This code is revised by China Mobile Group Design Institute Co., Ltd. jointly with the organizations concerned according to the requirements of Document JIANBIAO [2012] No.5 issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development- Notice on Printing and Distributing 'the Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards in 2012'.
During the process of formulating this code, the code drafting group carries out extensive investigations and studies, carefully summarizes the practical experience, refers to the relevant international and foreign standards, extensively solicits opinions and finalizes this code through review.
This code comprises nine chapters and three annexes, with the main technical contents including: General Provisions, Terms and Abbreviations, System Design, Fiber to the Subscriber Unit Communication Facilities, System Configuration Design, Performance Indicators, Installation Requirements, Electrical Protection and Grounding, Fire Prevention, etc.
The following technical deviations have been made with respect to the former code:
(1) The design requirements of the campus and building generic cabling system and the communication infrastructure engineering are supplemented and perfected on the basis of the contents of GB 50311-2007 Code for Engineering Design of Generic Cabling System.
(2) The contents relevant to the application of cabling system in weak system are added.
(3) The engineering design requirements for fiber to the subscriber unit communication facilities are added, and the mandatory provisions relevant to the engineering construction of fiber to the subscriber unit communication facilities are newly added.
(4) The installation requirements for pipe chase and equipment are enriched.
(5) Relevant annexes are added.
In this code, the provisions printed in bold type are mandatory ones and must be enforced strictly.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development the People's Republic of China is in charge of the administration of this code and the explanation of the mandatory provisions, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China is responsible for the routine management, and China Mobile Group Design Institute Co., Ltd. is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents. During the execution process of this code, the relevant opinions and advices, whenever necessary, can be mailed to China Mobile Group Design Institute Co., Ltd. (Address: No.A-16, Danling Street, Haidian District, Beijing, 100080, China).
1 General Provisions 1
2 Terms and Abbreviations 2
2.1 Terms 2
2.2 Abbreviations 6
3 System Design 9
3.1 System Components 9
3.2 System Classification and Composition 12
3.3 Cable Length Division 14
3.4 System Application 18
3.5 Shielded Cabling System 20
3.6 Open Office Cabling System 21
3.7 Industrial Environment Cabling System 22
3.8 Cabling Used in Weak System 26
4 Fibre to the Subscriber Unit Communication Facilities 27
4.1 General Requirements 27
4.2 The Subscriber Access Point Settings 29
4.3 Collocating Principle 31
4.4 Cable and Wiring Equipment Selection 32
4.5 Transmission Indicators 34
5 System Configuration Design 35
5.1 Work Area 35
5.2 Wiring Subsystem 35
5.3 Link Subsystem 37
5.4 Campus Subsystem 38
5.5 Entrance Facilities 38
5.6 Distribution Management System 39
6 Performance Indicators 41
6.1 Cable and Connecting Hardware Performance Indicators 41
6.2 System Performance Indicators 43
7 Installation Requirements 45
7.1 Work Area 45
7.2 Telecommunications Room 46
7.3 Equipment Room 47
7.4 Line Room 49
7.5 Duct and Cable Tray Installation 50
7.6 Cable Laying 52
7.7 Equipment Installation Design 55
8 Electrical Protection and Grounding 57
9 Fire Prevention 59
Annex A System Indicators 60
Annex B Communication Services Supported by 8-bit-module Universal Outlet Terminal 76
Annex C Cable Transmission Performance and Transmission Distance 77
Explanation of Wording in this Code 85
List of Quoted Standard 86
1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This code is formulated with view to standardizing the construction of network integrating voice, data, picture and multimedia services for buildings and campus.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the engineering design of generic cabling system for constructed, extended and renovated buildings and campus.
1.0.3 The construction of facilities in generic cabling system shall be included in the corresponding planning and design of buildings and campus. The design shall be carried out according to the nature, functions and environmental conditions of engineering project and the short-/long-term subscriber demands, and the construction and maintenance convenience shall be taken into consideration to ensure the quality and safety of generic cabling system engineering and to achieve advanced technology and economic rationality.
