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Professional Standard Category: Professional Standard - Telecommunication

YD/T 1683-2016    Inter-port test method for CDMA digital cellular mobile communication network mobile device (ME) and mobile subscriber identification module (R-UIM)
Category No.:YD Valid Status:valid
Issued Organization: Issued Date:
Implemented Date: Abolished Date:
Superseded Standard.: Superseded Date:
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YD/T 1462-2007   YD/T 561-1992   YD/T 1683-2016   YD/T 1782-2008   YD/T 5152-2007   YD/T 695-1993   YD/T 1169.1-2001   YD/T 163L-2007   YD/T 3029-2016   YD/T 1779-2008   YDB 140-2013   YD 254-1981   YD 260-1981   YD/T 322-1996   YD/T 1230-2002   YDB 135-2013   YDC 059-2007   YD/T L634-2007   YDB 151-2014   YD/T 908-1997  

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