GB/T 31467.3-2015/XG1-2017 Lithium-ion traction battery pack and system for electric vehicles―Part 3:Safety requirements and test methods, includes Amendment 1 (English Version)
"Lithium-ion Traction Battery Pack and System for Electric Vehicles" (GB/T 31467) comprises three parts:
- Part 1: Test Specification for High Power Applications;
- Part 2: Test Specification for High Energy Applications;
- Part 3: Safety Requirements and Test Methods.
This part is Part 3 of GB/T 31467.
This part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part was proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China.
This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Automobiles of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 114).
Drafting organizations of this part: China Automotive Technology & Research Center, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation No.18 Research Institute, BYD (Shenzhen) Automobile Co., Ltd., China FAW Group Corporation, China North Vehicle Research Institute, Huizhou Yineng Electronics Co., Ltd., Tianjin Lishen Battery Co., Ltd., Chery New Energy Automotive Technology Co., Ltd., Hubei Camel Storage Battery Research Institute Co., Ltd., Potevio New Energy Co., Ltd., Shanghai CENAT Energy Co., Ltd., Tianjin Qingyuan Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd., Technology Center of SAIC Motor Group Co., Ltd., Qoros Auto Co. Ltd., Technology Center of Dongfeng Motor Group Company Limited, Contemporary Amperex Technology Limited, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Shanghai Hengdong Auto Battery Co., Ltd., FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. and Heter Electronics Group Co., Ltd.
Chief drafters of this part: Wu Zhixin, Lian Yubo, Wang Fang, Liu Shiqiang, Xiao Chengwei, Meng Xiangfeng, Hu Daozhong, Cai Yi, Zhang Jianhua, Pei Xiaojuan, Zhou Nenghui, Ruan Xusong, Zhang Na, Lu Kewei, Yu Hongtao, Zeng Xiangbing, Shao Zhehai, Jiang Wenfeng, Wang Hongmei, Xia Yang, Wang Zhenpo, Jiang Jiuchun, Wang Wei, Wei Xuezhe, Chen Weifan, Wang Qing, Liu Lei and Ren Shijie.
Lithium-ion Traction Battery Pack and System for Electric Vehicles –
Part 3: Safety Requirements and Test Methods
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 31467 specifies safety requirements and test methods of lithium-ion traction battery pack and system for electric vehicles.
This part is applicable to lithium-ion traction battery packs and systems installed on electric vehicles, and nickel-hydrogen traction battery packs and systems may also refer to this part.
2 Normative References
The following documents for the application of this document are essential. Any dated reference, just dated edition applies to this document. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.
GB 4208 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosure (IP Code)
GB/T 18384.1 Electric Vehicles - Safety Specification - Part 1: On-board Energy Storage
GB/T 18384.3 Electrically Propelled Road Vehicles - Safety Specifications - Part 3: Protection of Persons against Electric Hazards
GB/T 19596 Terminology of Electric Vehicles
GB/T 28046.1-2011 Road Vehicles - Environmental Conditions and Testing for Electrical and Electronic Equipment - Part 1: General
GB/T 31467.1-2015 Lithium-ion Traction Battery Pack and System for Electric Vehicles - Part 1: Test Specification for High Power Applications
GB/T 31467.2-2015 Lithium-ion Traction Battery Pack and System for Electric Vehicles - Part 2: Test Specification for High Energy Applications
3 Terminologies and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terminologies and definitions defined in GB/T 19596 and the following ones apply.
Battery electronics
Electronic device that collects or simultaneously monitors electric and thermal data of battery cells or modules and may contain electronics for cell balancing, if necessary.
Note: The battery electronics may include a cell controller. The balancing between battery cells may be controlled by the battery electronics or it may be controlled by the battery control unit (BCU).
Battery control unit; BCU
Electronic device that controls, manages, detects, or calculates electric and thermal parameters of the battery system and also provides communication between the battery system and other vehicle controllers.
Rated capacity
Discharge capacity of battery pack or system measured under specified conditions.
Battery pack
Unit that generally includes storage battery, battery management module (excluding BCU), battery container and corresponding accessories and is capable of obtaining external electric energy and outputting electric energy outwards.
