is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard is redrafted by reference to, but is not equivalent to, ECE-R138 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of quiet road transport vehicle with regard to their reduced audibility.
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization (SAC/TC 114).
Acoustic vehicle alerting system of electric vehicles running at low speed
1 Scope
This standard specifies requirements and test methods for speed range, sound pressure level limits, frequency requirement, sound type, pause switch, etc., of acoustic vehicle alerting system of electric vehicles running at low speed (hereinafter referred to as "AVAS").
It is applicable to battery electric vehicles (BEVs) of categories M1 and N1, hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) with pure electric driving mode, and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs).
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 1495 Limits and measurement methods for noise emitted by accelerating motor vehicles
GB/T 3241-2010 Electroacoustics - Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters
GB 50800-2012 Technical code for anechoic and semi-anechoic rooms
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 19596 and the following apply.
acoustic vehicle alerting system; AVAS
a system to give acoustic alert when the noise emitted by vehicle is below a certain value during running to efficiently deliver information to other road users
acoustic vehicle alerting system of electric vehicle running at low speed
acoustic alert emitted by the AVAS when the running speed of the electric vehicle is lower than a certain value
acoustic vehicle alerting system pause switch
mechanism to turn on/off the AVAS of an electric vehicle
frequency shift
variation of the frequency content of the acoustic vehicle alerting system of electric vehicles running at low speed as a function of the vehicle speed
front plane of the vehicle
vertical plane tangent to the leading edge of the vehicle
rear plane of the vehicle
vertical plane tangent to the trailing edge of the vehicle
sound pressure level; SPL
pressure level of a sound, equal to 20 × lg10 of the ratio of the Root Mean Square (RMS) of sound pressure to the reference of sound pressure
Note: Expressed in decibels (dB).
weighted sound level
sound pressure level measured by weighted network filter
total sound level
integrated parameter reflecting the strength of sound and in line with the characteristics of the human auditory system, which is obtained according to certain weighting method and covers the sound frequency range of 20Hz~20kHz
4 General requirements
4.1 Speed range for operation
The speed range for operation of the AVAS shall be at least the range of greater than 0 km/h up to and inclusive to 20km/h.
When the vehicle is stationary and in the drivable mode, the manufacturer can determine whether to turn on or turn off the acoustic vehicle alerting system running of electric vehicle running at low speed.
4.2 SPL limits
4.2.1 The exterior noise of electric vehicle measured according to the method specified in 5.6.2 shall be in all one-third octave bands of the electric vehicle, wherein at least two one-third octave bands shall not be less than the SPL specified in Table 1, and simultaneously meet the requirements of their total sound level specified in Table 1.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 General Requirements 5 Test methods is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard is redrafted by reference to, but is not equivalent to, ECE-R138 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of quiet road transport vehicle with regard to their reduced audibility.
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization (SAC/TC 114).
Acoustic vehicle alerting system of electric vehicles running at low speed
1 Scope
This standard specifies requirements and test methods for speed range, sound pressure level limits, frequency requirement, sound type, pause switch, etc., of acoustic vehicle alerting system of electric vehicles running at low speed (hereinafter referred to as "AVAS").
It is applicable to battery electric vehicles (BEVs) of categories M1 and N1, hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) with pure electric driving mode, and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs).
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 1495 Limits and measurement methods for noise emitted by accelerating motor vehicles
GB/T 3241-2010 Electroacoustics - Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters
GB/T 3785.1-2010 Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 1: Specifications
GB/T 12534 Motor vehicles - General rules of road test method
GB/T 15173-2010 Electroacoustics - Sound calibrators
GB/T 19596 Terminology of electric vehicles
GB 50800-2012 Technical code for anechoic and semi-anechoic rooms
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 19596 and the following apply.
acoustic vehicle alerting system; AVAS
a system to give acoustic alert when the noise emitted by vehicle is below a certain value during running to efficiently deliver information to other road users
acoustic vehicle alerting system of electric vehicle running at low speed
acoustic alert emitted by the AVAS when the running speed of the electric vehicle is lower than a certain value
acoustic vehicle alerting system pause switch
mechanism to turn on/off the AVAS of an electric vehicle
frequency shift
variation of the frequency content of the acoustic vehicle alerting system of electric vehicles running at low speed as a function of the vehicle speed
front plane of the vehicle
vertical plane tangent to the leading edge of the vehicle
rear plane of the vehicle
vertical plane tangent to the trailing edge of the vehicle
sound pressure level; SPL
pressure level of a sound, equal to 20 × lg10 of the ratio of the Root Mean Square (RMS) of sound pressure to the reference of sound pressure
Note: Expressed in decibels (dB).
weighted sound level
sound pressure level measured by weighted network filter
total sound level
integrated parameter reflecting the strength of sound and in line with the characteristics of the human auditory system, which is obtained according to certain weighting method and covers the sound frequency range of 20Hz~20kHz
4 General requirements
4.1 Speed range for operation
The speed range for operation of the AVAS shall be at least the range of greater than 0 km/h up to and inclusive to 20km/h.
When the vehicle is stationary and in the drivable mode, the manufacturer can determine whether to turn on or turn off the acoustic vehicle alerting system running of electric vehicle running at low speed.
4.2 SPL limits
4.2.1 The exterior noise of electric vehicle measured according to the method specified in 5.6.2 shall be in all one-third octave bands of the electric vehicle, wherein at least two one-third octave bands shall not be less than the SPL specified in Table 1, and simultaneously meet the requirements of their total sound level specified in Table 1.
Contents of GB/T 37153-2018
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General Requirements
5 Test methods