1.0.4 Generic cabling system should be planned as a whole and also be designed synchronously together with the wiring of information network system, security technology and protection system and building automation system, etc., and its design shall be reasonably optimized according to the information transmission requirements of these systems.
1.0.5 In the engineering design of generic cabling system, the products selected shall be approved products which are accompanied with acceptance inspection report and meet the relevant technical requirements of the nation.
1.0.6 In addition to this code, the engineering design of generic cabling system shall also comply with those specified in the current relevant standards of the nation.
2 Terms and Abbreviations
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 cabling
a system composed of various cables, jumpers, patch cords and connecting hardwares which are capable of supporting the connection of electronic information equipment
2.1.2 campus subsystem
a subsystem composed of distributor, backbone cable between buildings, equipment cable, jumper, etc.
2.1.3 telecommunications room
a space used for placing telecommunication equipment and distributor for cable termination as well as carrying out cable cross connection
2.1.4 work area
isolated area for setting terminal equipment
2.1.5 channel
end-to-end transmission channel connecting two application equipment
2.1.6 link
a CP link or a permanent link.
2.1.7 permanent link
transmission line between telecommunications outlet and floor distributor, which excludes the cables in work area and the equipment cables and jumpers used for connecting floor distributors but may include a CP link
2.1.8 consolidation point (CP)
connection point in the horizontal cable route between floor distributor and the telecommunications outlet in work area
2.1.9 CP link
permanent link, including the connecting hardwares at both ends, between floor distributor and consolidation point (CP)
2.1.10 campus distributor
distributor used for terminating the campus backbone cable
2.1.11 building distributor
distributor used for terminating the building backbone cable or campus backbone cable
2.1.12 floor distributor
distributor used for terminating the horizontal cable and the cables in other cabling subsystems
2.1.13 building entrance facility
connecting hardware which provides mechanical and electrical characteristics meeting the relevant codes and leads the external network cable into the building
2.1.14 connecting hardware
a hardware or a group of hardwares used for connecting electric cable pairs and optical cables and fibres
2.1.15 optical fibre adapter
hardware realizing the optical connection of optical fibre connector
2.1.16 campus backbone cable
connecting cable between campus distributor and building distributor in a campus
2.1.17 building backbone cable
connecting cable between building entrance facility and building distributor, between building distributor and floor distributor, and between floor distributors in a building
2.1.18 horizontal cable
connecting cable between floor distributor and telecommunications outlet
2.1.19 CP cable
connecting cable between consolidation point (CP) and the telecommunications outlet in work area
2.1.20 telecommunications outlet (TO)
telecommunications outlet module for terminating a cable
2.1.21 equipment cable
connecting cable between communication equipment and distributor
2.1.22 patch cord/jumper
the cable pair without or with connecting hardware and the optical fibre with connecting hardware, which are used for the connection between distributors
2.1.23 cable
a general term of electric cable and optical cable
2.1.24 optical cable
cable composed of single-core or multi-core optical fibres
2.1.25 pair
a pair which is composed of two mutually insulated conductors by pair twisting and generally is a balanced pair
2.1.26 balanced cable
symmetrical cable composed of one or more metal conductor pairs
2.1.27 screened balanced cable
balanced cable with a general screen or with a screen on each pair
2.1.28 unscreened balanced cable
balanced cable without any screen
2.1.29 patch cord
flexible cable with connecting hardware at one end or both ends
2.1.30 multi-user telecom-munication outlet
combined device of several telecommunications outlet modules in the work area
2.1.31 the wiring zone
the wiring zone composed of the subscriber units of single building or several buildings according to the type, scale and subscriber unit density of buildings
2.1.32 the wiring pipeline network
pipeline network composed of the external line inlet pipes of building and the shafts, pipes and cable trays, etc. in a building