Battery system
Energy storage device that is composed of one or more battery packs and corresponding accessories (management system, high voltage circuit, low voltage circuit, thermal management equipment and mechanical assembly, etc.).
High voltage
The maximum working voltage which is larger than 30 V a.c.(rms) and is less than or equal to 1,000 V a.c.(rms), or the voltage which is larger than 60 V d.c. and is less than or equal to 1,500 V d.c.
Low voltage
The maximum working voltage which is not larger than 30 V a.c.(rms), or the voltage which is not larger than 60 V d.c.
4 Symbols and Abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the following symbols and abbreviations apply.
nC: the current rate, which is equal to n times of 1h discharge capacity [ampere (A)]
SOC: the state of charge at room temperature
5 General Test Conditions
5.1 General Conditions
5.1.1 Unless otherwise stated in some specific test items, the test shall be carried out in such environment with temperature of 25℃±5℃ and humidity of 15%~90%. The room temperature mentioned in this standard refers to 25℃±2℃.
5.1.2 Battery pack and system shall meet the relevant requirements of GB/T 18384.1 and GB/T 18384.3.
5.1.3 The necessary documentation for operation and needed interface parts for connection to the test equipment (i.e. connectors, plugs including cooling) shall be delivered together with the battery pack and system. The typical configurations of battery pack and battery system are shown in Appendix A. The manufacturer shall provide the operational limits of battery pack or system to ensure the safety of whole test process.
5.1.4 The protection degree of battery pack and system shall meet the relevant requirements of GB 4208 according to the actual installation position.
5.1.5 Prior to all tests, the battery pack and system shall undergo insulation resistance test. The test positions are: positive pole and enclosure, and negative pole and enclosure. The insulation resistance shall not be less than 100Ω/V.
5.1.6 When the target ambient temperature of the test is changed, the test object shall complete environmental adaptation process prior to test: in case of low temperature, the test object shall be kept still for no less than 24h; in case of high temperature, the test object shall be kept still for no less than 16h.
5.1.7 If the battery pack and system is unsuitable to undergo some tests due to certain reasons (e.g., size or weight), upon the agreement of the supplier and the purchaser, the subsystem of battery pack and system may be substitutively used as the test object to undergo all or part of tests, but the subsystem adopted as test object shall comprise all the parts relevant to the requirements of complete vehicle.
5.1.8 Method of adjusting SOC to n% of test target value: the battery pack and system shall be fully charged according to the charging mode provided by the manufacturer, then they shall be kept still for 1h and discharge by (100-n)/100 h at constant current according to 1C. After each SOC adjustment and before the beginning of a new test, the test object shall be kept still for 30min.
5.1.9 During test, there shall be a certain rest period between some test procedures in order to achieve equilibration of internal reaction and temperature of battery pack and system.
5.1.10 During test, the discharge rate shall comply with those specified in this part, and the charging mechanism and discharging cut-off condition shall be provided by the manufacturer.
5.1.11 The rated capacity of battery pack and system has an important influence on test process. The absolute value of the difference between actual available capacity (6.2) and rated capacity of battery pack and system shall not exceed 5% of rated capacity.
5.1.12 Unless otherwise specified, the test object shall undergo test at full charge state as specified by the manufacturer.
5.1.13 The test items, clause No. of test methods, test conditions and other information required for the battery pack and system are given in Appendix B.
5.1.14 The discharging current symbol of battery is positive and the charging current symbol is negative.
5.2 Accuracy Requirements
5.2.1 The requirements for the accuracy of measurement instruments and meters are as follows:
- Voltage measurement device: ≥ Class 0.5;
- Current measurement device: ≥ Class 0.5;
- Temperature measurement device: ±0.5℃;
- Time measurement device: ±0.1%;
- Dimension measurement device: ±0.1%;
- Mass measurement device: ±0.1%.
5.2.2 During test, the requirements for the error between controlling value (actual value) and target value are as follows:
- Voltage: ±1%;
- Current: ±1%;
- Temperature: ±2℃.
5.3 Data Recording and Recording Interval
All test data (time, temperature, current, and voltage, etc.) shall be noted at least every 1% of the estimated discharge and charge time, except if it is noted otherwise in the individual test items.
