Steel and Steel Products - General Technical Delivery Requirements
钢及钢产品 交货一般技术要求
1 Scope
This standard specifies the general technical delivery requirements for steel and steel products (except cast steel and sintered metal products) covered in GB/T 15574.
Where the requirements of product standard or clauses of contract are inconsistent with the requirements of this standard, the former shall prevail.
Note: this standard shall be applied in combination with other technical standards, and cannot be separately used for ordering.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 1467 General Rules and Regulations of the Chemical Analysis Methods for Products of Metallurgical Industries
GB/T 2975 Steel and Steel Products - Location and Preparation of Test Pieces for Mechanical Testing (GB/T 2975-1998, eqv ISO 377:1997)
GB/T 8170-2008 Rules of Rounding Off for Numerical Values & Expression and Judgment of Limiting Values
GB/T 13304.1 Steels Classification - Part 1: Classification According to Chemical Composition (GB/T 13304.1-2008, ISO 4948-1:1982, MOD)
GB/T 13304.2 Steels Classification - Part 2: Classification According to Main Quality Classes and Main Property or Application Characteristics (GB/T 13304.2-2008, ISO 4948-2: 1981, MOD)
GB/T 15574 Steel Products Classification and Definition (GB/T 15574-2016, ISO 6929: 2013, MOD)
GB/T 18253 Steel and Steel Products - Types of Inspection Documents (GB/T 18253-2000, eqv ISO 10474: 1991)
GB/T 19001 Quality Management Systems - Requirements (GB/T 19001-2008, ISO 9001:2008, IDT)
GB/T 20066 Steel and Iron - Sampling and Preparation of Samples for the Determination of Chemical Composition (GB/T 20066-2006, ISO 14284: 1996, IDT)
3 Terminologies and Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terminologies and definitions established in GB/T 13304.1, GB/T 13304.2 and GB/T 15574 and those listed below apply.
The activities of determining, inspecting, testing and measuring one or more characteristic value(s) of a kind of product or service, and comparing such values with the specified ones to determine whether they are acceptable.
All operations or activities of determining one or more performance and characteristic value(s) of one kind of material or product.
Non-specific inspection and testing
The inspection and testing carried out by the manufacturer according to self-specified procedure to judge whether the products manufactured with the same production process meet the requirements of the contact.
Note: the inspected and tested products may not be the actually delivered products.
Specific inspection and testing
The inspection and testing carried out on all or part of delivered products according to the technical requirements of the contract before delivery, so as to verify whether they meet the requirements of the contact.
Inspection representative
The inspection representative may be one or several people, and they may be:
a) The inspection representatives authorized by the manufacturer, who cannot be engaged in any production procedure of the production line;
b) The representative authorized by the user;
c) The inspection representative designated by the third party.
Test unit
The number of pieces or tunnage of products at one acceptance or rejection based on the test carried out on sample product according to the requirements of product standard or the contact.
1: see Figure 1.
2: It is also referred as "inspection lot" or "batch".
Sample product
The product (e.g. a plate) sampled from test unit during inspection and testing.
Note: see Figure 1.
Sufficient materials cut from the sample products to prepare one or several sample (s).
1: see Figure 1.
2: in some cases, sample is the sample product.
Rough specimen
The sample subjecting to proper heat treatment after mechanical treatment in order to prepare test piece.
Note: see Figure 1.
Test piece
The machined or unmachined rough specimen with acceptable dimensions and meeting the state required by the testing.
1: see Figure 1.
2: at certain state, the test piece may be either sample or rough specimen.
Cast (heat) analysis
The analysis carried out by the steel and iron enterprise to determine the cast chemical composition of the sample.
Note: generally, cast (heat) analysis refers to the chemical analysis carried out by adopting sample during the casting process of molten steel. However, sampling analysis on steel ingot are adopted for vacuum arc remelting process (VAR) and electroslag remelting process (ESR), and their results may also be regarded as cast (heat) analysis results.
Product analysis
Chemical composition analysis carried out on delivered products.
Sequential testing
A group or a series of tests (e.g. impact test, tensile test in thickness direction, etc.), and the average and single value obtained through such testing are used to judge whether the product meets the requirements of the contract and/or product standard.
The organization carrying out corresponding production according to contract requirements and the performance specified in relevant product standard.
The organization obtaining products from the manufacturer and then supply them directly or after processing (the performance specified in the contract and product standard shall not be changed) to the purchaser.
Note: for example, the intermediary may be steel service center or wholesaler.
1 - test unit;
2 - sample product;
3 - sample;
4 - rough specimen;
5 - test piece.
Figure 1 Examples for Definitions Specified in Chapter 3
4 Ordering Information Provided by the User
4.1 The user shall consider the demand of further processing and final use when selecting the designation of steel and the shape and dimension of product. Where necessary, opinions of the manufacturer may be solicited.
