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Position: Chinese Standard in English/GB/T 3811-2008
GB/T 3811-2008   Design rules for cranes (English Version)
Standard No.: GB/T 3811-2008 Status:valid remind me the status change
Language:English File Format:PDF
Word Count: 94000 words Price(USD):140.00 remind me the price change
Implemented on:2008-11-1 Delivery: immediately
Standard No.: GB/T 3811-2008
English Name: Design rules for cranes
Chinese Name: 起重机设计规范
Chinese Classification: J80    Hoisting machinery
Professional Classification: GB    National Standard
Issued by: AQSIQ; SAC
Issued on: 2008-04-30
Implemented on: 2008-11-1
Status: valid
Superseding:GB/T 3811-1983 Design Rules for Cranes
GB 3811-1983 Design Rules for Cranes
Language: English
File Format: PDF
Word Count: 94000 words
Price(USD): 140.00
Delivery: via email in 1 business day
Referred in GB/T 3811-2008:
*GB/T 699-2015 Quality carbon structural steels
*GB 700-1988
*GB/T 985-1988 Basic Forms and Sizes of Weld Grooves for Gas Welding, Manual Welding and Gas- shielded Welding
*GB/T 986-1988 Basic Forms and Sizes of Weld Grooves for Submerged Arc Weld
*GB/T 1231-2006 Specifications of High Strength Bolts with Large Hexagon Head, Lar
*GB/T 1591-2008 High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steels
*GB/T 2585-
*GB/T 2893-2001
*GB/T 2894-1982
*GB/T 3077-2015 Alloy structure steels
*GB/T 3098.1-2010 Mechanical properties of fasteners—Bolts,screws and studs
*GB/T 3098.2-2015 Mechanical properties of fasteners—Nuts
*GB/T 3480-1997 Calculation methods of load capacity for involute cylindrical gears
*GB/T 3633-1995 Technical requirement for sets of torshear type high strength bolt hexagon nut and plain washer for steel structures
*GB/T 4205-2010 Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface(MMI),marking and identification—Actuating principles
*GB/T 4208-2008
*GB/T 4942.1-2006 Degrees of Protection Provided by the Integral Design of Rotating Electrical Machined (IP Code)-Classification
*GB/T 5117-2012 Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels
*GB/T 5118-2012 Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of creep-resisting steels
*GB/T 5226.2-19
*GB/T 5269-2008 Double-pitch precision roller chains attachments and associated chain sprockets for transmission and conveyors
*GB/T 5293-1999 Carbon steel electrodes and fluxs for submerged arc welding
*GB/T 8110-2008 Welding electrodes and rods for gas shielding arc welding of carbon and low alloy steel
*GB/T 8918-1996 Quality steel wire ropes
*GB/T 9439-2010 Grey Iron Castings
*GB/T 10051.1-2010 Lifting hooks—Part 1:Mechanical properties,lifting capacities,stresses and materials
*GB/T 10062-1988
*GB/T 11264-2012 Hot-rolled light rails
*GB/T 11352-2009 Carbon steel castings for general engineering purpose
*GB/T 14048.4-2010
*GB/T 14408-2014 Low Alloy Steel Castings for General Engineering and Structural Purposes
*GB 15052-2010 Cranes—Safety signs and hazard pictorials—General principles
*GB/T 17909.1-1999 Cranes - Crane driving manual - Part 1: General
*GB/T 18453.1-19
*GB/T 19418-2003 Arc-welded Joints in Steel - Guidance on Quality Levels for Impe
*GB/T 20118-2006 Steel wire ropes for general purpose
*GB/T 20303.1-2016
*GB/T 20947-2007 Short-link chain for lifting purposes—Grade T (types T DAT and DT) fine-tolerance hoist chain
*GB 50058-2014 Code for Design of Electrical Installations in Explosive Atmospheres
*JB/T 6392-2008 Rail wheels for crane
*JB/T 7017-1993 Hydraulic Buffer for Cranes
*JB/T 7687.1-1995 Beam Blank with Straight Shank Lifting Hook
*JB/T 7687.2-1995 Beams with Straight Shank Lifting Hooks
*JB/T 7687.3-1995 Straight Shank Hook Nut
*JB/T 7687.4-1995 Position Fixing Plate for Straight Shank Hook Nuts
*JB/T 8110.1-1999 Spring buffer for crane
*JB/T 8110.2-1999 Rubber buffer for crane
*JB/T 8398-1996
*JB/T 9005-
*JB/T 9006-2013 Drums for cranes
*JB/T 10833-2008 The polyurethane buffer for cranes
*JG/T 5078.1-1996 Construction machinery and equipment Welded pulleys
*YB/T 5055-2014 Crane rails
GB/T 3811-2008 is referred in:
* GB 26545-2011 Building construction machinery and equipment - Safety requirements of drill rigs
* GB 50049-2011 Code for design of small fossil fired power plant
* GB/T 10051.1-2010 Lifting hooks—Part 1:Mechanical properties,lifting capacities,stresses and materials
* JB/T 7688.1-2008 Specifications for metaallurgy crenes-Part1:General requirements
* GB 6067.1-2010 Safety rules for lifting appliances—Part 1:General
* GB 26545-2011 Building construction machinery and equipment - Safety requirements of drill rigs
* GB 50049-2011 Code for design of small fossil fired power plant
* GB 6067.1-2010 Safety rules for lifting appliances—Part 1:General
* GB/T 10051.1-2010 Lifting hooks—Part 1:Mechanical properties,lifting capacities,stresses and materials
* JB/T 7688.1-2008 Specifications for metaallurgy crenes-Part1:General requirements
* GB 50049-2011 Code for design of small fossil fired power plant
* GB/T 10051.1-2010 Lifting hooks—Part 1:Mechanical properties,lifting capacities,stresses and materials
* JB/T 9008.1-2004 Electric wire rope hoists Part1: Types and basic parameter,specification
* GB/T 14560-2011 Crawler cranes
* GB/T 14405-2011 Bridge crane for general purpose
* JB/T 10222-2011 explosion-proof hoists
* NB/T 20011-2010 Design Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Steel Structure for Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant
* NB/T 20012-2010 Design Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Concrete Structure for Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant
* NB/T 20234-2013 Code for Design of Cranes Dedicated for Nuclear Power Plants
*GB/T 17495-2009 The harbour portal crane
*JB/T 1306-2008 Electric single girder carane
*JB/T 9008.1-2014 Electric wire rope hoists—Part 1:Types and basic parameter
*GB 25849-2010 Mobile elevating work platforms—Design calculations,safety requirements and test methods
*GB 6067.5-2014 Safety rules for lifting appliances―Part 5:Bridge and gantry cranes
*QC/T 459-2004 Truck with loading crane
*QC/T 459-2014 Truck with loading crane
*GB/T 33504-2017 Mobile suspended work platform
*GB 40160-2021 Safety rules for elevating work platforms
*JB/T 12577-2015 Loader cranes
*GB 50267-2019 Standard for seismic design of nuclear power plants
*GB/T 27996-2022 All terrain crane
*JB/T 7688.5-2012 Specifications for metallurgy cranes ?— Part5:Ladle cranes
*NB/T 33006-2013 General Requirements for Electric Vehicle Battery-pack-swap Equipment
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