5.4 Test Preparation
5.4.1 Preparation of battery pack
The high voltage, low voltage and cooling device of battery pack shall be connected with the test bench equipment and the passive protection function of battery pack shall be started. Working conditions and working parameters of battery pack shall be detected and controlled by the test bench according to the requirements of battery pack manufacturer and the test specification, and the active protection shall be maintained, if necessary via disconnection of the battery pack main contactors. The cooling device shall be operated according to the manufacturer's requirements. During test of battery pack, there shall be no information exchange between battery pack and test bench, and the parameter limits of battery pack shall be directly controlled by the test bench. The test bench shall detect such parameters as current, voltage, capacity or energy of battery pack and also take these data as the test results and calculation basis.
5.4.2 Preparation of battery system
The high voltage, low voltage, cooling device and BCU of battery system shall be connected with the test bench equipment and the active and passive protection of battery system shall be started. The test bench shall ensure the test parameters and conditions being consistent with the requirements of test specification, and shall ensure that the battery system works within reasonable limits, and these limits are provided by BCU to test bench by the BCU via bus communication. The BCU shall control the operation of cooling device. If necessary, the BCU program shall be adapted by the battery system manufacturer according to the test specification. Active protection shall be maintained by the test bench equipment, too, if necessary, via request of disconnection of the battery system main contactors. During test of battery system, the battery system shall communicate with the test bench via bus and shall transmit the state parameters and operational limits of battery to the test bench at real time, and then the test bench shall control the test process according to the battery state and operational limits. The test bench shall detect such parameters as current, voltage, capacity or energy of battery system and also take these data as the test results and calculation basis. Parameters uploaded by battery system shall not be taken as the test results or test basis.
6 General Tests
6.1 Measurement Accuracy of State Parameters
6.1.1 The state parameter measurement accuracy test of electronics or BCU of battery pack and system shall be carried out before starting the real testing sequence, so as to ensure the accuracy of parameters during test.
6.1.2 The state parameter measurement accuracy of electronics or BCU of battery pack and system shall meet the requirements specified in Table 1.
Table 1 Requirements for Measurement Accuracy of State Parameters
Parameter Total voltage value Temperature value Cell (module) voltage value
Accuracy requirement ≤±2% FS ≤±2℃ ≤±0.5% FS
6.2 Pre-conditioning Test
6.2.1 Battery pack and system shall be conditioned by performing some cycles, before starting the real testing sequence, so as to ensure activation and adequate stabilization of the battery pack and system performance.
6.2.2 The test procedure for pre-conditioning cycles shall be carried out at room temperature according to 6.1 of GB/T 31467.1-2015 or GB/T 31467.2-2015. The battery pack and system shall be considered as pre-conditioned if the discharge capacity during two consecutive discharges does not change by a value greater than 3% of the rated capacity. A standard charging procedure shall be carried out again if the time interval between standard cycle and a new test item is larger than 24h.
7 Safety Test
7.1 Vibration
7.1.1 Vibration test of battery pack or system
The test object shall be installed on vibration table by making reference to the installation position of test object on vehicle and the requirements of GB/T 2423.43. The battery pack or system shall undergo sinusoidal vibration for 15min, with the vibration frequency increased from 7Hz to 50Hz and then reduced back to 7Hz. This cycle shall be repeated 12 times within 3h in the vertical direction of installation position of battery pack or system specified by the manufacturer.
The relationship between vibration frequency and acceleration is detailed in Table 2:
Table 2 Frequency and Acceleration
Frequency /Hz Acceleration /m/s²
7-18 10
18-30 From 10 to 2 gradually
30-50 2
Higher frequency and acceleration may be used as required by the manufacturer.
With approval of the technical service organization, the vibration test scheme determined by the manufacturer may be an alternative of frequency-acceleration relationship given in Table 2 as required by the manufacturer. However, the test certification of battery pack or system obtained in this case is only applicable to special vehicle type.
After undergoing vibration, the battery pack or system shall run for one standard cycle according to the method specified in 6.2 of GB/T 31467.1-2015 or 6.2 in GB/T 31467.2-2015, and the charging and discharging current may be adjusted in this cycle as required by the manufacturer.
After the end of test, the battery pack or system shall be observed for 1h under the test ambient temperature.
