is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 23636-2009 Plate for lead-acid battery. The following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB/T 23636-2009:
——The clause “scope” is modified by adding the contents of unformed plate (see Clause 1; Clause 1 of Edition 2009);
——The contents of “terms and definitions” are modified (see Clause 3; Clause 3 of Edition 2009);
——The requirements and test methods of “plate rated capacity” are added (see 4.1 and 6.2);
——The requirements and test methods of “unformed plate composition” are added (see 4.3.3 and 6.4);
——The requirements and test methods of “cadmium content” are added (see 4.4 and 6.4.7);
——The contents of “inspection procedures” are modified (see 7.4; 8.4 of Edition 2009);
——The contents of “marking, packaging and storage” are modified (see Clause 8; Clause 9 of Edition 2009);
——“Annex A (Informative) Combined determination of iron and cadmium - Atomic spectrometry or mass spectrometry” is added.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This standard was proposed by China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Lead-acid Batteries of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 69).
The previous edition of this standard is as follows:
——GB/T 23636-2009.
Plate for lead-acid battery
1 Scope
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, and storage of plate for lead-acid battery (including processed plate and unformed plate for lead-acid battery).
It is applicable to the processed plate and the unformed plate for lead-acid battery.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 622 Chemical reagent - Hydrochloric acid
GB/T 625 Chemical reagent - Sulfuric acid
GB/T 626 Chemical reagent - Nitric acid
GB/T 631 Chemical reagent - Ammonia solution
GB/T 643 Chemical reagent - Potassium permanganate
GB/T 676 Chemical reagent - Acetic acid
GB/T 678 Chemical reagent - Ethanol
GB/T 694 Chemical reagent - Sodium acetate anhydrous
GB 1254 Working chemical - Sodium oxalate
GB/T 1266 Chemical reagent - Sodium chloride
GB/T 1294 Chemical reagent - Tartaric acid
GB/T 1400 Chemical reagent - Hexamethylene tetramine
GB/T 2828.1 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
GB/T 2900.41 Electrotechnical terminology - Primary and secondary cells and batteries
GB/T 6684 Chemical reagent - Hydrogen peroxide 30%
GB/T 6685 Chemical reagent - Hydroxylammonium chloride
GB/T 6782 Food additive - Sodium citrate
GB/T 10111 Generation of random numbers and procedures applied to sampling inspection for product quality
GB/T 12593 Working chemical - Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt
GB/T 15347 Chemical reagent - L(+)-Ascorbic acid
HG/T 3454 Chemical reagent - Thiourea
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 2900.41 and the following apply.
battery electrode composed of current collector, active material and added accessories. It is the general term of processed plate and unformed plate
processed plate
plate of which the product is formed and the main active material is lead or lead dioxide
unformed plate
plate of which the product is unformed and the main active material is lead oxide and lead sulfate
dry-charged plate
processed plate in a dry and high charge state
conventional plate
processed plate in a dry and low charge state
free lead
remaining metal lead that cannot be oxidized after the unformed plate is cured
plate rated capacity
10-hour rate capacity indicated by the plate manufacturer
primary testing plate
plate used for measurement and verification
auxiliary plate
corresponding plate used when measuring the primary testing plate. It forms a conduction current loop with the measured plate to realize capacity discharge measurement of the primary testing plate
reference electrode
an electrode used as a reference when measuring the potential of a positive or negative plate. A battery is constituted by the measured plate and a reference electrode with an accurately known electrode potential value to measure the potential value of a primary testing plate
3.11 Appearance of pasted plates
plate buckling
arc deformation of a plate
active material lump lost
the active material on the plate separates from the grid, forming penetrating defect
peeling off and bubbling on plate surface
layered peeling between active materials, without forming penetrating defect
active material sunken
the active material in the plate is locally obviously lower than that on the plate surface
plate frame distorted
diagonals of a plate are not equal
active material loosing
the binding force between active materials and between the active material and the grid becomes poor
3.12 Appearance of tubular plates
fibrous tubes split somewhere
one or more separated place(s) on the surface of fibrous tubes
loosened end of fibrous tube
the top of fibrous tube becomes loose
lead paste sticking on the fibrous tubes surface
active material is stuck on the outer surface of fibrous tubes
unfilled tube
there is no active material between the fibrous tube and the grid framework
3.13 Plate composition
lead dioxide content
percentage of the amount of lead dioxide in the positive processed plate against the mass of all active materials
lead oxide content
percentage of the amount of lead oxide in the negative processed plate against the mass of all active materials
lead sulfate content
percentage of the amount of lead sulfate in the unformed plate against the mass of all dry lead paste
free lead content
percentage of the amount of free lead in the unformed plate against the mass of all dry lead paste
iron content
percentage of the amount of iron impurity in the plate against the mass of all active materials
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Technical requirements 5 Test conditions 6 Test methods 7 Inspection rules 8 Marking, packaging and storage Annex A (Informative) Combined determination of iron and cadmium - Atomic spectrometry or mass spectrometry is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 23636-2009 Plate for lead-acid battery. The following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB/T 23636-2009:
——The clause “scope” is modified by adding the contents of unformed plate (see Clause 1; Clause 1 of Edition 2009);
——The contents of “terms and definitions” are modified (see Clause 3; Clause 3 of Edition 2009);
——The requirements and test methods of “plate rated capacity” are added (see 4.1 and 6.2);
——The requirements and test methods of “unformed plate composition” are added (see 4.3.3 and 6.4);
——The requirements and test methods of “cadmium content” are added (see 4.4 and 6.4.7);
——The contents of “inspection procedures” are modified (see 7.4; 8.4 of Edition 2009);
——The contents of “marking, packaging and storage” are modified (see Clause 8; Clause 9 of Edition 2009);
——“Annex A (Informative) Combined determination of iron and cadmium - Atomic spectrometry or mass spectrometry” is added.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This standard was proposed by China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Lead-acid Batteries of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 69).
