is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in the GB/T 1.1-2009 Directives for Standardization — Part 1: Structure and Drafting of Standards.
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of SAC/TC 114 (National Technical Committee of Automobile Standardization).
Asynchronous Drive Motor System for Electric Vehicles
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking and labeling of asynchronous drive motor system for electric vehicles.
This standard is applicable to the asynchronous drive motor system for electric vehicles.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 755 Rotating Electrical Machines — Rating and Performance
GB/T 1032 Test Procedure for Three-phase Induction Motors
GB/T 2900.33 Electrotoechnical Terminology — Power Electronics
GB/T 18488.1-2015 Drive Motor System for Electric Vehicles — Part 1: Specification
GB/T 18488.2-2015 Drive Motor System for Electric Vehicles — Part 2: Test Methods
GB/T 19596 Terminology of Electric Vehicles
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 2900.25, GB/T 2900.33, GB/T 18488.1-2015, GB/T 19596 and the following apply.
asynchronous drive motor system
system consisting of a asynchronous drive motor (hereinafter referred to as drive motor), a motor controller, a connection cable, and an auxiliary device necessary for the operation of the drive motor system (hereinafter referred to as drive motor system)
declared value of no-load current
mean value of no-load current of the first 4 drive motors (2 of which have been type tested)
declared value of locked current
mean value of locked current of the first 4 drive motors (2 of which have been type tested)
4 Requirements
4.1 General
The drive motor system shall meet the requirements of GB/T 18488.1-2015,as well as 4.2 and 4.3.
4.2 No-load current tolerance of drive motor
The drive motor shall runs at no-load under the specified power frequency voltage, and the no-load current shall not deviate from ±10% of the declared value.
The specified no-load power frequency voltage (hereinafter referred to as the specified voltage) can be calculated and its value is the voltage corresponding to the maximum magnetic flux value of the drive motor in the whole operating range.
4.3 Locked current tolerance of drive motor
The drive motor shall runs under the specified power frequency voltage, and the locked current shall not deviate from ±5% of the declared value.
The specified power frequency locked voltage (hereinafter referred to as the specified voltage) is determined on the first drive motor, and its value is the power frequency voltage which can generate rated current by locking the drive motor.
5 Test Methods
5.1 General
Except for the test methods specified in 5.2 and 5.3, the test methods for other test items shall be in accordance with GB/T 18488.2-2015.
All the tests specified in 5.2 and 5.3 are carried out in the actual cold state, and the test power is fundamental frequency power supply.
5.2 No-load test of drive motor
The no-load curve of drive motor for type inspection must be measured. The voltage at the starting point is 1.25 times of the specified voltage in 4.2, and then the voltage is gradually lowered until the lowest possible voltage value (i.e. when the current starts to pick up), and the input voltage, no-load current, no-load loss and power factor of the measuring points of the drive motor shall be measured. At least 7 points shall be measured during the test, in which the no-load current under the specified voltage of 4.2 must be accurately measured. After the test, draw the corresponding curve according to the method specified in GB/T 1032, and calculate the wind friction and iron consumption.
The drive motor for delivery inspection does not need to measure no-load curve, but only the no-load current under the voltage specified in 4.2.
5.3 Locking test of drive motor
The drive motor for type inspection must measure the locking characteristic curve. Lock the rotor of the drive motor, and apply the power frequency voltage. The locked current at the starting point is 1.2 times the rated current, and then the voltage is gradually reduced until the locked current is 0.4 to 0.5 times the rated current. Record the voltage, input power and power factor of each measuring point. At least 7 points shall be measured during the test, in which the voltage specified in 4.3 shall be accurately measured on the first drive motor. After the test, the curves between the locked voltage, input power and power factor and locked current shall be drawn.
The drive motor for delivery inspection does not need to measure locked curve, but only the locked current under the voltage specified in 4.3.
6 Inspection Rules
The inspection rules shall comply with those specified in GB/T 18488.1-2015, and see Annex A for the inspection items.
7 Marking and Labeling
Marking and labeling shall comply with those specified in GB/T 18488.1-2015.
Foreword II 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Requirements 5 Test Methods 6 Inspection Rules 7 Marking and Labeling Annex A (Normative) Inspection Classification is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in the GB/T 1.1-2009 Directives for Standardization — Part 1: Structure and Drafting of Standards.