7.1.2 Requirements During test, the minimum monitoring unit of battery pack or system shall have no sharp change of voltage (the absolute value of voltage difference is not larger than 0.15V), the battery pack or system shall be kept with reliable connection and intact structure and also shall be free from such phenomena as leakage, enclosure rupture, fire or explosion. After the test, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 100Ω/V. After completion of the test, battery pack shall be capable of uninterruptedly completing one standard cycle specified in 6.2 of GB/T 31467.1-2015 or 6.2 in GB/T 31467.2-2015. After the end of test, the battery pack or system shall be observed for 1h under the test ambient temperature. The minimum monitoring unit of battery pack or system shall have no sharp change of voltage (the absolute value of voltage difference is not larger than 0.15V), the battery pack or system shall be kept with reliable connection and intact structure and also shall be free from such phenomena as leakage, enclosure rupture, fire or explosion. After the test, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 100Ω/V.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terminologies and Definitions 4 Symbols and Abbreviations 5 General Test Conditions 5.1 General Conditions 5.2 Accuracy Requirements 5.3 Data Recording and Recording Interval 5.4 Test Preparation 6 General Tests 6.1 Measurement Accuracy of State Parameters 6.2 Pre-conditioning Test 7 Safety Test 7.1 Vibration 7.2 Mechanical Shock 7.3 Drop 7.4 Turnover 7.5 Simulated Crash 7.6 Squeezing 7.7 Temperature shock 7.8 Humid Heat Cycling 7.9 Seawater Immersion 7.10 Exposure to Fire 7.11 Salt Mist 7.12 High Altitude 7.13 Over-temperature Protection 7.14 Short Circuit Protection 7.15 Overcharge Protection 7.16 Overdischarge Protection Appendix A (Informative) Typical Configurations of Battery Pack and Battery System Appendix B (Informative) Test Items of Battery Pack and Battery System
GB/T 31467.3-2015/XG1-2017 Lithium-ion traction battery pack and system for electric vehicles―Part 3:Safety requirements and test methods, includes Amendment 1 (English Version)
Standard No.
GB/T 31467.3-2015/XG1-2017
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Detail of GB/T 31467.3-2015/XG1-2017
Standard No.
GB/T 31467.3-2015/XG1-2017
English Name
Lithium-ion traction battery pack and system for electric vehicles―Part 3:Safety requirements and test methods, includes Amendment 1
"Lithium-ion Traction Battery Pack and System for Electric Vehicles" (GB/T 31467) comprises three parts:
- Part 1: Test Specification for High Power Applications;
- Part 2: Test Specification for High Energy Applications;
- Part 3: Safety Requirements and Test Methods.
This part is Part 3 of GB/T 31467.
This part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part was proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China.
This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Automobiles of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 114).
Drafting organizations of this part: China Automotive Technology & Research Center, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation No.18 Research Institute, BYD (Shenzhen) Automobile Co., Ltd., China FAW Group Corporation, China North Vehicle Research Institute, Huizhou Yineng Electronics Co., Ltd., Tianjin Lishen Battery Co., Ltd., Chery New Energy Automotive Technology Co., Ltd., Hubei Camel Storage Battery Research Institute Co., Ltd., Potevio New Energy Co., Ltd., Shanghai CENAT Energy Co., Ltd., Tianjin Qingyuan Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd., Technology Center of SAIC Motor Group Co., Ltd., Qoros Auto Co. Ltd., Technology Center of Dongfeng Motor Group Company Limited, Contemporary Amperex Technology Limited, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Shanghai Hengdong Auto Battery Co., Ltd., FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. and Heter Electronics Group Co., Ltd.
Chief drafters of this part: Wu Zhixin, Lian Yubo, Wang Fang, Liu Shiqiang, Xiao Chengwei, Meng Xiangfeng, Hu Daozhong, Cai Yi, Zhang Jianhua, Pei Xiaojuan, Zhou Nenghui, Ruan Xusong, Zhang Na, Lu Kewei, Yu Hongtao, Zeng Xiangbing, Shao Zhehai, Jiang Wenfeng, Wang Hongmei, Xia Yang, Wang Zhenpo, Jiang Jiuchun, Wang Wei, Wei Xuezhe, Chen Weifan, Wang Qing, Liu Lei and Ren Shijie.