2.1.33 the subscriber access point
a common access position for telecommunication service of multiple telecommunication service operators, and also the engineering interface between telecommunication service operators and building developer
2.1.34 subscriber unit
the subscriber area which occupies certain space in building, has variable users or services and needs to be directly interconnected and intercommunicated with the public telecommunication network
2.1.35 fiber to the subscriber unit communication facilities
the underground communication pipeline within the planned land boundary line of building and the pipe chase, communication optical cable, optical distributor, subscriber unit information distribution box, reserved equipment room and other equipment installation spaces in building in a fiber to the subscriber unit engineering
2.1.36 wiring optical cable
intercommunication optical cable between the subscriber access point and the aggregation distributor of park or campus optical cable or between the subscriber access point and the manhole (handhole) intercommunicating with public communication pipeline within the planned land boundary line of building
2.1.37 subscriber optical cable
connecting optical cable between the distributor at subscriber access point and the subscriber unit information distribution box in a building
2.1.38 indoor cable
connecting cable between the subscriber unit information distribution box and the telecommunications outlet module in subscriber area
2.1.39 information distribution box
distribution box which is installed in subscriber unit area and is used for completing information intercommunication and communication service access
2.1.40 cable tray
a general term of cable ladder, tray and trunking
2.2 Abbreviations
ACR-F (Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio at the Far-end)
ACR-N (Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio at the Near-end)
BD (Building Distributor)
CD (Campus Distributor)
CP (Consolidation Point)
d.c. (Direct Current loop resistance)
ELTCTL (Equal Level TCTL)
FD (Floor Distributor)
FEXT [Far End Crosstalk Attenuation (loss)]
ID (Intermediate Distributor)
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)
IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
IL (Insertion Loss)
IP (Internet Protocol)
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
MUTO (Multi-User Telecom-munications Outlet)
MPO (Multi-fiber Push On)
NI (Network Interface)
NEXT [Near End Crosstalk Attenuation (loss)]
OF (Optical Fibre)
POE (Power Over Ethernet)
PS NEXT [Power Sum Near End Crosstalk Attenuation (loss)]
PS AACR-F (Power Sum Attenuation to Alien Crosstalk Ratio at the Far-end)
PS AACR-Favg (Average Power Sum Attenuation to Alien Crosstalk Ratio at the Far-end)
PS ACR-F (Power Sum Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio at the Far-end)
PS ACR-N (Power Sum Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio at the Near-end)
PS ANEXT [Power Sum Alien Near-End Crosstalk (loss)]
PS ANEXTavg [Average Power Sum Alien Near-End Crosstalk (loss)]
3.1.1 Generic cabling system shall be of open network topology and shall be capable of supporting the information transmission applications of such services as voice, data, picture and multimedia.
3.1.2 The components of generic cabling system shall meet the following requirements:
1 The basic components of generic cabling system shall include campus subsystem, link subsystem and wiring subsystem (Figure 3.1.2-1). In wiring subsystem, consolidation point (CP) may be or not be set.
Figure 3.1.2-1 Basic Components of Generic Cabling System
2 In all subsystems of generic cabling system, direct route may be established between floor distributors (FDs) in a building and between building distributors (BDs) of different buildings [Figure 3.1.2-2(a)]. The telecommunications outlet (TO) in work area may be directly connected to the building distributor (BD) without passing through the floor distributor (FD) and the floor distributor may also be directly interconnected with the campus distributor (CD) without passing through the building distributor (BD) [Figure 3.1.2-2(b)].
3 When the building entrance facility of generic cabling system is connected with the external network and the incoming cable of other buildings, they shall be interconnected via cable and BD/CD (Figure 3.1.2-3). For the building designed with an equipment room, the corresponding floor distributor (FD) of this equipment room may be installed at the same site as the building distributor/campus distributor (BD/CD) in this equipment room as well as the building entrance facility.
