufacturing
2.2 Rounding
2.3 Compliance to This Standard
3 Normative References
4 Terms and Definitions
5 Symbols and Abbreviated Terms
5.1 Symbols
5.2 Abbreviated Terms
6 Pipe Grade, Steel Grade and Delivery Condition
6.1 Pipe Grade and Steel Grade
6.2 Delivery Condition
7 Information to be Supplied by the Purchaser
7.1 General Information
7.2 Additional Information
8 Manufacturing
8.1 Process of Manufacture
8.2 Processes Requiring Validation
8.3 Starting Material
8.4 Tack Welds
8.5 Weld Seams in COW Pipe
8.7 Weld Seams in Double-seam Pipe
8.8 Treatment of Weld Seams in EW and LW Pipes
8.8.1 PSL 1 EW pipe
8.8.2 LW pipe and PSL 2 HFW pipe
8.9 Cold Sizing and Cold Expansion
8.10 Coil/plate End Welds
8.11 Jointers
8.12 Heat Treatment
8.13 Traceability
9 Acceptance Criteria
9.1 General
9.2 Chemical Composition
9.3 Tensile Properties
9.4 Hydrostatic Test
9.5 Bend Test
9.6 Flattening Test
9.7 Guided-bend Test
9.8 CVN Impact Test for PSL 2 Pipe
9.8.1 General
9.8.2 Pipe body tests
9.8.3 Pipe weld and HAZ tests
9.9 DWT Test for PSL 2 Welded Pipe
9.10 Surface Conditions, Imperfections and Defects
9.10.1 General
9.10.2 Undercuts
9.10.3 Arc burns
9.10.4 Laminations
9.10.5 Geometric deviations
9.10.6 Hard spots
9.10.7 Other surface imperfections
9.11 Dimensions, Mass and Tolerances
9.11.1 Dimensions
9.11.2 Mass per unit length
9.11.3 Tolerances for diameter, wall thickness, length and straightness
9.12 Finish of Pipe Ends
9.12.1 General
9.12.2 Threaded ends (PSL 1 only)
9.12.3 Belled ends (PSL 1 only)
9.12.4 Ends prepared for special couplings (PSL 1 only)
9.12.5 Plain ends
9.13 Tolerances for the Weld Seam
9.13.1 Radial offset of strip/plate edges
9.13.2 Height of the flash or weld bead/reinforcement
9.13.3 Misalignment of the weld beads of SAW and COW pipes
9.14 Tolerances for Mass
9.15 Weldability of PSL 2 Pipe
10 Inspection
10.1 Types of Inspection and Inspection Documents
10.1.1 General
10.1.2 Inspection documents for PSL 1 pipe
10.1.3 Inspection documents for PSL 2 pipe
10.2 Specific Inspection
10.2.1 Inspection frequency
10.2.2 Samples and test pieces for product analysis
10.2.3 Samples and test pieces for mechanical tests
10.2.4 Test methods
10.2.5 Macrographic and metallographic tests
10.2.6 Hydrostatic test
10.2.7 Visual inspection
10.2.8 Dimensional testing
10.2.9 Weighing
10.2.10 Non-destructive inspection
10.2.11 Reprocessing
10.2.12 Retesting
11 Marking
11.1 General
11.2 Pipe Markings
11.3 Coupling Markings
11.4 Marking of Pipe to Multiple Grades
11.5 Thread Identification and Certification
11.6 Pipe Processor Markings
12 Coatings and Thread Protectors
12.1 Coatings and Linings
12.2 Thread Protectors
13 Retention of Records
14 Pipe Loading
Annex A (Normative) Specification for Welded Jointers
Annex B (Normative) Manufacturing Procedure Qualification for PSL 2 Pipe
Annex C (Normative) Treatment of Surface Imperfections and Defects
Annex D (Normative) Repair Welding Procedure
Annex E (Normative) Non-destructive Inspection for Other Than Sour Service or Offshore Service
Annex F (Normative) Requirements for Couplings (PSL 1 Only)
Annex G (Normative) PSL 2 Pipe with Resistance to Ductile Fracture Propagation
Annex H (Normative) PSL 2 Pipe Ordered for Sour Service
Annex I (Normative) Pipe Prdered As “Through the Flowline” (TFL) Pipe
Annex J (normative) PSL 2 pipe ordered for offshore service
Annex K (normative) Non-destructive Inspection for Pipe Ordered for Sour Service and/or Offshore Service
Annex L (Informative) Comparison Table between Relevant International Standards and Chinese Standards
Annex M (Informative) Recommended Practice for Abnormal Fracture Evaluation of DWT Test
Annex N (Informative) Technical Deviations and Their Justifications between ISO 3183:2012 and This Standard