Lithium-ion Traction Battery Pack and System for Electric Vehicles –
Part 3: Safety Requirements and Test Methods
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 31467 specifies safety requirements and test methods of lithium-ion traction battery pack and system for electric vehicles.
This part is applicable to lithium-ion traction battery packs and systems installed on electric vehicles, and nickel-hydrogen traction battery packs and systems may also refer to this part.
2 Normative References
The following documents for the application of this document are essential. Any dated reference, just dated edition applies to this document. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.
GB 4208 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosure (IP Code)
GB/T 18384.1 Electric Vehicles - Safety Specification - Part 1: On-board Energy Storage
GB/T 18384.3 Electrically Propelled Road Vehicles - Safety Specifications - Part 3: Protection of Persons against Electric Hazards
GB/T 19596 Terminology of Electric Vehicles
GB/T 28046.1-2011 Road Vehicles - Environmental Conditions and Testing for Electrical and Electronic Equipment - Part 1: General
GB/T 31467.1-2015 Lithium-ion Traction Battery Pack and System for Electric Vehicles - Part 1: Test Specification for High Power Applications
GB/T 31467.2-2015 Lithium-ion Traction Battery Pack and System for Electric Vehicles - Part 2: Test Specification for High Energy Applications
3 Terminologies and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terminologies and definitions defined in GB/T 19596 and the following ones apply.
Battery electronics
Electronic device that collects or simultaneously monitors electric and thermal data of battery cells or modules and may contain electronics for cell balancing, if necessary.
Note: The battery electronics may include a cell controller. The balancing between battery cells may be controlled by the battery electronics or it may be controlled by the battery control unit (BCU).
Battery control unit; BCU
Electronic device that controls, manages, detects, or calculates electric and thermal parameters of the battery system and also provides communication between the battery system and other vehicle controllers.
Rated capacity
Discharge capacity of battery pack or system measured under specified conditions.
Battery pack
Unit that generally includes storage battery, battery management module (excluding BCU), battery container and corresponding accessories and is capable of obtaining external electric energy and outputting electric energy outwards.
Battery system
Energy storage device that is composed of one or more battery packs and corresponding accessories (management system, high voltage circuit, low voltage circuit, thermal management equipment and mechanical assembly, etc.).
High voltage
The maximum working voltage which is larger than 30 V a.c.(rms) and is less than or equal to 1,000 V a.c.(rms), or the voltage which is larger than 60 V d.c. and is less than or equal to 1,500 V d.c.
Low voltage
The maximum working voltage which is not larger than 30 V a.c.(rms), or the voltage which is not larger than 60 V d.c.
4 Symbols and Abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the following symbols and abbreviations apply.
nC: the current rate, which is equal to n times of 1h discharge capacity [ampere (A)]
SOC: the state of charge at room temperature
5 General Test Conditions
5.1 General Conditions
5.1.1 Unless otherwise stated in some specific test items, the test shall be carried out in such environment with temperature of 25℃±5℃ and humidity of 15%~90%. The room temperature mentioned in this standard refers to 25℃±2℃.
5.1.2 Battery pack and system shall meet the relevant requirements of GB/T 18384.1 and GB/T 18384.3.
5.1.3 The necessary documentation for operation and needed interface parts for connection to the test equipment (i.e. connectors, plugs including cooling) shall be delivered together with the battery pack and system. The typical configurations of battery pack and battery system are shown in Appendix A. The manufacturer shall provide the operational limits of battery pack or system to ensure the safety of whole test process.
5.1.4 The protection degree of battery pack and system shall meet the relevant requirements of GB 4208 according to the actual installation position.
5.1.5 Prior to all tests, the battery pack and system shall undergo insulation resistance test. The test positions are: positive pole and enclosure, and negative pole and enclosure. The insulation resistance shall not be less than 100Ω/V.
5.1.6 When the target ambient temperature of the test is changed, the test object shall complete environmental adaptation process prior to test: in case of low temperature, the test object shall be kept still for no less than 24h; in case of high temperature, the test object shall be kept still for no less than 16h.