4.2 The contract shall include all contents describing the product characteristics and the following delivery details:
a) Delivery weight, length, quantity and area;
b) Product shape (e.g.: drawing No.);
c) Nominal dimension;
d) Tolerance of a) and c) characteristic values;
e) Steel designation;
f) Delivery condition (methods of heat treatment and surface treatment, etc.);
g) Special requirements for surface quality and internal quality (see 7.4);
h) Types of the required inspection document, quality certificate, inspection and testing (only applicable where not specified in the product standard) (see Chapter 8);
i) Where necessary, the quality management system in GB/T 19001 is adopted;
j) Packaging, marking, storage and transportation;
k) All selection requirements proposed in product standard or all additional clauses beyond the product standard.
4.3 Contents in 4.2 shall also specify that any of the following method(s) is (are) selected:
a) One or more national (or professional) standard(s) is (are) adopted;
b) Where no standard is available, the characteristic values and clauses specified in the contract are adopted;
c) Where the standard cited in the contract is not dated, the valid edition when signing the contract shall be adopted. In case of any disagreement on the current standard edition, the adopted edition shall be subject to negotiation between the supplier and the purchaser.
5 Manufacturing Process
The manufacturing process shall be selected by the manufacturer unless otherwise agreed upon ordering or specified in product standard.
Note: manufacturing process includes all procedures from steelmaking to product delivery.
6 Intermediary Supply
6.1 If the intermediary doesn't conduct any processing for the products, it shall submit the inspection document or quality certificate of the manufacturer simultaneously during delivery. The type of inspection document shall meet the requirements of GB/T 18253 while the quality certificate shall meet the requirements of relevant standards or contracts.
Note: GB/T 247, GB/T 2101, GB/T 2102, GB/T 2103, GB/T 2104 and YB/T 5242 standards are related to the quality certificate.
6.2 To ensure the traceability between the supplied products and inspection document or quality certificate, the inspection document or quality certificate provided by the manufacturer shall include corresponding product marking methods (See Chapter 10).
6.3 If intermediary changes the dimension of product, then it shall provide an attached document meeting these new conditions. This is also applicable to all special requirements not included in the inspection document or quality certificate provided by manufacturer.
6.4 If any organization changes the metallurgical performance of the product during processing, then it will be regarded as the manufacturer of such product.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terminologies and Definitions 4 Ordering Information Provided by the User 5 Manufacturing Process 6 Intermediary Supply 7 Requirements 8 Inspection and Testing 9 Reclassification and Repair 10 Marking 11 Dispute Appendix A (Informative) Technical Differences between this Standard and ISO 404: 2013 and their Reasons Bibliography
Steel and Steel Products - General Technical Delivery Requirements
钢及钢产品 交货一般技术要求
1 Scope
This standard specifies the general technical delivery requirements for steel and steel products (except cast steel and sintered metal products) covered in GB/T 15574.
Where the requirements of product standard or clauses of contract are inconsistent with the requirements of this standard, the former shall prevail.
Note: this standard shall be applied in combination with other technical standards, and cannot be separately used for ordering.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 1467 General Rules and Regulations of the Chemical Analysis Methods for Products of Metallurgical Industries
GB/T 2975 Steel and Steel Products - Location and Preparation of Test Pieces for Mechanical Testing (GB/T 2975-1998, eqv ISO 377:1997)
GB/T 8170-2008 Rules of Rounding Off for Numerical Values & Expression and Judgment of Limiting Values
GB/T 13304.1 Steels Classification - Part 1: Classification According to Chemical Composition (GB/T 13304.1-2008, ISO 4948-1:1982, MOD)
GB/T 13304.2 Steels Classification - Part 2: Classification According to Main Quality Classes and Main Property or Application Characteristics (GB/T 13304.2-2008, ISO 4948-2: 1981, MOD)
GB/T 15574 Steel Products Classification and Definition (GB/T 15574-2016, ISO 6929: 2013, MOD)
GB/T 18253 Steel and Steel Products - Types of Inspection Documents (GB/T 18253-2000, eqv ISO 10474: 1991)
GB/T 19001 Quality Management Systems - Requirements (GB/T 19001-2008, ISO 9001:2008, IDT)
GB/T 20066 Steel and Iron - Sampling and Preparation of Samples for the Determination of Chemical Composition (GB/T 20066-2006, ISO 14284: 1996, IDT)
3 Terminologies and Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terminologies and definitions established in GB/T 13304.1, GB/T 13304.2 and GB/T 15574 and those listed below apply.
The activities of determining, inspecting, testing and measuring one or more characteristic value(s) of a kind of product or service, and comparing such values with the specified ones to determine whether they are acceptable.
All operations or activities of determining one or more performance and characteristic value(s) of one kind of material or product.
Non-specific inspection and testing
The inspection and testing carried out by the manufacturer according to self-specified procedure to judge whether the products manufactured with the same production process meet the requirements of the contact.
Note: the inspected and tested products may not be the actually delivered products.
Specific inspection and testing
The inspection and testing carried out on all or part of delivered products according to the technical requirements of the contract before delivery, so as to verify whether they meet the requirements of the contact.
