This standard specifies terms and definitions, product classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, labeling, packing, transportation and storage of leather belt.
This standard is applicable to daily belt made of leather, artificial leather or synthetic leather.
This standard is not applicable to belts for special purpose.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments (excluding amended error) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties that enter into an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest edition of these documents can be used. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document is applicable to this standard.
QB/T 2001 Leather for sole
QB/T 2537 Leather -- Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to cycles of to-and-fro rubbing (QB/T 2537-2001, ISO 11640: 1993, EQV)
QB/T 3826-1999 Corrosion-resistant testing method of the metal deposits and conversion coatings for the light industrial products - Neutral salt spraying test (NSS)
QB/T 3832-1999 Evaluation of the corrosion test results of the metal deposits for the light industrial products
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
Belt head
The belt end with binding clasp.
Belt tail
The other end relative to belt head.
Head rollback
Folding position of leather material at belt head
Accessories to fix head rollback or other positions.
Belt loop
Loop to guide and fix belt.
Length and width of a belt, expressed in mm.
Schematic diagram of all positions of belt is detailed in Figure 1.
1 Scope
This standard specifies terms and definitions, product classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, labeling, packing, transportation and storage of leather belt.
This standard is applicable to daily belt made of leather, artificial leather or synthetic leather.
This standard is not applicable to belts for special purpose.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments (excluding amended error) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties that enter into an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest edition of these documents can be used. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document is applicable to this standard.
QB/T 2001 Leather for sole
QB/T 2537 Leather -- Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to cycles of to-and-fro rubbing (QB/T 2537-2001, ISO 11640: 1993, EQV)
QB/T 3826-1999 Corrosion-resistant testing method of the metal deposits and conversion coatings for the light industrial products - Neutral salt spraying test (NSS)
QB/T 3832-1999 Evaluation of the corrosion test results of the metal deposits for the light industrial products
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
Belt head
The belt end with binding clasp.
Belt tail
The other end relative to belt head.
Head rollback
Folding position of leather material at belt head
Accessories to fix head rollback or other positions.
Belt loop
Loop to guide and fix belt.
Length and width of a belt, expressed in mm.
Schematic diagram of all positions of belt is detailed in Figure 1.