Figure 3.1.2-2 Components of Subsystems in Generic Cabling System
Figure 3.1.2-3 Components of Incoming Part in Generic Cabling System
4 In typical application of generic cabling system, the channel of wiring subsystem shall be composed of 4-pair balanced cable and cable connecting hardware, and the channel of link subsystem and campus subsystem shall be composed of optical cable and optical cable connecting hardware. Thereinto, interconnection or cross connection mode may be adopted between the wiring module at building distributor (FD) and campus distributor (CD) and the network equipment, and the optical fibre wiring module at building distributor (BD) may be only interconnected with optical fibre (Figure 3.1.2-4).
Figure 3.1.2-4 Typical Connections and Components in Application of Generic Cabling System
3.1.3 The engineering design of generic cabling system shall meet the following requirements:
1 An independent area where terminal equipment (TE) will be set should be classified as a work area. The work area shall include telecommunications outlet (TO) module, connecting cable at terminal equipment, and adapter.
2 Wiring subsystem shall be composed of the telecommunications outlet module in work area, the horizontal cable between telecommunications outlet module and the distributor (FD) in telecommunications room, the distributor in telecommunications room, and equipment cable and jumper, etc.
3 Link subsystem shall be composed of the backbone cable between equipment room and telecommunications room and the building distributor (BD), equipment cable and jumper installed in equipment room.
4 Campus subsystem shall be composed of the connecting backbone cable among multiple buildings, the campus distributor (CD), equipment cable and jumper.
5 Equipment room shall be arranged at proper place in each building and used for wiring management, network management and information exchange. In the equipment room of generic cabling system, the building distributor, campus distributor, Ethernet switch, telephone switch and computer network facilities should be installed, and the building entrance facility may also be installed.
6 Line room shall be the entrance position for pipelines of external information communication network for buildings and may also be used as the installation site of building entrance facility.
7 As for management, the distributor, cable, telecommunications outlet module and other facilities in work area, telecommunications room, equipment room, line room and cabling route environment shall be marked, recorded and managed in certain mode.
3.1.4 Connection between generic cabling system and external wiring network shall comply with corresponding interface requirements.
3.2 System Classification and Composition
3.2.1 The classification and category division of cable wiring system in generic cabling system shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 3.2.1.
1 General Provisions 2 Terms and Abbreviations 2.1 Terms 2.2 Abbreviations 3 System Design 3.1 System Components 3.2 System Classification and Composition 3.3 Cable Length Division 3.4 System Application 3.5 Shielded Cabling System 3.6 Open Office Cabling System 3.7 Industrial Environment Cabling System 3.8 Cabling Used in Weak System 4 Fibre to the Subscriber Unit Communication Facilities 4.1 General Requirements 4.2 The Subscriber Access Point Settings 4.3 Collocating Principle 4.4 Cable and Wiring Equipment Selection 4.5 Transmission Indicators 5 System Configuration Design 5.1 Work Area 5.2 Wiring Subsystem 5.3 Link Subsystem 5.4 Campus Subsystem 5.5 Entrance Facilities 5.6 Distribution Management System 6 Performance Indicators 6.1 Cable and Connecting Hardware Performance Indicators 6.2 System Performance Indicators 7 Installation Requirements 7.1 Work Area 7.2 Telecommunications Room 7.3 Equipment Room 7.4 Line Room 7.5 Duct and Cable Tray Installation 7.6 Cable Laying 7.7 Equipment Installation Design 8 Electrical Protection and Grounding 9 Fire Prevention Annex A System Indicators Annex B Communication Services Supported by 8-bit-module Universal Outlet Terminal Annex C Cable Transmission Performance and Transmission Distance Explanation of Wording in this Code List of Quoted Standard
This code is revised by China Mobile Group Design Institute Co., Ltd. jointly with the organizations concerned according to the requirements of Document JIANBIAO [2012] No.5 issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development- Notice on Printing and Distributing 'the Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards in 2012'.
