This standard specifies the definitions, types, model compilation, basic parameters, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, preparation requirements for operating instructions, and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of indoor fire hydrants.
This standard is applicable to indoor fire hydrants.
Foreword I 1 Scope 1 2 Normative References 1 3 Terms and Definitions 1 4 Types, Model Compilation and Basic Parameters 2 5 Requirements 3 6 Test Methods 6 7 Inspection Rules 10 8 Preparation Requirements for Operating Instructions 12 9 Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage 12
This standard specifies the definitions, types, model compilation, basic parameters, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, preparation requirements for operating instructions, and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of indoor fire hydrants.
This standard is applicable to indoor fire hydrants.
Contents of GB 3445-2005
Foreword I
1 Scope 1
2 Normative References 1
3 Terms and Definitions 1
4 Types, Model Compilation and Basic Parameters 2
5 Requirements 3
6 Test Methods 6
7 Inspection Rules 10
8 Preparation Requirements for Operating Instructions 12
9 Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage 12