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Position: Chinese Standard in English/GB/T 2703-2008
GB/T 2703-2008   Footwear - Vocabulary (English Version)
Standard No.: GB/T 2703-2008 Status:superseded
Language:English File Format:PDF
Word Count: 27000 words Price(USD):810.00 remind me the price change
Implemented on:2009-10-1 Delivery: via email in 1~5 business day
Standard No.: GB/T 2703-2008
English Name: Footwear - Vocabulary
Chinese Name: 鞋类 术语
Chinese Classification: Y78    Footgear
Professional Classification: GB    National Standard
Issued by: AQSIQ; SAC
Issued on: 2008-12-30
Implemented on: 2009-10-1
Status: superseded
Superseded by:GB/T 2703-2017 Footwear-Vocabulary
Superseded on:2018-7-1
Superseding:GB/T 2703-1981 Technical terms for leather shoes industry
Language: English
File Format: PDF
Word Count: 27000 words
Price(USD): 810.00
Delivery: via email in 1~5 business day
GB/T 2703-2008 is referred in:
* QB/T 2673-2013 Specification for marking of footwear
* GB 30585-2014 Safety Technical Specifications for Childrens Footwaer
* GB 28011-2011 Shanks for footwear
* GB/T 15107-2013 Athletic Shoes
* GB/T 3903.5-2011 Footwear—General test methods—Appearance quality
* GB 30585-2014 Safety Technical Specifications for Children’s Footwear
* QB/T 2673-2013 Specification for marking of footwear
* GB/T 15107-2013 Athletic Shoes
* GB 30585-2014 Safety Technical Specifications for Children’s Footwear
* GB 30585-2014 Safety Technical Specifications for Children’s Footwear
* QB/T 2673-2013 Specification for marking of footwear
* QB/T 2673-2013 Specification for marking of footwear
* GB 30585-2014 Safety Technical Specifications for Children’s Footwear
* QB/T 2673-2013 Specification for marking of footwear
* GB/T 15107-2013 Athletic Shoes
* GB 28011-2011 Shanks for footwear
* GB/T 3903.5-2011 Footwear—General test methods—Appearance quality
* GB 30585-2014 Safety Technical Specifications for Children’s Footwear
* QB/T 1472-2013 Flexing index of fiberous board for footwear
* QB/T 1472-2013 Flexing index of fiberous board for footwear
* QB/T 2224-2012 Footwear-Performance requirement for uppers low-temperature flexing resistance
* GB 30585-2014 Safety Technical Specifications for Children’s Footwear
* GB 30585-2014 Safety Technical Specifications for Children’s Footwear
* QB/T 4552-2013 Slippers
* GB 30585-2014 Safety Technical Specifications for Children’s Footwear
* GB/T 15107-2013 Athletic Shoes
* GB/T 15107-2013 Athletic Shoes
* GB/T 15107-2013 Athletic Shoes
* QB/T 2673-2013 Specification for marking of footwear
* QB/T 4329-2012 Cloth shoes
* GB 28011-2011/XG1-2015 Shanks for footwear (including Amendment 1)
* QB/T 4556-2013 Snow boots
* QB/T 4548-2013 Golf shoes
* QB/T 4546-2013 Children’s leather sandals
* GB/T 3293-2007 Chinese last systems
* QB/T 4331-2012 Children’s athletic shoes
*QB/T 2880-2016 Children's Leather Shoes
*GB/T 22756-2017 Leather sandals
*T/CSIQ 8007-2018 Casual shoes
*T/CSIQ 8004-2018 General sportswear
*T/CSIQ 8008-2018 Town footwear
*T/CSIQ 8003-2018 Sandals
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GB/T 2703-2008, GB 2703-2008, GBT 2703-2008, GB/T2703-2008, GB/T 2703, GB/T2703, GB2703-2008, GB 2703, GB2703, GBT2703-2008, GBT 2703, GBT2703