Boiler Safety Technical Supervision Administration Regulation
1 General Provisions
1.1 Purpose
With a view to strengthening safety supervision of boilers, preventing and minimizing accidents, guaranteeing life and property safety of the masses and promoting the economic development, this regulation is formulated according to the relevant requirements of "Special Equipment Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Regulation on Safety Supervision of Special Equipment".
1.2 Application scope
This regulation is applicable to the following boilers as defined in "Special Equipment Directory", i.e. the stationary pressure-bearing steam boiler (Note 1-1), pressure-bearing hot-water boiler, organic heat transfer material boiler as well as flue boiler and flue-shell composite waste heat boiler, both of which take the waste heat utilization as the fundamental purpose.
Note 1-1: the stationary boiler means that the boiler is fixed during the service period.
1.2.1 Boiler body
The integral that is composed of boiler drum, heating surface and the header & connecting pipeline, furnace, combustion equipment and air preheater (including flue and air duct), structure (including platform and staircase), furnace wall and slag removal equipment.
1.2.2 Boiler external piping
(1) Power station boiler, including main feed water pipeline, main steam pipe and reheat steam pipe;
(2) Boilers beyond power station boilers are divided into the boiler with steam (waster/oil) manifold (Note 1-2) and without it; the former includes the pressure pipe [including steam (waster/oil) manifold) in the first pass of circumferential weld connected between the boiler feed water (oil) pump & steam (waster/oil) manifold outlet and the external pipe while the latter includes the pressure pipe in the boiler feed water (oil) pump outlet and boiler main steam (water and oil) outlet valve.
Note 1-2: the steam (waster/oil) manifold shall meet the relevant requirements of the header in this regulation.
1.2.3 Boiler safety accessories and instruments
Boiler safety accessories and instruments includes safety valve, pressure measuring device, water level meter and indicator, temperature measuring device, blowdown and drainage device as well as safety protection devices and relevant instruments.
1.2.4 Boiler accessory and system
Boiler accessory and system includes the fuel preparation, steam-water and water treatment equipment and systems.
1.3 Inapplicable scope
This regulation is not applicable to the following equipment:
(1) Steam boiler with the normal design water volume less than 30L;
(2) Steam boiler with the rated steam pressure less than 0.1MPa;
(3) Hot-water boiler with the rated water-delivery pressure or rated thermal power less than 0.1MPa or 0.1MW respectively;
(4) Organic heat transfer material boiler with the rated thermal power less than 0.1MW;
(5) Heat exchanger required for equipment and process flow cooling.
1.4 Boiler equipment grade
1.4.1 Grade A boiler
Grade A boiler refers to that with p (gauge pressure, the same below, Note 1-3) greater than or equal to 3.8MPa, including:
(1) Supercritical boiler, p≥22.1MPa;
(2) Supercritical boiler, 16.7MPa≤p<22.1MPa;
(3) Superhigh pressure boiler, 13.7MPa≤p<16.7MPa;
(4) High pressure boiler, 9.8MPa≤p<13.7MPa;
(5) Sub-high-pressure boiler, 5.3MPa≤p<9.8MPa;
(6) Medium pressure boiler, 3.8MPa≤p<5.3MPa.
1.4.2 Grade B boiler
(1) Steam boiler, 0.8MPa
0.7MW (Q is the rated thermal power, the same below); liquid-phase organic heat transfer material boiler, Q>4.2MW.
1.4.3 Grade C boiler
(1) Steam boiler, p≤0.8MPa and V>50L (V is the normal design water volume, the same below);
(2) Hot-water boiler, p<3.8MPa and t<120℃;
(3) Gas-phase organic heat transfer material boiler, 0.1MW≤Q≤0.7MW; liquid-phase organic heat transfer material boiler, 0.1MW≤Q≤4.2MW.
1.4.4 Grade D boiler
(1) Steam boiler, p≤0.8MPa and 30L≤V≤50L;
(2) Hot-water boiler with only tap water pressurization and t≤95℃.
Note 1-3: p is the rated working pressure of the boiler; for the steam boiler, it represents the rated steam pressure; for the hot-water boiler, it represents the rated water-delivery pressure; for the organic heat transfer material boiler, the represents the rated outlet pressure.
1.5 Imported boilers
Foreign boilers that are used in China shall meet requirements of this regulation; in case of any inconsistency with those specified in this regulation, technical evaluation and approval shall be carried out according to the requirements of Article 1.6 of this regulation.
