This standard specifies the labeling requirements, marking principle, expression methods, allowable deviation and judgment of label conformity, and gives expression examples of textile fibre content.
This standard is applicable to textile products sold in China. Unless otherwise stated by the nation, the products given in Appendix A are not within the scope of this standard.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, the parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies
GB/T 4146 Textile Terms and Terminology (Parts of Chemical Fibres)
GB/T 11951 Textiles-Natural Fibres-Generic Names and Definitions
GB/T 17685 Down and Feather
ISO 2076: 1999 Textiles - Man-made Fibres - Generic Names
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this standard.
Textile products
It refers to the products with natural fibre and chemical fibre as principal raw material, and produced by such process as spinning, weaving and dyeing or then by sewing and compounding, for example, yarn, textile and its finished products.
Permanent label
It refers to legible label which always attaches on product and be able to withstand the maintenance program stated in the product instruction.
4 Fibre Content Labeling Requirements
1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Fibre Content Labeling Requirements 5 Marking Principle of Fibre Content and Fibre Name 6 Fibre Content Expression Methods and Examples 7 Fibre Content Tolerance 8 Judgment of Conformity of Identification of Fibre Content Appendix A (Normative) Textile Products not Within the Scope of This Standard Appendix B (Informative) ISO 2076: 1999 "Textiles - Man-made Fibres - Generic Names" (Translated Version 1)) Appendix C (Informative) Names of Supplementary Fibers
1 Scope
This standard specifies the labeling requirements, marking principle, expression methods, allowable deviation and judgment of label conformity, and gives expression examples of textile fibre content.
This standard is applicable to textile products sold in China. Unless otherwise stated by the nation, the products given in Appendix A are not within the scope of this standard.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, the parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies
GB/T 4146 Textile Terms and Terminology (Parts of Chemical Fibres)
GB/T 11951 Textiles-Natural Fibres-Generic Names and Definitions
GB/T 17685 Down and Feather
ISO 2076: 1999 Textiles - Man-made Fibres - Generic Names
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this standard.
Textile products
It refers to the products with natural fibre and chemical fibre as principal raw material, and produced by such process as spinning, weaving and dyeing or then by sewing and compounding, for example, yarn, textile and its finished products.
Permanent label
It refers to legible label which always attaches on product and be able to withstand the maintenance program stated in the product instruction.
4 Fibre Content Labeling Requirements
Contents of FZ/T 01053-2007
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Fibre Content Labeling Requirements
5 Marking Principle of Fibre Content and Fibre Name
6 Fibre Content Expression Methods and Examples
7 Fibre Content Tolerance
8 Judgment of Conformity of Identification of Fibre Content
Appendix A (Normative) Textile Products not Within the Scope of This Standard
Appendix B (Informative) ISO 2076: 1999 "Textiles - Man-made Fibres - Generic Names" (Translated Version 1))
Appendix C (Informative) Names of Supplementary Fibers