During the process of formulating this code, the code drafting group carries out extensive investigations and studies, carefully summarizes the practical experience, refers to the relevant international and foreign standards, extensively solicits opinions and finalizes this code through review.
This code comprises nine chapters and three annexes, with the main technical contents including: General Provisions, Terms and Abbreviations, System Design, Fiber to the Subscriber Unit Communication Facilities, System Configuration Design, Performance Indicators, Installation Requirements, Electrical Protection and Grounding, Fire Prevention, etc.
The following technical deviations have been made with respect to the former code:
(1) The design requirements of the campus and building generic cabling system and the communication infrastructure engineering are supplemented and perfected on the basis of the contents of GB 50311-2007 Code for Engineering Design of Generic Cabling System.
(2) The contents relevant to the application of cabling system in weak system are added.
(3) The engineering design requirements for fiber to the subscriber unit communication facilities are added, and the mandatory provisions relevant to the engineering construction of fiber to the subscriber unit communication facilities are newly added.
(4) The installation requirements for pipe chase and equipment are enriched.
(5) Relevant annexes are added.
In this code, the provisions printed in bold type are mandatory ones and must be enforced strictly.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development the People's Republic of China is in charge of the administration of this code and the explanation of the mandatory provisions, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China is responsible for the routine management, and China Mobile Group Design Institute Co., Ltd. is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents. During the execution process of this code, the relevant opinions and advices, whenever necessary, can be mailed to China Mobile Group Design Institute Co., Ltd. (Address: No.A-16, Danling Street, Haidian District, Beijing, 100080, China).
1 General Provisions 1
2 Terms and Abbreviations 2
2.1 Terms 2
2.2 Abbreviations 6
3 System Design 9
3.1 System Components 9
3.2 System Classification and Composition 12
3.3 Cable Length Division 14
3.4 System Application 18
3.5 Shielded Cabling System 20
3.6 Open Office Cabling System 21
3.7 Industrial Environment Cabling System 22
3.8 Cabling Used in Weak System 26
4 Fibre to the Subscriber Unit Communication Facilities 27
4.1 General Requirements 27
4.2 The Subscriber Access Point Settings 29
4.3 Collocating Principle 31
4.4 Cable and Wiring Equipment Selection 32
4.5 Transmission Indicators 34
5 System Configuration Design 35
5.1 Work Area 35
5.2 Wiring Subsystem 35
5.3 Link Subsystem 37
5.4 Campus Subsystem 38
5.5 Entrance Facilities 38
5.6 Distribution Management System 39
6 Performance Indicators 41
6.1 Cable and Connecting Hardware Performance Indicators 41
6.2 System Performance Indicators 43
7 Installation Requirements 45
7.1 Work Area 45
7.2 Telecommunications Room 46
7.3 Equipment Room 47
7.4 Line Room 49
7.5 Duct and Cable Tray Installation 50
7.6 Cable Laying 52
7.7 Equipment Installation Design 55
8 Electrical Protection and Grounding 57
9 Fire Prevention 59
Annex A System Indicators 60
Annex B Communication Services Supported by 8-bit-module Universal Outlet Terminal 76
Annex C Cable Transmission Performance and Transmission Distance 77
Explanation of Wording in this Code 85
List of Quoted Standard 86
1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This code is formulated with view to standardizing the construction of network integrating voice, data, picture and multimedia services for buildings and campus.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the engineering design of generic cabling system for constructed, extended and renovated buildings and campus.
1.0.3 The construction of facilities in generic cabling system shall be included in the corresponding planning and design of buildings and campus. The design shall be carried out according to the nature, functions and environmental conditions of engineering project and the short-/long-term subscriber demands, and the construction and maintenance convenience shall be taken into consideration to ensure the quality and safety of generic cabling system engineering and to achieve advanced technology and economic rationality.
1.0.4 Generic cabling system should be planned as a whole and also be designed synchronously together with the wiring of information network system, security technology and protection system and building automation system, etc., and its design shall be reasonably optimized according to the information transmission requirements of these systems.