1.6 If new material, process, and technology (including introducing foreign technology, manufacturing according to foreign standards and adopting new structure, etc.) adopted by organizations concerned are inconsistent with this regulation, or no relevant requirements are proposed in this regulation and safety performance may be influenced greatly, declaration may be submitted to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as AQSIQ) which entrusts security techniques advisory organization or professional organization to make technical evaluation. After the evaluation result is approved by AQSIQ, new material, process, and technology can be used for production.
1.7 Supervision and administration
(1) Boiler design, manufacturing, installation (including commissioning), application, inspection, improvement and repair shall be implemented according to the requirements of this regulation;
(2) Boiler and the system energy efficiency shall meet requirements of laws and regulations, technical codes and corresponding standards with regard to energy conservation;
(3) Boiler manufacturing, installation (including commissioning), application, improvement, repair and inspection organization shall timely fill in and report the information according to informatization requirements;
(4) The GAQSIQ and the local quality and technical supervision departments (hereinafter referred to as "quality supervision department") are in charge of the supervision of the boiler safety and this regulation.
1.8 Relationship between technical standard and management system
This regulation specifies the basic safety requirements of boilers as well as the relevant technical standards and management systems, which shall not be lower than those specified in this regulation.
1.9 Description for relationship between chapters
Special requirements for the hot-water boiler, organic heat transfer material boiler, cast-iron boiler and Grade D boiler are implemented respectively according to Chapters 10-13 of this regulation and adopted preferentially.
2 Materials
2.1 Basic requirements
Metal material, bearing member material and the welding material of boiler pressure parts shall meet requirements of corresponding national and professional standards; the metal material and the welding material of the pressure parts under service conditions shall be provided with adequate strength, plasticity, toughness as well as good antifatigue performance and corrosion resistance.
2.2 Performance requirements
(1) Killed steel shall be adopted for the boiler pressure parts and the bearing member welded with pressure parts;
(2) Charpy impact absorbed energy (KV2) under ambient temperature of steels for boiler pressure parts is greater than or equal to 27J;
(3) Percentage elongation after fracture (A) under ambient temperature of steel plates for boiler pressure parts shall be greater than or equal to 18%.
2.3 Material selection
Steel plates, steel tube, forgings, steel castings, iron castings, fasteners, tension braces and welding materials for the boiler pressure parts shall be selected according to those specified in this article.
2.3.1 Material of steel plate for the boiler
The material of steel plate for the boiler is detailed in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Material of Steel Plate for the Boiler
Steel type Designation serial numbers of standards Application scope
Working pressure (MPa) Wall temperature (℃)
Carbon steel Q235B
Q235D GB/T 3274 ≤1.6 ≤300
15,20 GB/T 711 ≤350
Q245R GB 713 ≤5.3 (Note 2-2) ≤430
Alloy steel Q345R GB 713 ≤430
15CrMoR GB 713 Unlimited ≤520
12Cr1MoVR GB 713 Unlimited ≤565
13MnNiMoR GB 713 Unlimited ≤400
Note 2-1: names of the standards for the materials listed in Table 2-1 are as follows: "Hot-Rolled Plates and Strips of Carbon Structural Steels and High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steels" (GB/T 3274), "Hot-Rolled Quality Carbon Structural Steel Plates Sheets and Wide Strips" (GB/T 711) and "Steel Plates For Boiler and Pressure Vessels" (GB 713).
Note 2-2: where the drum (shell) free from radiant heat is manufactured, the working pressure will be unlimited.
Note 2-3: where other materials listed in GB 713 are used for the boiler steel plate, the application scope may be selected according to the relevant requirements of "Pressure Vessels" (GB 150).
2.3.2 Material of steel tube for the boiler
The material of steel tube for the boiler is detailed in Table 2-2.
