GB/T 12706.2-2008 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1kV (Um=1.2kV) up to 35kV (Um=40.5kV) - Part 2: Cables for rated voltages from 6kV (Um=7.2kV) up t (English Version)
Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1kV (Um=1.2kV) up to 35kV (Um=40.5kV) - Part 2: Cables for rated voltages from 6kV (Um=7.2kV) up t
This part of GB/T 12706 specifies the construction, dimensions and test requirements of power cables with extruded solid insulation from 6kV up to 30kV for fixed installations such as distribution networks or industrial installations.
When determining applications, it is recommended that the possible risk of radial water ingress is considered. Cable with barriers claimed to prevent longitudinal water penetration and an associated test are included in this part.
Cables for special installation and service conditions are not included in this part, for example cables for overhead networks, the mining industry, nuclear power plants (in and around the containment area) nor for submarine use or shipboard application.
Contents Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 5 Conductors 6 Insulation 7 Screening 8 Assembly of Three-core Cables, Inner Coverings and Fillers 9 Metallic Layers for Single-core and Three-core Cables 10 Metallic Screen 11 Concentric Conductor 12 Metallic Sheath 13 Metallic Armor 14 Oversheath 15 Test Conditions 16 Routine Tests 17 Sample Tests 18 Electrical Type Tests 19 Non-electrical Type Tests 20 Electrical Tests after Installation 21 Supplementary Clauses of Cables Annex A (Normative) Fictitious Calculation Method for Determination of Dimensions of Protective Coverings Annex B (informative) Supplementary Clauses for Cables Annex C (Normative) Rounding of Numbers Annex D (Normative) Method of Measuring Resistivity of Semi-conducting Screens Annex E (Normative) Determination of Hardness of HEPR Insulations Annex F (Normative) Water Penetration Test
GB/T 12706.2-2008 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1kV (Um=1.2kV) up to 35kV (Um=40.5kV) - Part 2: Cables for rated voltages from 6kV (Um=7.2kV) up t (English Version)
Standard No.
GB/T 12706.2-2008
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Detail of GB/T 12706.2-2008
Standard No.
GB/T 12706.2-2008
English Name
Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1kV (Um=1.2kV) up to 35kV (Um=40.5kV) - Part 2: Cables for rated voltages from 6kV (Um=7.2kV) up t
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 12706 specifies the construction, dimensions and test requirements of power cables with extruded solid insulation from 6kV up to 30kV for fixed installations such as distribution networks or industrial installations.
When determining applications, it is recommended that the possible risk of radial water ingress is considered. Cable with barriers claimed to prevent longitudinal water penetration and an associated test are included in this part.
Cables for special installation and service conditions are not included in this part, for example cables for overhead networks, the mining industry, nuclear power plants (in and around the containment area) nor for submarine use or shipboard application.
Contents of GB/T 12706.2-2008
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
5 Conductors
6 Insulation
7 Screening
8 Assembly of Three-core Cables, Inner Coverings and Fillers
9 Metallic Layers for Single-core and Three-core Cables
10 Metallic Screen
11 Concentric Conductor
12 Metallic Sheath
13 Metallic Armor
14 Oversheath
15 Test Conditions
16 Routine Tests
17 Sample Tests
18 Electrical Type Tests
19 Non-electrical Type Tests
20 Electrical Tests after Installation
21 Supplementary Clauses of Cables
Annex A (Normative) Fictitious Calculation Method for Determination of Dimensions of Protective Coverings
Annex B (informative) Supplementary Clauses for Cables
Annex C (Normative) Rounding of Numbers
Annex D (Normative) Method of Measuring Resistivity of Semi-conducting Screens
Annex E (Normative) Determination of Hardness of HEPR Insulations
Annex F (Normative) Water Penetration Test