1.0.5 In the engineering design of generic cabling system, the products selected shall be approved products which are accompanied with acceptance inspection report and meet the relevant technical requirements of the nation.
1.0.6 In addition to this code, the engineering design of generic cabling system shall also comply with those specified in the current relevant standards of the nation.
2 Terms and Abbreviations
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 cabling
a system composed of various cables, jumpers, patch cords and connecting hardwares which are capable of supporting the connection of electronic information equipment
2.1.2 campus subsystem
a subsystem composed of distributor, backbone cable between buildings, equipment cable, jumper, etc.
2.1.3 telecommunications room
a space used for placing telecommunication equipment and distributor for cable termination as well as carrying out cable cross connection
2.1.4 work area
isolated area for setting terminal equipment
2.1.5 channel
end-to-end transmission channel connecting two application equipment
2.1.6 link
a CP link or a permanent link.
2.1.7 permanent link
transmission line between telecommunications outlet and floor distributor, which excludes the cables in work area and the equipment cables and jumpers used for connecting floor distributors but may include a CP link
2.1.8 consolidation point (CP)
connection point in the horizontal cable route between floor distributor and the telecommunications outlet in work area
2.1.9 CP link
permanent link, including the connecting hardwares at both ends, between floor distributor and consolidation point (CP)
2.1.10 campus distributor
distributor used for terminating the campus backbone cable
2.1.11 building distributor
distributor used for terminating the building backbone cable or campus backbone cable
2.1.12 floor distributor
distributor used for terminating the horizontal cable and the cables in other cabling subsystems
2.1.13 building entrance facility
connecting hardware which provides mechanical and electrical characteristics meeting the relevant codes and leads the external network cable into the building
2.1.14 connecting hardware
a hardware or a group of hardwares used for connecting electric cable pairs and optical cables and fibres
2.1.15 optical fibre adapter
hardware realizing the optical connection of optical fibre connector
2.1.16 campus backbone cable
connecting cable between campus distributor and building distributor in a campus
2.1.17 building backbone cable
connecting cable between building entrance facility and building distributor, between building distributor and floor distributor, and between floor distributors in a building
2.1.18 horizontal cable
connecting cable between floor distributor and telecommunications outlet
2.1.19 CP cable
connecting cable between consolidation point (CP) and the telecommunications outlet in work area
2.1.20 telecommunications outlet (TO)
telecommunications outlet module for terminating a cable
2.1.21 equipment cable
connecting cable between communication equipment and distributor
2.1.22 patch cord/jumper
the cable pair without or with connecting hardware and the optical fibre with connecting hardware, which are used for the connection between distributors
2.1.23 cable
a general term of electric cable and optical cable
2.1.24 optical cable
cable composed of single-core or multi-core optical fibres
2.1.25 pair
a pair which is composed of two mutually insulated conductors by pair twisting and generally is a balanced pair
2.1.26 balanced cable
symmetrical cable composed of one or more metal conductor pairs
2.1.27 screened balanced cable
balanced cable with a general screen or with a screen on each pair
2.1.28 unscreened balanced cable
balanced cable without any screen
2.1.29 patch cord
flexible cable with connecting hardware at one end or both ends
2.1.30 multi-user telecom-munication outlet
combined device of several telecommunications outlet modules in the work area
2.1.31 the wiring zone
the wiring zone composed of the subscriber units of single building or several buildings according to the type, scale and subscriber unit density of buildings
2.1.32 the wiring pipeline network
pipeline network composed of the external line inlet pipes of building and the shafts, pipes and cable trays, etc. in a building
2.1.33 the subscriber access point