The previous edition of this standard is as follows:
——GB/T 23636-2009.
Plate for lead-acid battery
1 Scope
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, and storage of plate for lead-acid battery (including processed plate and unformed plate for lead-acid battery).
It is applicable to the processed plate and the unformed plate for lead-acid battery.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 622 Chemical reagent - Hydrochloric acid
GB/T 625 Chemical reagent - Sulfuric acid
GB/T 626 Chemical reagent - Nitric acid
GB/T 631 Chemical reagent - Ammonia solution
GB/T 643 Chemical reagent - Potassium permanganate
GB/T 676 Chemical reagent - Acetic acid
GB/T 678 Chemical reagent - Ethanol
GB/T 694 Chemical reagent - Sodium acetate anhydrous
GB 1254 Working chemical - Sodium oxalate
GB/T 1266 Chemical reagent - Sodium chloride
GB/T 1294 Chemical reagent - Tartaric acid
GB/T 1400 Chemical reagent - Hexamethylene tetramine
GB/T 2828.1 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
GB/T 2900.41 Electrotechnical terminology - Primary and secondary cells and batteries
GB/T 6684 Chemical reagent - Hydrogen peroxide 30%
GB/T 6685 Chemical reagent - Hydroxylammonium chloride
GB/T 6782 Food additive - Sodium citrate
GB/T 10111 Generation of random numbers and procedures applied to sampling inspection for product quality
GB/T 12593 Working chemical - Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt
GB/T 15347 Chemical reagent - L(+)-Ascorbic acid
HG/T 3454 Chemical reagent - Thiourea
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 2900.41 and the following apply.
battery electrode composed of current collector, active material and added accessories. It is the general term of processed plate and unformed plate
processed plate
plate of which the product is formed and the main active material is lead or lead dioxide
unformed plate
plate of which the product is unformed and the main active material is lead oxide and lead sulfate
dry-charged plate
processed plate in a dry and high charge state
conventional plate
processed plate in a dry and low charge state
free lead
remaining metal lead that cannot be oxidized after the unformed plate is cured
plate rated capacity
10-hour rate capacity indicated by the plate manufacturer
primary testing plate
plate used for measurement and verification
auxiliary plate
corresponding plate used when measuring the primary testing plate. It forms a conduction current loop with the measured plate to realize capacity discharge measurement of the primary testing plate
reference electrode
an electrode used as a reference when measuring the potential of a positive or negative plate. A battery is constituted by the measured plate and a reference electrode with an accurately known electrode potential value to measure the potential value of a primary testing plate
3.11 Appearance of pasted plates
plate buckling
arc deformation of a plate
active material lump lost
the active material on the plate separates from the grid, forming penetrating defect
peeling off and bubbling on plate surface
layered peeling between active materials, without forming penetrating defect
active material sunken
the active material in the plate is locally obviously lower than that on the plate surface
plate frame distorted
diagonals of a plate are not equal
active material loosing
the binding force between active materials and between the active material and the grid becomes poor
3.12 Appearance of tubular plates
fibrous tubes split somewhere
one or more separated place(s) on the surface of fibrous tubes
loosened end of fibrous tube
the top of fibrous tube becomes loose
lead paste sticking on the fibrous tubes surface
active material is stuck on the outer surface of fibrous tubes
unfilled tube
there is no active material between the fibrous tube and the grid framework
3.13 Plate composition
lead dioxide content
percentage of the amount of lead dioxide in the positive processed plate against the mass of all active materials
lead oxide content
percentage of the amount of lead oxide in the negative processed plate against the mass of all active materials
lead sulfate content
percentage of the amount of lead sulfate in the unformed plate against the mass of all dry lead paste
free lead content
percentage of the amount of free lead in the unformed plate against the mass of all dry lead paste
iron content
percentage of the amount of iron impurity in the plate against the mass of all active materials
Contents of GB/T 23636-2017
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Technical requirements
5 Test conditions
6 Test methods
7 Inspection rules
8 Marking, packaging and storage
Annex A (Informative) Combined determination of iron and cadmium - Atomic spectrometry or mass spectrometry