This Part of GB 5296 specifies the basic principles, mark contents and mark requirements of instructions for use of textiles and apparel.
This Part is applicable to the textiles and apparel sold in the domestic market.
The products listed in Appendix A are not included in this Part.
This Part gives the judgment of defect in instructions for use, as detailed in Appendix B.
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the dated edition is applicable to this document. For undated references, the latest editions of the normative documents (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB/T 1335 (all Parts) Standard Sizing Systems for Garments
GB/T 6411 A Series of Size of Knitted Underwear
GBT/ 8685 Textiles - Care Labelling Code Using Symbols
GB 18401 National General Safety Technical Code for Textile Products
FZ/T 01053 Textiles-Identification of Fiber Content
QB/T 2262 Technical Terms for Leather Shoes Industry
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
Products of consumer interest
Products sold to meet the living needs of members of society.
[Definition 3.2, GB 5296.1-2012]
Instruction for use
Information conveyed to users on how to use products correctly and safely and on product functions, basic properties, and characteristics relating to said products. It is usually presented in the form of instruction for use, label, or nameplate, and can be represented by documents, words, marks, symbols, pictures or charts, graphic expressions, or audio or visual information separately or in combination. It can be used on a product [including instructions on an operating device (keys or buttons) of equipment or instructions electronically displayed during operation] or on packaging, also delivered as accompanying documents or materials (e.g. loose-leaf information sheet, manuals, audio and video tapes, and CDs).
[Definition 3.3, GB 5296.1-2012]
It refers to the products, such as yarn, fabric and finished products, made of natural fiber and chemical fiber as principal raw material by such processing techniques as spinning, weaving, dying or then by sewing or compound processes.
Products put on the human body and act as protection and ornament.
[Definition 2.2, GB/T 15557-2008]
Permanent label
It refers to the labels that are attached to the products permanently and can maintain legibility during the use process of the product.
4 Basic Principles
4.1 The instruction for use is a component of the delivered product.
4.2 All contents of instructions for use shall be concise, accurate, scientific and easy to understand.
4.3 Instructions for use shall introduce products truthfully and shall be free from exaggeration and fake content.
5 Contents of Instructions for Use
5.1 Name and address of the manufacturer
5.1.1 The textiles and apparel shall be marked with the legally-registered name and address of the manufacturer undertaking the legal liabilities.
5.1.2 The imported textiles and apparel shall be marked with the place of origin (country or region) and the legally-registered name and address of the agent, importer or dealer on Chinese mainland.
5.2 Product name
5.2.1 The products shall be marked with names that shall demonstrate their true natures.
5.2.2 Where there are terms and definitions related to the product names in the national and the professional standards, the names specified in the national and the professional standards should be adopted.
5.2.3 Where the terms and definitions of the product names are not specified in the national and the professional standards, the names which are unlikely to cause consumer's misunderstanding or confusion shall be adopted.
5.3 Product size designation or specification
5.3.1 Yarn shall be marked with at least one kind of product's main specification, e.g. thread density, length or weight.
5.3.2 Fabric shall be marked with at least one kind of product's main specification, e.g. mass per unit area, density or breadth.
5.3.3 Bedding, scarf, towel, curtain and other similar products shall be marked with the product's main specifications, e.g. length, width or weight.
5.3.4 Apparels should be marked with the product fitting scope according to the standard sizing systems for garments specified in GB/T 1335 or GB/T 6411; knitted apparels may also be marked with the length or girth.
5.3.5 Socks shall be marked with the size or fitting scope; pantyhose shall be marked with the fitting height or hip girth scope.
5.3.6 Hats shall be marked with the opening girth dimension or scope.
5.3.7 Gloves shall be marked with applicable palm length and width.
5.3.8 Other textiles shall be marked with their size designation or specification according to the product features.
5.4 Fiber composition and content
5.4.1 Products shall be marked with their fiber composition and content in accordance with FZ/T 01053.
5.4.2 Leather garments shall be marked with the leather category name in accordance with QB/T 2262.
5.5 Care method
Product care method shall be expressed according to the graphical symbols specified in GB/T 8685, for which corresponding illustrative words may be provided. Where the graphical symbols fail to meet the requirements, the care method may be instructed by words.
5.6 Product standards
Products shall be marked with the national, professional, provincial or company product standard No.
5.7 Safety category
Product safety category shall be marked in accordance with GB 18401.
5.8 Cautions for use and storage
Using cautions should be marked for the products that may be damaged due to misuse and storing methods should be described for the products with storage requirements.
6 Form of Instructions for Use
6.1 General requirements
6.1.1 Instructions for use have the following forms:
a) Directly printed or woven on the products;
b) Permanent label fixed to the product;
c) Label hung on the product;
d) Label hung, stuck or fixed to the product package;
e) Directly printed on the product package;
f) Accompanying data of the product.
6.1.2 One or more forms of instructions for use may be adopted. Where several forms of instructions for use are adopted simultaneously, the consistency of their contents shall be ensured.
6.2 Permanent label
6.2.1 Permanent labels shall be adopted for the size designation or specification, fiber composition and content as well as care method; the forms other than permanent label should be adopted for the rest contents.
6.2.2 The permanent label may not be adopted where it has an effect on the products, e.g. cloth, wool, socks, gloves.
6.2.3 Permanent label may not be adopted for the products that are customized in batch and not cared personally.
6.2.4 If products are packed, displayed or rolled up, and consumers have difficulty in finding the information on the permanent label, other information labelling form shall also be adopted.