5.1.7 If the battery pack and system is unsuitable to undergo some tests due to certain reasons (e.g., size or weight), upon the agreement of the supplier and the purchaser, the subsystem of battery pack and system may be substitutively used as the test object to undergo all or part of tests, but the subsystem adopted as test object shall comprise all the parts relevant to the requirements of complete vehicle.
5.1.8 Method of adjusting SOC to n% of test target value: the battery pack and system shall be fully charged according to the charging mode provided by the manufacturer, then they shall be kept still for 1h and discharge by (100-n)/100 h at constant current according to 1C. After each SOC adjustment and before the beginning of a new test, the test object shall be kept still for 30min.
5.1.9 During test, there shall be a certain rest period between some test procedures in order to achieve equilibration of internal reaction and temperature of battery pack and system.
5.1.10 During test, the discharge rate shall comply with those specified in this part, and the charging mechanism and discharging cut-off condition shall be provided by the manufacturer.
5.1.11 The rated capacity of battery pack and system has an important influence on test process. The absolute value of the difference between actual available capacity (6.2) and rated capacity of battery pack and system shall not exceed 5% of rated capacity.
5.1.12 Unless otherwise specified, the test object shall undergo test at full charge state as specified by the manufacturer.
5.1.13 The test items, clause No. of test methods, test conditions and other information required for the battery pack and system are given in Appendix B.
5.1.14 The discharging current symbol of battery is positive and the charging current symbol is negative.
5.2 Accuracy Requirements
5.2.1 The requirements for the accuracy of measurement instruments and meters are as follows:
- Voltage measurement device: ≥ Class 0.5;
- Current measurement device: ≥ Class 0.5;
- Temperature measurement device: ±0.5℃;
- Time measurement device: ±0.1%;
- Dimension measurement device: ±0.1%;
- Mass measurement device: ±0.1%.
5.2.2 During test, the requirements for the error between controlling value (actual value) and target value are as follows:
- Voltage: ±1%;
- Current: ±1%;
- Temperature: ±2℃.
5.3 Data Recording and Recording Interval
All test data (time, temperature, current, and voltage, etc.) shall be noted at least every 1% of the estimated discharge and charge time, except if it is noted otherwise in the individual test items.
5.4 Test Preparation
5.4.1 Preparation of battery pack
The high voltage, low voltage and cooling device of battery pack shall be connected with the test bench equipment and the passive protection function of battery pack shall be started. Working conditions and working parameters of battery pack shall be detected and controlled by the test bench according to the requirements of battery pack manufacturer and the test specification, and the active protection shall be maintained, if necessary via disconnection of the battery pack main contactors. The cooling device shall be operated according to the manufacturer's requirements. During test of battery pack, there shall be no information exchange between battery pack and test bench, and the parameter limits of battery pack shall be directly controlled by the test bench. The test bench shall detect such parameters as current, voltage, capacity or energy of battery pack and also take these data as the test results and calculation basis.
5.4.2 Preparation of battery system
The high voltage, low voltage, cooling device and BCU of battery system shall be connected with the test bench equipment and the active and passive protection of battery system shall be started. The test bench shall ensure the test parameters and conditions being consistent with the requirements of test specification, and shall ensure that the battery system works within reasonable limits, and these limits are provided by BCU to test bench by the BCU via bus communication. The BCU shall control the operation of cooling device. If necessary, the BCU program shall be adapted by the battery system manufacturer according to the test specification. Active protection shall be maintained by the test bench equipment, too, if necessary, via request of disconnection of the battery system main contactors. During test of battery system, the battery system shall communicate with the test bench via bus and shall transmit the state parameters and operational limits of battery to the test bench at real time, and then the test bench shall control the test process according to the battery state and operational limits. The test bench shall detect such parameters as current, voltage, capacity or energy of battery system and also take these data as the test results and calculation basis. Parameters uploaded by battery system shall not be taken as the test results or test basis.
6 General Tests
6.1 Measurement Accuracy of State Parameters
6.1.1 The state parameter measurement accuracy test of electronics or BCU of battery pack and system shall be carried out before starting the real testing sequence, so as to ensure the accuracy of parameters during test.