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of SAC/TC 114 (National Technical Committee of Automobile Standardization).
Asynchronous Drive Motor System for Electric Vehicles
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking and labeling of asynchronous drive motor system for electric vehicles.
This standard is applicable to the asynchronous drive motor system for electric vehicles.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 755 Rotating Electrical Machines — Rating and Performance
GB/T 1032 Test Procedure for Three-phase Induction Motors
GB/T 2900.25 Electrotechnical Terminology — Rotating Electrical Machines
GB/T 2900.33 Electrotoechnical Terminology — Power Electronics
GB/T 18488.1-2015 Drive Motor System for Electric Vehicles — Part 1: Specification
GB/T 18488.2-2015 Drive Motor System for Electric Vehicles — Part 2: Test Methods
GB/T 19596 Terminology of Electric Vehicles
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 2900.25, GB/T 2900.33, GB/T 18488.1-2015, GB/T 19596 and the following apply.
asynchronous drive motor system
system consisting of a asynchronous drive motor (hereinafter referred to as drive motor), a motor controller, a connection cable, and an auxiliary device necessary for the operation of the drive motor system (hereinafter referred to as drive motor system)
declared value of no-load current
mean value of no-load current of the first 4 drive motors (2 of which have been type tested)
declared value of locked current
mean value of locked current of the first 4 drive motors (2 of which have been type tested)
4 Requirements
4.1 General
The drive motor system shall meet the requirements of GB/T 18488.1-2015,as well as 4.2 and 4.3.
4.2 No-load current tolerance of drive motor
The drive motor shall runs at no-load under the specified power frequency voltage, and the no-load current shall not deviate from ±10% of the declared value.
The specified no-load power frequency voltage (hereinafter referred to as the specified voltage) can be calculated and its value is the voltage corresponding to the maximum magnetic flux value of the drive motor in the whole operating range.
4.3 Locked current tolerance of drive motor
The drive motor shall runs under the specified power frequency voltage, and the locked current shall not deviate from ±5% of the declared value.
The specified power frequency locked voltage (hereinafter referred to as the specified voltage) is determined on the first drive motor, and its value is the power frequency voltage which can generate rated current by locking the drive motor.
5 Test Methods
5.1 General
Except for the test methods specified in 5.2 and 5.3, the test methods for other test items shall be in accordance with GB/T 18488.2-2015.
All the tests specified in 5.2 and 5.3 are carried out in the actual cold state, and the test power is fundamental frequency power supply.
5.2 No-load test of drive motor
The no-load curve of drive motor for type inspection must be measured. The voltage at the starting point is 1.25 times of the specified voltage in 4.2, and then the voltage is gradually lowered until the lowest possible voltage value (i.e. when the current starts to pick up), and the input voltage, no-load current, no-load loss and power factor of the measuring points of the drive motor shall be measured. At least 7 points shall be measured during the test, in which the no-load current under the specified voltage of 4.2 must be accurately measured. After the test, draw the corresponding curve according to the method specified in GB/T 1032, and calculate the wind friction and iron consumption.
The drive motor for delivery inspection does not need to measure no-load curve, but only the no-load current under the voltage specified in 4.2.
5.3 Locking test of drive motor
The drive motor for type inspection must measure the locking characteristic curve. Lock the rotor of the drive motor, and apply the power frequency voltage. The locked current at the starting point is 1.2 times the rated current, and then the voltage is gradually reduced until the locked current is 0.4 to 0.5 times the rated current. Record the voltage, input power and power factor of each measuring point. At least 7 points shall be measured during the test, in which the voltage specified in 4.3 shall be accurately measured on the first drive motor. After the test, the curves between the locked voltage, input power and power factor and locked current shall be drawn.
The drive motor for delivery inspection does not need to measure locked curve, but only the locked current under the voltage specified in 4.3.
6 Inspection Rules
The inspection rules shall comply with those specified in GB/T 18488.1-2015, and see Annex A for the inspection items.
7 Marking and Labeling
Marking and labeling shall comply with those specified in GB/T 18488.1-2015.
Contents of QC/T 1068-2017
Foreword II
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Requirements
5 Test Methods
6 Inspection Rules
7 Marking and Labeling
Annex A (Normative) Inspection Classification