This standard is applicable to cleaner production audit and potential & opportunity judgment and cleaner production performance assessment & announcement system of automobile manufacturing enterprises (painting).
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For the purposes of this standard, where the following standards are revised, the latest editions apply.
GB 6514 Safety Code for painting - Safety, Ventilation and Air Clean-up for Painting Process
GB 7692 Safety Code for Painting - Safety, Ventilation and Air Clean-up for Pretreatment Process of Painting
GB 8264 Safety Code for Painting - Glossary of Painting Terms
GB 11893 Water Quality - Determination of Total Phosphorus - Ammonium Molybdate Spectrophotometric Method
GB 11914 Water Quality - Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand - Dichromate Method
GB 12367 Safety Code for Painting - Safety for Electrostatic Spray Painting Process
GB 14443 Safety Code for Painting - Safety Rules for Paint Drying Oven
GB 14444 Safety Code for Painting - Safety Rules for Spraying Booth
3 Terms and Definitions
3.1 Cleaner production
It means to minimize pollution from the source, improve the resource utilization efficiency, reduce or avoid the generation and emission of pollutants in the process of the production, service and product application by continuous measures such as adopting improved design, using clean energy resources and materials, advanced technology and equipment, improving management and performing comprehensive utilization to relieve or eliminate the human health and environment hazards.
3.2 Painting
The process to apply coating on a base surface to form a paint of protective, decorative or specific features.
3.3 Pollutant generation index
The amount of pollutants (before treatment) generated by the products per production (or processing) unit (output value, output or processing area). Such index mainly include waste water, waste gas and waste slag generation indexes.
Foreword I 1 Application Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Technical Requirements 5 Data Acquisition and Calculation Methods 6 Standard Implementation
1 Application Scope
This standard is applicable to cleaner production audit and potential & opportunity judgment and cleaner production performance assessment & announcement system of automobile manufacturing enterprises (painting).
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For the purposes of this standard, where the following standards are revised, the latest editions apply.
GB 6514 Safety Code for painting - Safety, Ventilation and Air Clean-up for Painting Process
GB 7692 Safety Code for Painting - Safety, Ventilation and Air Clean-up for Pretreatment Process of Painting
GB 8264 Safety Code for Painting - Glossary of Painting Terms
GB 11893 Water Quality - Determination of Total Phosphorus - Ammonium Molybdate Spectrophotometric Method
GB 11914 Water Quality - Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand - Dichromate Method
GB 12367 Safety Code for Painting - Safety for Electrostatic Spray Painting Process
GB 14443 Safety Code for Painting - Safety Rules for Paint Drying Oven
GB 14444 Safety Code for Painting - Safety Rules for Spraying Booth
3 Terms and Definitions
3.1 Cleaner production
It means to minimize pollution from the source, improve the resource utilization efficiency, reduce or avoid the generation and emission of pollutants in the process of the production, service and product application by continuous measures such as adopting improved design, using clean energy resources and materials, advanced technology and equipment, improving management and performing comprehensive utilization to relieve or eliminate the human health and environment hazards.
3.2 Painting
The process to apply coating on a base surface to form a paint of protective, decorative or specific features.
3.3 Pollutant generation index
The amount of pollutants (before treatment) generated by the products per production (or processing) unit (output value, output or processing area). Such index mainly include waste water, waste gas and waste slag generation indexes.
Contents of HJ/T 293-2006
Foreword I
1 Application Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Technical Requirements
5 Data Acquisition and Calculation Methods
6 Standard Implementation