Inspection representative
The inspection representative may be one or several people, and they may be:
a) The inspection representatives authorized by the manufacturer, who cannot be engaged in any production procedure of the production line;
b) The representative authorized by the user;
c) The inspection representative designated by the third party.
Test unit
The number of pieces or tunnage of products at one acceptance or rejection based on the test carried out on sample product according to the requirements of product standard or the contact.
1: see Figure 1.
2: It is also referred as "inspection lot" or "batch".
Sample product
The product (e.g. a plate) sampled from test unit during inspection and testing.
Note: see Figure 1.
Sufficient materials cut from the sample products to prepare one or several sample (s).
1: see Figure 1.
2: in some cases, sample is the sample product.
Rough specimen
The sample subjecting to proper heat treatment after mechanical treatment in order to prepare test piece.
Note: see Figure 1.
Test piece
The machined or unmachined rough specimen with acceptable dimensions and meeting the state required by the testing.
1: see Figure 1.
2: at certain state, the test piece may be either sample or rough specimen.
Cast (heat) analysis
The analysis carried out by the steel and iron enterprise to determine the cast chemical composition of the sample.
Note: generally, cast (heat) analysis refers to the chemical analysis carried out by adopting sample during the casting process of molten steel. However, sampling analysis on steel ingot are adopted for vacuum arc remelting process (VAR) and electroslag remelting process (ESR), and their results may also be regarded as cast (heat) analysis results.
Product analysis
Chemical composition analysis carried out on delivered products.
Sequential testing
A group or a series of tests (e.g. impact test, tensile test in thickness direction, etc.), and the average and single value obtained through such testing are used to judge whether the product meets the requirements of the contract and/or product standard.
The organization carrying out corresponding production according to contract requirements and the performance specified in relevant product standard.
The organization obtaining products from the manufacturer and then supply them directly or after processing (the performance specified in the contract and product standard shall not be changed) to the purchaser.
Note: for example, the intermediary may be steel service center or wholesaler.
1 - test unit;
2 - sample product;
3 - sample;
4 - rough specimen;
5 - test piece.
Figure 1 Examples for Definitions Specified in Chapter 3
4 Ordering Information Provided by the User
4.1 The user shall consider the demand of further processing and final use when selecting the designation of steel and the shape and dimension of product. Where necessary, opinions of the manufacturer may be solicited.
4.2 The contract shall include all contents describing the product characteristics and the following delivery details:
a) Delivery weight, length, quantity and area;
b) Product shape (e.g.: drawing No.);
c) Nominal dimension;
d) Tolerance of a) and c) characteristic values;
e) Steel designation;
f) Delivery condition (methods of heat treatment and surface treatment, etc.);
g) Special requirements for surface quality and internal quality (see 7.4);
h) Types of the required inspection document, quality certificate, inspection and testing (only applicable where not specified in the product standard) (see Chapter 8);
i) Where necessary, the quality management system in GB/T 19001 is adopted;
j) Packaging, marking, storage and transportation;
k) All selection requirements proposed in product standard or all additional clauses beyond the product standard.
4.3 Contents in 4.2 shall also specify that any of the following method(s) is (are) selected:
a) One or more national (or professional) standard(s) is (are) adopted;
b) Where no standard is available, the characteristic values and clauses specified in the contract are adopted;
c) Where the standard cited in the contract is not dated, the valid edition when signing the contract shall be adopted. In case of any disagreement on the current standard edition, the adopted edition shall be subject to negotiation between the supplier and the purchaser.
5 Manufacturing Process
The manufacturing process shall be selected by the manufacturer unless otherwise agreed upon ordering or specified in product standard.
Note: manufacturing process includes all procedures from steelmaking to product delivery.
6 Intermediary Supply
6.1 If the intermediary doesn't conduct any processing for the products, it shall submit the inspection document or quality certificate of the manufacturer simultaneously during delivery. The type of inspection document shall meet the requirements of GB/T 18253 while the quality certificate shall meet the requirements of relevant standards or contracts.
Note: GB/T 247, GB/T 2101, GB/T 2102, GB/T 2103, GB/T 2104 and YB/T 5242 standards are related to the quality certificate.
6.2 To ensure the traceability between the supplied products and inspection document or quality certificate, the inspection document or quality certificate provided by the manufacturer shall include corresponding product marking methods (See Chapter 10).
6.3 If intermediary changes the dimension of product, then it shall provide an attached document meeting these new conditions. This is also applicable to all special requirements not included in the inspection document or quality certificate provided by manufacturer.
6.4 If any organization changes the metallurgical performance of the product during processing, then it will be regarded as the manufacturer of such product.
Contents of GB/T 17505-2016
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terminologies and Definitions
4 Ordering Information Provided by the User
5 Manufacturing Process
6 Intermediary Supply
7 Requirements
8 Inspection and Testing
9 Reclassification and Repair
10 Marking
11 Dispute
Appendix A (Informative) Technical Differences between this Standard and ISO 404: 2013 and their Reasons