1 Scope
This Part of GB 5296 specifies the basic principles, mark contents and mark requirements of instructions for use of textiles and apparel.
This Part is applicable to the textiles and apparel sold in the domestic market.
The products listed in Appendix A are not included in this Part.
This Part gives the judgment of defect in instructions for use, as detailed in Appendix B.
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the dated edition is applicable to this document. For undated references, the latest editions of the normative documents (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB/T 1335 (all Parts) Standard Sizing Systems for Garments
GB/T 6411 A Series of Size of Knitted Underwear
GBT/ 8685 Textiles - Care Labelling Code Using Symbols
GB 18401 National General Safety Technical Code for Textile Products
FZ/T 01053 Textiles-Identification of Fiber Content
QB/T 2262 Technical Terms for Leather Shoes Industry
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
Products of consumer interest
Products sold to meet the living needs of members of society.
[Definition 3.2, GB 5296.1-2012]
Instruction for use
Information conveyed to users on how to use products correctly and safely and on product functions, basic properties, and characteristics relating to said products. It is usually presented in the form of instruction for use, label, or nameplate, and can be represented by documents, words, marks, symbols, pictures or charts, graphic expressions, or audio or visual information separately or in combination. It can be used on a product [including instructions on an operating device (keys or buttons) of equipment or instructions electronically displayed during operation] or on packaging, also delivered as accompanying documents or materials (e.g. loose-leaf information sheet, manuals, audio and video tapes, and CDs).
[Definition 3.3, GB 5296.1-2012]
It refers to the products, such as yarn, fabric and finished products, made of natural fiber and chemical fiber as principal raw material by such processing techniques as spinning, weaving, dying or then by sewing or compound processes.
Products put on the human body and act as protection and ornament.
[Definition 2.2, GB/T 15557-2008]
Permanent label
It refers to the labels that are attached to the products permanently and can maintain legibility during the use process of the product.
4 Basic Principles
4.1 The instruction for use is a component of the delivered product.
4.2 All contents of instructions for use shall be concise, accurate, scientific and easy to understand.
4.3 Instructions for use shall introduce products truthfully and shall be free from exaggeration and fake content.
5 Contents of Instructions for Use
5.1 Name and address of the manufacturer
5.1.1 The textiles and apparel shall be marked with the legally-registered name and address of the manufacturer undertaking the legal liabilities.
5.1.2 The imported textiles and apparel shall be marked with the place of origin (country or region) and the legally-registered name and address of the agent, importer or dealer on Chinese mainland.
5.2 Product name
5.2.1 The products shall be marked with names that shall demonstrate their true natures.
5.2.2 Where there are terms and definitions related to the product names in the national and the professional standards, the names specified in the national and the professional standards should be adopted.
5.2.3 Where the terms and definitions of the product names are not specified in the national and the professional standards, the names which are unlikely to cause consumer's misunderstanding or confusion shall be adopted.
5.3 Product size designation or specification
5.3.1 Yarn shall be marked with at least one kind of product's main specification, e.g. thread density, length or weight.
5.3.2 Fabric shall be marked with at least one kind of product's main specification, e.g. mass per unit area, density or breadth.
5.3.3 Bedding, scarf, towel, curtain and other similar products shall be marked with the product's main specifications, e.g. length, width or weight.
5.3.4 Apparels should be marked with the product fitting scope according to the standard sizing systems for garments specified in GB/T 1335 or GB/T 6411; knitted apparels may also be marked with the length or girth.
5.3.5 Socks shall be marked with the size or fitting scope; pantyhose shall be marked with the fitting height or hip girth scope.
5.3.6 Hats shall be marked with the opening girth dimension or scope.
5.3.7 Gloves shall be marked with applicable palm length and width.
5.3.8 Other textiles shall be marked with their size designation or specification according to the product features.
5.4 Fiber composition and content
5.4.1 Products shall be marked with their fiber composition and content in accordance with FZ/T 01053.
5.4.2 Leather garments shall be marked with the leather category name in accordance with QB/T 2262.
5.5 Care method
Product care method shall be expressed according to the graphical symbols specified in GB/T 8685, for which corresponding illustrative words may be provided. Where the graphical symbols fail to meet the requirements, the care method may be instructed by words.
5.6 Product standards
Products shall be marked with the national, professional, provincial or company product standard No.
5.7 Safety category
Product safety category shall be marked in accordance with GB 18401.
5.8 Cautions for use and storage
Using cautions should be marked for the products that may be damaged due to misuse and storing methods should be described for the products with storage requirements.
6 Form of Instructions for Use
6.1 General requirements
6.1.1 Instructions for use have the following forms:
a) Directly printed or woven on the products;
b) Permanent label fixed to the product;
c) Label hung on the product;
d) Label hung, stuck or fixed to the product package;
e) Directly printed on the product package;
f) Accompanying data of the product.
6.1.2 One or more forms of instructions for use may be adopted. Where several forms of instructions for use are adopted simultaneously, the consistency of their contents shall be ensured.
6.2 Permanent label
6.2.1 Permanent labels shall be adopted for the size designation or specification, fiber composition and content as well as care method; the forms other than permanent label should be adopted for the rest contents.
6.2.2 The permanent label may not be adopted where it has an effect on the products, e.g. cloth, wool, socks, gloves.
6.2.3 Permanent label may not be adopted for the products that are customized in batch and not cared personally.
6.2.4 If products are packed, displayed or rolled up, and consumers have difficulty in finding the information on the permanent label, other information labelling form shall also be adopted.