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Position: Chinese Standard in English/GB/T 710-2008
GB/T 710-2008   Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel sheets and strips (English Version)
Standard No.: GB/T 710-2008 Status:superseded
Language:English File Format:PDF
Word Count: 3000 words Price(USD):60.00 remind me the price change
Implemented on:2009-10-1 Delivery: immediately
Standard No.: GB/T 710-2008
English Name: Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel sheets and strips
Chinese Name: 优质碳素结构钢热轧薄钢板和钢带
Chinese Classification: H46    Steel sheet and strip
Professional Classification: GB    National Standard
ICS Classification: 77.140.50 77.140.50    Flat steel products and semi-products 77.140.50
Issued by: AQSIQ; SAC
Issued on: 2008-12-6
Implemented on: 2009-10-1
Status: superseded
Superseded by:GB/T 711-2017 Hot-rolled Quality Carbon Structural Steel Plates, Sheets and Wide Strips
Superseded on:2017-11-1
Superseding:GB/T 710-1991
GB 710-1991 Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel sheets and strips
Language: English
File Format: PDF
Word Count: 3000 words
Price(USD): 60.00
Delivery: via email in 1 business day
Referred in GB/T 710-2008:
* GB/T 222-2006 Permissible Tolerances for Chemical Composition of Steel Products
* GB/T 223.3-1988
* GB/T 223.5-2008 Steel and Iron - Determination of Acid-soluble Silicon and Total Silicon Content - Reduced Molybdosilicate Spectrophotometric Method
* GB/T 223.9-2008 Iron, Steel and Alloy - Determination of Aluminium Content - Chrome Azurol S Photometric Method
* GB/T 223.11-2008 Iron, Steel and Alloy - Determination of Chromium Content - Visual Titration or Potentiometric Titration Method
* GB/T 223.12-1999
* GB/T 223.18-1994 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy - The Sodium Thiosulfate Separation Iodimetric Method for the Determination of Copper Content
* GB/T 223.19-1989
* GB/T 223.23-2008 Iron, Steel and Alloy-Determination of Nickel Content - The Dimethylglyoxime Spectrophotometric Method
* GB/T 223.36-1994 Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy The neutral titration method for the determinaion of nitrogen content after distillation separation
* GB/T 223.37-1989 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy - the Indophenol Blue Photometric Method for the Determination of Nitrogen Content after Distillation Separation
* GB/T 223.53-1987
* GB/T 223.54-1987
* GB/T 223.58-1987
* GB/T 223.59-2008 Iron, Steel and Alloy - Determination of Phosphorus Content - Bismuth Phosphomolybdate Blue Spectrophotometric Method and Antimony Phosphomolybdate Blue Spectrophotometric Method
* GB/T 223.60-1997 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy - The Perchloric Acid Dehydration Gravimetric Method for the Determination of Silicon Content
* GB/T 223.61-1988 Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy; The ammonium phosphomolybdate volumetric method for the determination of phosphorus content
* GB/T 223.62-1988 Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy; The butyl acetate extraction photometric method for the determination of phosphorus content
* GB/T 223.63-1998
* GB/T 223.64-2008 Iron, Steel and Alloy - Determination of Manganese Content - Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method
* GB/T 223.67-2008 Iron, Steel and Alloy - Determination of Sulfur Content - Methylene Blue Spectrophotometric Method
* GB/T 223.68-1997 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy - The Potassium Iodate Titration Method after Combustion in the Pipe Furnace for the Determination of Sulfur Content
* GB/T 223.69-2008 Iron, Steel and Alloy-Determination of Carbon Contents- Gas-volumetric Method after Combustion in the Pipe Furnace
* GB/T 224-2008 Determination of depth of decarburization of steels
* GB/T 228-2002 Metallic Materials – Tensile Testing at Ambient Temperature
* GB/T 232-2010 Metallic materials—Bend test
* GB/T 247-2008 General rule of package mark and certification for steel plates (sheets) and strips
* GB/T 709-2006 Dimension, Shape, Weight and Tolerances for Hot Rolled Sheets and
* GB/T 2975-1998 Steel and Steel Products - Location and Preparation of Test Pieces for Mechanical Testing
* GB/T 4156-2007 Metallic materials—Sheet and strip—Erichsen cupping test
* GB/T 4336-2002 Standard Test Method for Spark Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometric Analysis of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel (Routine Method)
* GB/T 6394-2002 Metal-methods for estimating the average grain size
* GB/T 13299-1991
* GB/T 17505-1998
* GB/T 20066-2006 Steel and Iron-Sampling and Preparation of Samples for the Determination of Chemical Composition
* GB/T 20123-2006 Steel and iron—Determination of total carbon and sulfur content Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace (routine method)
* YB/T 081-2013 Rule for Rounding Off of Numberical Values and Judgement of Testing Values for Technical Standards of Metallurgy
GB/T 710-2008 is referred in:
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