a common access position for telecommunication service of multiple telecommunication service operators, and also the engineering interface between telecommunication service operators and building developer
2.1.34 subscriber unit
the subscriber area which occupies certain space in building, has variable users or services and needs to be directly interconnected and intercommunicated with the public telecommunication network
2.1.35 fiber to the subscriber unit communication facilities
the underground communication pipeline within the planned land boundary line of building and the pipe chase, communication optical cable, optical distributor, subscriber unit information distribution box, reserved equipment room and other equipment installation spaces in building in a fiber to the subscriber unit engineering
2.1.36 wiring optical cable
intercommunication optical cable between the subscriber access point and the aggregation distributor of park or campus optical cable or between the subscriber access point and the manhole (handhole) intercommunicating with public communication pipeline within the planned land boundary line of building
2.1.37 subscriber optical cable
connecting optical cable between the distributor at subscriber access point and the subscriber unit information distribution box in a building
2.1.38 indoor cable
connecting cable between the subscriber unit information distribution box and the telecommunications outlet module in subscriber area
2.1.39 information distribution box
distribution box which is installed in subscriber unit area and is used for completing information intercommunication and communication service access
2.1.40 cable tray
a general term of cable ladder, tray and trunking
2.2 Abbreviations
ACR-F (Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio at the Far-end)
ACR-N (Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio at the Near-end)
BD (Building Distributor)
CD (Campus Distributor)
CP (Consolidation Point)
d.c. (Direct Current loop resistance)
ELTCTL (Equal Level TCTL)
FD (Floor Distributor)
FEXT [Far End Crosstalk Attenuation (loss)]
ID (Intermediate Distributor)
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)
IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
IL (Insertion Loss)
IP (Internet Protocol)
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
MUTO (Multi-User Telecom-munications Outlet)
MPO (Multi-fiber Push On)
NI (Network Interface)
NEXT [Near End Crosstalk Attenuation (loss)]
OF (Optical Fibre)
POE (Power Over Ethernet)
PS NEXT [Power Sum Near End Crosstalk Attenuation (loss)]
PS AACR-F (Power Sum Attenuation to Alien Crosstalk Ratio at the Far-end)
PS AACR-Favg (Average Power Sum Attenuation to Alien Crosstalk Ratio at the Far-end)
PS ACR-F (Power Sum Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio at the Far-end)
PS ACR-N (Power Sum Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio at the Near-end)
PS ANEXT [Power Sum Alien Near-End Crosstalk (loss)]
PS ANEXTavg [Average Power Sum Alien Near-End Crosstalk (loss)]
PS FEXT [Power Sum Far-end Crosstalk (loss)]
RL (Return Loss)
SC [Subscriber Connector (optical fibre connector)]
SW (Switch)
SFF (Small Form Factor connector)
TCL (Transverse Conversion Loss)
TCTL (Transverse Conversion Transfer Loss)
TE (Terminal Equipment)
TO (Telecommunications Outlet)
TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association)
UL (Underwriters Laboratories)
Vr.m.s (Vroot.mean.square)
3 System Design
3.1 System Components
3.1.1 Generic cabling system shall be of open network topology and shall be capable of supporting the information transmission applications of such services as voice, data, picture and multimedia.
3.1.2 The components of generic cabling system shall meet the following requirements:
1 The basic components of generic cabling system shall include campus subsystem, link subsystem and wiring subsystem (Figure 3.1.2-1). In wiring subsystem, consolidation point (CP) may be or not be set.
Figure 3.1.2-1 Basic Components of Generic Cabling System
2 In all subsystems of generic cabling system, direct route may be established between floor distributors (FDs) in a building and between building distributors (BDs) of different buildings [Figure 3.1.2-2(a)]. The telecommunications outlet (TO) in work area may be directly connected to the building distributor (BD) without passing through the floor distributor (FD) and the floor distributor may also be directly interconnected with the campus distributor (CD) without passing through the building distributor (BD) [Figure 3.1.2-2(b)].