Table 2-2 Material of Steel Tube for the Boiler
Steel type Designation Serial numbers of standards Applicable scope
Usage Working pressure (MPa) Wall temperature (℃)
(Note 2-5)
Carbon steel Q235B GB/T 3091 Hot water pipeline ≤1.6 ≤100
L210 GB/T 9711 Hot water pipeline ≤2.5 —
10,20 GB/T 8163 Heating surface pipe ≤1.6 ≤350
Header and piping ≤350
YB 4102 Heating surface pipe ≤5.3 ≤300
Header and piping ≤300
GB 3087 Heating surface pipe ≤5.3 ≤460
Header and piping ≤430
Carbon steel 20G GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤460
Header and piping ≤430
20MnG,25MnG GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤460
Header and piping ≤430
Alloy steel 15Ni1MnMoNbCu GB 5310 Header and piping Unlimited ≤450
15MoG,20MoG GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤480
12CrMoG,15CrMoG GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤560
15Ni1MnMoNbCu GB 5310 Header and piping Unlimited ≤450
15MoG,20MoG GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤480
12CrMoG,15CrMoG GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤560
Header and piping Unlimited ≤550
12Cr1MoVG GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤580
Header and piping Unlimited ≤565
12Cr2MoG GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤ 600*
Header and piping Unlimited ≤575
12Cr2MoWVTiB GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤600*
12Cr3MoVSiTiB Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤600*
07Cr2MoW2VNbB GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤600*
10Cr9Mo1VNbN GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤650*
Header and piping Unlimited ≤620
10Cr9MoW2VNbBN GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤650*
Header and piping Unlimited ≤630
07Cr19Ni10 GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤670*
10Cr18Ni9NbCu3BN GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤705*
07Cr25Ni21NbN GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤730*
07Cr19Ni11Ti GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤670*
07Cr18Ni11Nb GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤670*
08Cr18Ni11NbFG GB 5310 Heating surface pipe Unlimited ≤700*
Note 2-4: names of standards for materials listed in Table 2-2 are as follows: "Welded Steel Pipes for Low Pressure Liquid Delivery" (GB/T 3091), "Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Steel Pipe for Pipeline Transportation Systems" (GB/T 9711), "Seamless Steel Tubes for Liquid Service" (GB/T 8163), "Welded Steel Tubes for Low and Medium Pressure Boiler" (YB 4102), "Seamless Steel Tubes for Low and Medium Pressure" (GB 3087) and "Seamless Steel Tubes and Pipes for High Pressure Boiler" (GB 5310).
Note 2-5: (1) The wall temperature marked with “*” refers to the external wall temperature of the pipe on the side of flue gas while other wall temperatures refers to the calculated wall temperatures of boilers;
(2) During the design and material selection for the supercritical boiler or above, full consideration shall be given to the oxidation corrosion by the steam in the inner wall.
(3) Materials like sulfuric acid dew point corrosion-resistant steel (09CrCuSb) with service conditions and technical requirements conforming to "Water-tube Boilers" (GB/T 16507) and "Shell Boilers" (GB/T 16508) can be used for the heated surface at the end of boiler.
2.3.3 Material of forgings for the boiler
The material of forgings for the boiler is detailed in Table 2-3.
Table 2-3 Material of Forgings for the Boiler
Steel type Designation Serial numbers of standards Applicable scope
Working pressure (MPa) Wall temperature (℃)
Carbon steel 20,25 JB/T 9626 ≤5.3 (Note 2-7) ≤430
Alloy steel 12CrMo Unlimited ≤550
15CrMo ≤550
12Cr1MoV ≤565
Note 2-6: name of the standard for the material listed in Table 2-3 is as: "Specification for Boiler Forging" (JB/T 9626).
Note 2-7: the working pressure of the forgings in no contact with the flame is unlimited.
Note 2-8: for boiler forgings with the working pressure and wall temperature less than or equal to 2.5MPa and 350℃ respectively, Q235 may be adopted for the fabrication.
Note 2-9: where materials in "Carbon and Low-alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessels" (NB/T 47008/JB/T 4726) not listed in Table 2-3 are used for the boiler forgings, the selection of the applicable scope may be implemented by reference to the relevant requirements of GB 150.
2.3.4 Material of steel castings for the boiler
The material of steel castings for the boiler is detailed in Table 2-4.
Table 2-4 Material of Steel Castings for the Boiler
Steel type Designation Serial numbers of standards Applicable scope
Working pressure (MPa) Wall temperature (℃)
Carbon steel ZG200-400 JB/T 9625 ≤5.3 ≤430
ZG230-450 Unlimited ≤430
Alloy steel ZG20CrMo ≤510
ZG20CrMoV ≤540
ZG15Cr1Mo1V ≤570
Note 2-10: Note 2-4: name of the standard for the material listed in Table 2-4 is as: "Specification for Pressure Retaining Casting of Boiler Pipe Fittings" (JB/T 9625).
2.3.5 Material of iron castings for the boiler
The material of iron castings for the boiler is detailed in Table 2-5.