6.1.2 The state parameter measurement accuracy of electronics or BCU of battery pack and system shall meet the requirements specified in Table 1.
Table 1 Requirements for Measurement Accuracy of State Parameters
Parameter Total voltage value Temperature value Cell (module) voltage value
Accuracy requirement ≤±2% FS ≤±2℃ ≤±0.5% FS
6.2 Pre-conditioning Test
6.2.1 Battery pack and system shall be conditioned by performing some cycles, before starting the real testing sequence, so as to ensure activation and adequate stabilization of the battery pack and system performance.
6.2.2 The test procedure for pre-conditioning cycles shall be carried out at room temperature according to 6.1 of GB/T 31467.1-2015 or GB/T 31467.2-2015. The battery pack and system shall be considered as pre-conditioned if the discharge capacity during two consecutive discharges does not change by a value greater than 3% of the rated capacity. A standard charging procedure shall be carried out again if the time interval between standard cycle and a new test item is larger than 24h.
7 Safety Test
7.1 Vibration
7.1.1 Vibration test of battery pack or system
The test object shall be installed on vibration table by making reference to the installation position of test object on vehicle and the requirements of GB/T 2423.43. The battery pack or system shall undergo sinusoidal vibration for 15min, with the vibration frequency increased from 7Hz to 50Hz and then reduced back to 7Hz. This cycle shall be repeated 12 times within 3h in the vertical direction of installation position of battery pack or system specified by the manufacturer.
The relationship between vibration frequency and acceleration is detailed in Table 2:
Table 2 Frequency and Acceleration
Frequency /Hz Acceleration /m/s²
7-18 10
18-30 From 10 to 2 gradually
30-50 2
Higher frequency and acceleration may be used as required by the manufacturer.
With approval of the technical service organization, the vibration test scheme determined by the manufacturer may be an alternative of frequency-acceleration relationship given in Table 2 as required by the manufacturer. However, the test certification of battery pack or system obtained in this case is only applicable to special vehicle type.
After undergoing vibration, the battery pack or system shall run for one standard cycle according to the method specified in 6.2 of GB/T 31467.1-2015 or 6.2 in GB/T 31467.2-2015, and the charging and discharging current may be adjusted in this cycle as required by the manufacturer.
After the end of test, the battery pack or system shall be observed for 1h under the test ambient temperature.
7.1.2 Requirements During test, the minimum monitoring unit of battery pack or system shall have no sharp change of voltage (the absolute value of voltage difference is not larger than 0.15V), the battery pack or system shall be kept with reliable connection and intact structure and also shall be free from such phenomena as leakage, enclosure rupture, fire or explosion. After the test, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 100Ω/V. After completion of the test, battery pack shall be capable of uninterruptedly completing one standard cycle specified in 6.2 of GB/T 31467.1-2015 or 6.2 in GB/T 31467.2-2015. After the end of test, the battery pack or system shall be observed for 1h under the test ambient temperature. The minimum monitoring unit of battery pack or system shall have no sharp change of voltage (the absolute value of voltage difference is not larger than 0.15V), the battery pack or system shall be kept with reliable connection and intact structure and also shall be free from such phenomena as leakage, enclosure rupture, fire or explosion. After the test, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 100Ω/V.
Contents of GB/T 31467.3-2015/XG1-2017
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terminologies and Definitions
4 Symbols and Abbreviations
5 General Test Conditions
5.1 General Conditions
5.2 Accuracy Requirements
5.3 Data Recording and Recording Interval
5.4 Test Preparation
6 General Tests
6.1 Measurement Accuracy of State Parameters
6.2 Pre-conditioning Test
7 Safety Test
7.1 Vibration
7.2 Mechanical Shock
7.3 Drop
7.4 Turnover
7.5 Simulated Crash
7.6 Squeezing
7.7 Temperature shock
7.8 Humid Heat Cycling
7.9 Seawater Immersion
7.10 Exposure to Fire
7.11 Salt Mist
7.12 High Altitude
7.13 Over-temperature Protection
7.14 Short Circuit Protection
7.15 Overcharge Protection
7.16 Overdischarge Protection
Appendix A (Informative) Typical Configurations of Battery Pack and Battery System
Appendix B (Informative) Test Items of Battery Pack and Battery System