3 When the building entrance facility of generic cabling system is connected with the external network and the incoming cable of other buildings, they shall be interconnected via cable and BD/CD (Figure 3.1.2-3). For the building designed with an equipment room, the corresponding floor distributor (FD) of this equipment room may be installed at the same site as the building distributor/campus distributor (BD/CD) in this equipment room as well as the building entrance facility.
Figure 3.1.2-2 Components of Subsystems in Generic Cabling System
Figure 3.1.2-3 Components of Incoming Part in Generic Cabling System
4 In typical application of generic cabling system, the channel of wiring subsystem shall be composed of 4-pair balanced cable and cable connecting hardware, and the channel of link subsystem and campus subsystem shall be composed of optical cable and optical cable connecting hardware. Thereinto, interconnection or cross connection mode may be adopted between the wiring module at building distributor (FD) and campus distributor (CD) and the network equipment, and the optical fibre wiring module at building distributor (BD) may be only interconnected with optical fibre (Figure 3.1.2-4).
Figure 3.1.2-4 Typical Connections and Components in Application of Generic Cabling System
3.1.3 The engineering design of generic cabling system shall meet the following requirements:
1 An independent area where terminal equipment (TE) will be set should be classified as a work area. The work area shall include telecommunications outlet (TO) module, connecting cable at terminal equipment, and adapter.
2 Wiring subsystem shall be composed of the telecommunications outlet module in work area, the horizontal cable between telecommunications outlet module and the distributor (FD) in telecommunications room, the distributor in telecommunications room, and equipment cable and jumper, etc.
3 Link subsystem shall be composed of the backbone cable between equipment room and telecommunications room and the building distributor (BD), equipment cable and jumper installed in equipment room.
4 Campus subsystem shall be composed of the connecting backbone cable among multiple buildings, the campus distributor (CD), equipment cable and jumper.
5 Equipment room shall be arranged at proper place in each building and used for wiring management, network management and information exchange. In the equipment room of generic cabling system, the building distributor, campus distributor, Ethernet switch, telephone switch and computer network facilities should be installed, and the building entrance facility may also be installed.
6 Line room shall be the entrance position for pipelines of external information communication network for buildings and may also be used as the installation site of building entrance facility.
7 As for management, the distributor, cable, telecommunications outlet module and other facilities in work area, telecommunications room, equipment room, line room and cabling route environment shall be marked, recorded and managed in certain mode.
3.1.4 Connection between generic cabling system and external wiring network shall comply with corresponding interface requirements.
3.2 System Classification and Composition
3.2.1 The classification and category division of cable wiring system in generic cabling system shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 3.2.1.
Contents of GB 50311-2016
1 General Provisions
2 Terms and Abbreviations
2.1 Terms
2.2 Abbreviations
3 System Design
3.1 System Components
3.2 System Classification and Composition
3.3 Cable Length Division
3.4 System Application
3.5 Shielded Cabling System
3.6 Open Office Cabling System
3.7 Industrial Environment Cabling System
3.8 Cabling Used in Weak System
4 Fibre to the Subscriber Unit Communication Facilities
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 The Subscriber Access Point Settings
4.3 Collocating Principle
4.4 Cable and Wiring Equipment Selection
4.5 Transmission Indicators
5 System Configuration Design
5.1 Work Area
5.2 Wiring Subsystem
5.3 Link Subsystem
5.4 Campus Subsystem
5.5 Entrance Facilities
5.6 Distribution Management System
6 Performance Indicators
6.1 Cable and Connecting Hardware Performance Indicators
6.2 System Performance Indicators
7 Installation Requirements
7.1 Work Area
7.2 Telecommunications Room
7.3 Equipment Room
7.4 Line Room
7.5 Duct and Cable Tray Installation
7.6 Cable Laying
7.7 Equipment Installation Design
8 Electrical Protection and Grounding
9 Fire Prevention
Annex A System Indicators
Annex B Communication Services Supported by 8-bit-module Universal Outlet Terminal
Annex C Cable Transmission Performance and Transmission Distance
Explanation of Wording in this Code
List of Quoted Standard