Table 2-5 Material of Iron Castings for the Boiler
Type Designation Serial numbers of standards Applicable scope
Nominal diameter of accessories, DN (mm) Working pressure (MPa) Wall temperature (℃)
Grey cast iron Not less than HT150 GB/T 9439 ≤300 ≤0.8 <230
JB/T 2639 ≤200 ≤1.6
Malleable cast iron KTH300-06 GB/T 9440 ≤100 ≤1.6 <300
Spheroidal graphite cast iron QT400-18,QT450-10 GB/T 1348 ≤150 ≤1.6 <300
JB/T 2637 ≤100 ≤2.5
Note 2-11: names of standards for materials listed in Table 2-5 are as follows: "Grey Iron Castings" (GB/T 9439), "Technical Specifications for Pressure-bearing Grey Iron Casting of Boiler" (JB/T 2639), "Malleable iron castings" (GB/T 9440), "Spheroidal Graphite Iron Castings" (GB/T 1348) and "Technical Specifications for Pressure-bearing Spheroidal Graphite Iron Casting of Boiler" (JB/T 2637)
2.3.6 Material of fasteners
The material of fasteners for the boiler is detailed in Table 2-6.
Table 2-6 Material of Fasteners
Steel type Designation Serial numbers of standards Applicable scope
Working pressure (MPa) Service temperature (℃)
Carbon steel 20,25 GB/T 699 Unlimited ≤350
35 ≤420
Alloy steel 30CrMo GB/T 3077 ≤500
35CrMo DL/T 439 ≤500
25Cr2MoVA ≤510
25Cr2Mo1VA ≤550
20Cr1Mo1VNbTiB ≤570
20Cr1Mo1VTiB ≤570
20Cr13,30Cr13 GB/T 1220 ≤450
12Cr18Ni9 ≤610
Note 2-12: names of standards for materials listed in Table 2-6 are as follows: "Quality Carbon Structural Steels" (GB/T 699), "Alloy Structure Steels" (GB/T 3077), "The Technical Guide for High-temperature Bolt of Fossil-Fired Power Plant" (DL/T 439) and "Stainless Steel Bars" (GB/T 1220).
Note 2-13: where materials such as carbon steel and alloy steel studs and nuts listed in GB 150, that are not listed in Table 2-6 are used for the boiler fasteners, the selection of the applicable scope may be implemented by reference to the relevant requirements of GB 150.
Note 2-14: for fasteners for the boiler components with the working pressure less than or equal to 1.6MPa and wall temperature greater than or equal to 350℃, Q235 may be adopted for the fabrication.
2.3.7 Material of boiler tension braces
Steel plate for boilers shall be selected for the material of the boiler tension braces and they shall be selected according to requirements of "Hot-rolled Round Carbon Steel Bars for Standard Parts" (GB 715) and "Quality Carbon Structural Steels" (GB/T 699).
2.3.8 Welding material
Selection of welding material shall meet the requirements of "Technical Permission of Steel Welding Rod Purchasing for Pressure Vessels" (NB/T 47018.1~47018.7 /JB/T 4747).
2.3.9 Special requirements for material selection and processing
(1) Corresponding materials of steel tube for the boiler may be adopted for hot working and processing of pipe fittings (such as three-way, elbow and reducer union) and elements such as header head;
(2) Except various types of flanges, the outside diameter of the carbon steel hollow circular pipe fittings is less than or equal to 160mm; that of alloy steel hollow circular pipe fittings or pipe fittings with caps is less than or equal to 114mm. If the processed pipe fittings not only meet the requirements of the non-destructive testing, but also their longitudinal axes are parallel to the axes of the round steel, rolling or forged round steel may be adopted for the processing;
(3) Grey cast iron shall not be used to fabricate the blowdown valve and blowdown elbow;
(4) For boilers with the rated working pressure less than or equal To 1.6MPa and superheaters with the steam temperature less than or equal To 300℃, the malleable iron or the spheroidal graphite cast iron listed in Table 2-5 may be adopted for the fabrication of their blow-off valve and blowdown valve;
(5) For the square cast-iron economizer and elbow of the boiler with the rated working pressure less than or equal To 2.5MPa, grey cast iron with the designation not greater than or equal to HT 200 are allowed to be adopted; for the square cast-iron economizer and elbow of the boiler with the rated working pressure less than or equal to 1.6MPa, the grey cast iron with the designation greater than or equal to HT 150 are allowed to be adopted;
(6) Repair welding is forbidden for the iron castings for the pressure parts.
2.4 Material substitution
Substitute material of the boiler shall meet the material requirements in this regulation. The material substitution shall meet requirements of strength, structure and process and shall be agreed by the technical division (including design and process department) of the material substitution organization.
2.5 Development of new material
Where new material not listed in this regulation is adopted, the development organization of the material shall carry out experimental investigation for the test before the preproduction and the material shall pass the technical review and approval according to the requirements of Article 1.6 in this regulation. The review shall cover chemical compositions, physical properties, mechanical property, structure stability, high-temperature property, corrosion resistance and process property.
