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Position: Chinese Standard in English/HG/T 20569-2013
HG/T 20569-2013   Mechanical Mixing Plant (English Version)
Standard No.: HG/T 20569-2013 Status:valid remind me the status change
Language:English File Format:PDF
Word Count: 54000 words Price(USD):1200.00 remind me the price change
Implemented on:2014-3-1 Delivery: immediately
Standard No.: HG/T 20569-2013
English Name: Mechanical Mixing Plant
Chinese Name: 机械搅拌设备
Professional Classification: HG    Professional Standard - Chemistry
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Issued on: 2013-10-17
Implemented on: 2014-3-1
Status: valid
Superseding:HG/T 20569-1994
Language: English
File Format: PDF
Word Count: 54000 words
Price(USD): 1200.00
Delivery: via email in 1 business day
Referred in HG/T 20569-2013:
*GB 50058-2014 Code for Design of Electrical Installations in Explosive Atmospheres
*GB 150.1-2011 Pressure vessels—Part 1:General requirements
*GB150.2-2011/XG1-2015 Pressure vessels—Part 2:Materials (including Amendment 1)
*GB 150.3-2011 Pressure Vessels -Part3: Design
*GB 150.4-2011 Pressure Vessels --Part 4: Fabrication, inspection and testing, and acceptance
*GB 755-2008 Rotating Electrical Machines - Rating and Performance
*GB/T 1095-2003 Square and rectangular keyways
*GB/T 1184-1996 Geometrical tolerancing--Geometrical tolerance for features without individual tolerance indications
*GB/T 1804-2000 General Tolerances - Tolerances for Linear and Angular Dimensions without Individual Tolerance Indications
*GB/T 6414-2017 Castings - Dimensional Tolerances and Geometrical Tolerances and Machining Allowances
*GB/T 9439-2010 Grey Iron Castings
*GB/T 24319-2009 Technical conditions of cauldron-using mechanical seal for high pressure
*HG/T 20582-2020 Standard of strength calculation for steel chemical vessels
*HG/T 20592-2009 Stee1 Pipe F1anges (PN designated)
*HG/T 20593-2014 Engineering technical code for welding and inspection of steel chemical processing equipment
*HG/T 20594-2009
*HG/T 20595-2009
*HG/T 20596-2009
*HG/T 20597-2009
*HG/T 20598-2009
*HG/T 20599-2009
*HG/T 20600-2009
*HG/T 20602-2009
*HG/T 20603-2009
*HG/T 20604-2009
*HG/T 20605-2009
*HG/T 20606-2009 Non-meta11ic F1at Gaskets for use with Stee1 Pipe F1anges (PN Designated)
*HG/T 20607-2009 PTFE Enve1ope Gaskets for use with Stee1 Pipe F1anges (PN Designated)
*HG/T 20608-2009
*HG/T 20609-2009 Metal Jacketed Gaskets for use with Steel Pipe Flanges (PN Designated)
*HG/T 20610-2009 Spiral Wound Gaskets for use with Steel Pipe Flanges (PN designated)
*HG/T 20611-2009 Covered Serrated Metal Gaskets for use with Steel Pipe Flanges (PN designated)
*HG/T 20612-2009 Metallic Ring Joint Gaskets for use with Steel Pipe Flanges (PN designated)
*HG/T 20613-2009 Bolting for Use with Steel Pipe Flanges (PN designated)
*HG/T 20614-2009 Specification for Selection of Steel Pipe Flanges, Gaskets and Bolting (PN designated)
*HG/T 20615-2009 Steel Pipe Flanges
*HG/T 20616-2009
*HG/T 20618-2009
*HG/T 20619-2009
*HG/T 20620-2009
*HG/T 20621-2009
*HG/T 20622-2009
*HG/T 20623-2009 Large Diameter Steel Pipe Flanges (Class designated)
*HG/T 20624-2009
*HG/T 20625-2009
*HG/T 20626-2009
*HG/T 20627-2009 Non-metallic Flat Gaskets for Use with Steel Pipe Flanges (Class designated)
*HG/T 20628-2009 PTFE Envelope Gaskets for use with Steel Pipe Flanges (Class designated)
*HG/T 20629-2009
*HG/T 20630-2009 Metal Jacketed Gaskets for Use with Steel Pipe Flanges (Class designated)
*HG/T 20631-2009 Spiral Wound Gaskets for Use with Steel Pipe Flanges (Class designated)
*HG/T 20632-2009 Covered Serrated Metal Gaskets for Use with Steel Pipe Flanges (Class designated)
*HG/T 20633-2009 Metallic Ring Joint Gaskets for Use with Steel Pipe Flanges (Class designated)
*HG/T 20634-2009 Bolting for use with Steel Pipe Flanges (Class designated)
*HG/T 20635-2009 Specification for Selection of Steel Pipe Flanges, Gaskets and Bolting (Class designated)
*TSG R0004-2009 Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Stationary Pressure Vessel (including Amendment 1)
*HG/T 2122-2020 Auxiliary facilities for stirred vessels mechanical seals
*HG/T 2269-2020 Stirred vessel mechanical seal specifications
*HG/T 3109-2009 Types and basic parameters of steel vessels with mechanical agitating equipments
*HG/T 3139.1-2018 Vertical reducer for tank-Types and parameters
*HG/T 3139.2-2001 Vertical reducer for tank Series XL cycloidal gear reducer
*HG/T 3139.3-2001 Vertical reducer for tank Series LC cylindrical gears reducer
*HG/T 3139.4-2018 Vertical reducer for tank-Series LP parallel axis gears reducer
*HG/T 3139.5-2001 Vertical reducer for tank Series FJ cylindrical and cone gears reducer
*HG/T 3139.6-2018 Vertical reducer for tank-Series CF cylindrical gears reducer
*HG/T 3139.7-2018 Vertical reducer for tank-Series ZF rectangular axis cone gears reducer
*HG/T 3139.8-2001 Vertical reducer for tank Series CW cylindrical gear and circle--arc tooth worm reducer
*HG/T 3139.9-2001 Vertical reducer for tank Series P belt - driving reducer
*HG/T 3139.10-2001 Vertical reducer for tank Series FP belt--driving reducer
*HG/T 3139.11-2001 Vertical reducer for tank Series YP belt - driving reducer
*HG/T 3139.12-2001 Vertical reducer for tank Series KJ portable cylindrical gears mixer
*HG/T 4079-2009 Metal surface polishing inspecting procedure and rule
*JB/T 4711-2003 Coating and packing for pressure vessels transport
*JB/T 4712.1-2007 Vessel supports-part 1:Saddle support
*JB/T 4712.2-2007 Vessel supports-part 2:Leg support
*JB/T 4712.3-2007 Vessel supports-part 3:Lug support
*JB/T 4712.4-2007 Vessel supports-part 4:Bracket support
*JB/T 4730.1-2005 Nondestructive Testing for Pressure Equipment - Part 1: General Requirements
*JB/T 4730.2-2005 Nondestructive testing of pressure equipments?Part 2:Radiographic testing
*JB/T 4730.3-2005 Nondestructive testing of pressure equipments?Part 3:Ultasonic testing
*JB/T 4730.4-2005 Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipments - Part 4: Magnetic Particle Testing
*JB/T 4730.5-2005 Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipments - Part 5: Penetrant Testing
*JB/T 4730.6-2005 Nondestructive Testing for Pressure Equipment - Part 6: Eddy current testing
*NB/T 47003.1-2009 (JB/T 4735.1)Steel Welded Atmospheric Pressure Vessels
HG/T 20569-2013 is referred in:
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