1.0.1 This standard is developed in order to regulate the design of mechanical mixing equipment (hereinafter referred to as mixing equipment), improve the design level, and achieve advanced technology, economic rationality, safety and applicability, and ensure quality.
1.0.2 This standard specifies the requirements for design, manufacture, inspection and acceptance of mixing equipment.
1.0.3 This standard is applicable to mixing equipment in chemical and petrochemical plants and other similar devices.
1.0.4 This standard is not applicable to the following mixing equipment:
1 Mixing equipment heated directly by flame;
2 Mixing equipment with neutron radiation damage failure risk in nuclear-energy plant;
3 Mobile mixing equipment (such as those carried by vehicle or ship);
4 Mixing equipment needing to be subjected to fatigue analysis.
1.0.5 In addition to this standard, the design of mixing equipment shall also meet those stipulated in the current relevant standards of the nation.
2 Terms
mixing equipment
equipment consisting of two major parts, namely mixing vessel and agitator
mixing vessels
vessel that, together with agitator, completes the physical and chemical processes (such as suspension, dispersion, emulsification, mixing, dissolution, absorption, extraction, chemical reaction and heat transfer) of the medium during operation
machine consisting of impeller, shaft, shaft seal system and transmission device (driving machine, reducer, frame and coupling)
component consisting of blades or vane wheel of various geometric shapes
shaft seals
sealing device at the joint of agitator transmission shaft and mixing vessel
3 Types
3.0.1 The combination type of mixing vessel and agitator shall meet the requirements of mixing equipment size, installation space, arrangement of vessel process nozzle and control of flow field movement direction. See Table 3.0.1 for typical combination types.
Foreword iii 1 General provisions 2 Terms 3 Types 4 Materials 5 Mixing vessels 6 Agitators 6.1 Unmarked dimensional tolerance 6.2 Impellers 6.3 Shaft 6.4 Shaft seal 6.5 Transmission device 6.6 Frame and bearing seat 6.7 Intermediate bearing and bottom bearing 6.8 Couplings 7 Mixing equipment assembly 8 Safety 9 Test method 9.1 Mixing vessel 9.2 Agitators 9.3 Operation test for the mixing equipment 10 Inspection rules 11 Shipment requirements of mixing equipment 11.1 Vendor's data 11.2 Nameplates 11.3 Painting and rust prevention 11.4 Packaging and transport Annex A Agitator data sheets Annex B Mixing vessels B.1 General B.2 Vessels without jacket B.3 Vessels with jacket B.4 Vessels with coil B.5 Additional requirements for mixing vessels considering the effect of agitators Annex C Design for impellers and shafts C.1 Impellers C.2 Connections of impellers and shafts C.3 Shafts C.4 Data selections for shaft calculation Annex D Process parameters of mixing equipment Annex E Transmission efficiency of each parts and components of agitator Annex F Vibration diagnosis of agitator Explanation of wording in this standard List of quoted standards
1 General provisions
1.0.1 This standard is developed in order to regulate the design of mechanical mixing equipment (hereinafter referred to as mixing equipment), improve the design level, and achieve advanced technology, economic rationality, safety and applicability, and ensure quality.
1.0.2 This standard specifies the requirements for design, manufacture, inspection and acceptance of mixing equipment.
1.0.3 This standard is applicable to mixing equipment in chemical and petrochemical plants and other similar devices.
1.0.4 This standard is not applicable to the following mixing equipment:
1 Mixing equipment heated directly by flame;
2 Mixing equipment with neutron radiation damage failure risk in nuclear-energy plant;
3 Mobile mixing equipment (such as those carried by vehicle or ship);
4 Mixing equipment needing to be subjected to fatigue analysis.
1.0.5 In addition to this standard, the design of mixing equipment shall also meet those stipulated in the current relevant standards of the nation.
2 Terms
mixing equipment
equipment consisting of two major parts, namely mixing vessel and agitator
mixing vessels
vessel that, together with agitator, completes the physical and chemical processes (such as suspension, dispersion, emulsification, mixing, dissolution, absorption, extraction, chemical reaction and heat transfer) of the medium during operation
machine consisting of impeller, shaft, shaft seal system and transmission device (driving machine, reducer, frame and coupling)
component consisting of blades or vane wheel of various geometric shapes
shaft seals
sealing device at the joint of agitator transmission shaft and mixing vessel
3 Types
3.0.1 The combination type of mixing vessel and agitator shall meet the requirements of mixing equipment size, installation space, arrangement of vessel process nozzle and control of flow field movement direction. See Table 3.0.1 for typical combination types.
Contents of HG/T 20569-2013
Foreword iii
1 General provisions
2 Terms
3 Types
4 Materials
5 Mixing vessels
6 Agitators
6.1 Unmarked dimensional tolerance
6.2 Impellers
6.3 Shaft
6.4 Shaft seal
6.5 Transmission device
6.6 Frame and bearing seat
6.7 Intermediate bearing and bottom bearing
6.8 Couplings
7 Mixing equipment assembly
8 Safety
9 Test method
9.1 Mixing vessel
9.2 Agitators
9.3 Operation test for the mixing equipment
10 Inspection rules
11 Shipment requirements of mixing equipment
11.1 Vendor's data
11.2 Nameplates
11.3 Painting and rust prevention
11.4 Packaging and transport
Annex A Agitator data sheets
Annex B Mixing vessels
B.1 General
B.2 Vessels without jacket
B.3 Vessels with jacket
B.4 Vessels with coil
B.5 Additional requirements for mixing vessels considering the effect of agitators
Annex C Design for impellers and shafts
C.1 Impellers
C.2 Connections of impellers and shafts
C.3 Shafts
C.4 Data selections for shaft calculation
Annex D Process parameters of mixing equipment
Annex E Transmission efficiency of each parts and components of agitator
Annex F Vibration diagnosis of agitator
Explanation of wording in this standard
List of quoted standards