2.6 Materials with foreign designation
2.6.1 Materials with foreign designation are adopted for the boiler pressure parts.
(1) Designation in the material standard for the foreign boiler or designation of the material whose chemical composition, mechanical property and process property are similar to that of the domestic boiler material or the designation of the material for mature boiler;
(2) Acceptance is carried out for the material according to the technical provisions in the order contract;
(3) Welding procedure qualification and molding process test shall be carried out before the first use;
(4) Performance index specified in the technical standards or technical specification for the material shall be adopted for the strength calculation.
2.6.2 Material with foreign designation manufactured by the manufacturer
Manufacturing and acceptance shall be carried out for the material with foreign designation manufactured by the manufacturer according to requirements of foreign standards for the material; and by comparison to the standards for the domestic boiler material, in case of any missing test item, inspection on the missing item shall be made up and they may be used only after it is deemed as acceptable; before the formal manufacturing, it shall pass the technical review approval according to the requirements of Article 1.6 in this regulation.
2.7 Material quality certificate
(1) The manufacturer of the material shall provide the user with the original quality certificate according to corresponding material standard and provisions of the order contract; and shall make distinct and firm steel seal mark or other marks at the apparent position of the material. The material quality certificate items shall be complete and distinct and the certificate shall be stamped with the quality inspection seal of the material manufacturer;
(2) Where the boiler material is not directly supplied by the material manufacturer, the Supplier shall provide the original material quality certificate or its copies and stamp its official stamp and signature of its operator;
(3) The using organization of the boiler material is responsible for the trueness and consistency between the obtained boiler material and the material quality certificate.
2.8 Material acceptance
The boiler manufacturing, installation, improvement and repair organizations shall carry out incoming acceptance for the boiler material according to the relevant requirements and may use it after its qualification. Physicochemical and corresponding non-destructive testing and reinspection may be omitted for the material under any of the following conditions:
(1) The acceptance personnel of the material using organization shall carry out at the material manufacturer according to the procurement specifications and make a witness signature on the inspection report for confirmation;
(2) the carbon steel plates and tube for Grade B boiler or below as well as carbon steel welding materials shall be provided with distinct and complete physical marks and quality certificate in accordance with the requirements of Article 2.7 in this regulation. In addition, that in the quality certificate shall be consistent with the physical object.
2.9 Material management
(1) The boiler manufacturing, installation, improvement and repair organizations shall establish a material preservation and use management system. The material for the boiler pressure parts shall be provided with marks; before the cutting for material preparation, marks shall be made for transplantation and easy identification;
(2) The using organization of the welding material shall establish a storage, drying, distribution, recycling and reclamation management systems for the welding material.
3 Design
3.1 Basic requirements
The boiler design shall meet the requirements of safety, reliability and energy conservation. The organization granted with a boiler manufacturing license is responsible for the design quality of its manufactured boilers.
3.2 Assessment of design document
The design document of the boiler proper may be put into production after it is deemed as acceptable by the design document assessment agency approved by the AQSIQ.
3.3 Strength calculation
3.3.1 Selection of safety coefficient
During the strength calculation, the minimum safety coefficient for determination of the allowable stress of the boiler pressure-bearing material is detailed in Table 3-1; and the determination for other design methods and safety coefficients of component materials shall meet requirements of relevant product standards.
Table 3-1 Safety Coefficient for Strength Calculation
Materials (plate, forging and tube) Safety coefficient
Tensile strength at the ambient temperature, Rm Yield strength at the design temperature, (Note 3-1) Limit average of endurance strength at the design temperature, (Note 3-2) Creep limit average at the design temperature (0.01% creep rate per 1000h),
Carbon steel and low alloy steel nb≥2.7 ns≥1.5 nd≥1.5 nn≥1.0
High alloy steel nb≥2.7 ns≥1.5 nd≥1.5 nn≥1.0
Note 3-1: if is permitted to be adopted in the product standard, the value may be selected to calculate the allowable stress.
Note 3-2: indicates the endurance strength limit for 1.0×105h.
3.3.2 Strength calculation standards
The strength of the pressure parts for the boiler proper may be calculated and checked according to "Water-tube Boilers - Part 4: Strength Calculation of Pressure Parts" (GB/T 16507.4) or " Shell Boilers - Part 3: Design and Strength Calculation" (GB/T 16508.3). Where test method, comparable experience design method or other design method is adopted to determine the strength of the boiler pressure parts, it shall be implemented according to the requirements of Article 1.6 in this regulation.
Strength of Grade A boiler external piping may be calculated according to "Code for Design of Thermal Power Plant Steam/Water Piping" (DL/T 5054) while that of Grade B or below boiler external piping may be calculated according to "Design Code for Industrial Metallic Piping" (GB 50316).